Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2865 The extreme realm! (2 updates)

"Xia...Boss Xiahou..."

Wang Yue was so frightened that his whole body turned cold, " must not be bewitched by that woman. She lied to you. She simply lied to you! That man..."

In desperation, Wang Yue stared at Ling Feng and gritted his teeth and said: "Hahaha, Boss Xiahou, I have a way to prove whether that woman is really willing to leave you?"


Xia Houtao is not that easy to fool. Although he is quite moved by Yu Junyao's proposal, he cannot confirm whether Yu Junyao is telling the truth.

"This woman, she likes that brat!"

Wang Yue pointed at Ling Feng and shouted: "Yu Junyao, didn't you keep saying you wanted to leave with Boss Xiahou? Well, as long as you kill Ling Feng with your own hands, it will prove your sincerity! Even if Boss Xiahou wants to kill me, I have no complaints either!”


Yu Junyao was stunned. She didn't expect that this Wang Yue would actually turn an army against him!

She is indeed very smart and knows how to drive a wedge between Wang Yue and Xia Houtao.

However, Ling Feng was her weakness.

If she was asked to hurt Ling Feng, she simply couldn't do it.

"Hahaha!" Wang Yue laughed loudly, "You see, this woman is full of lies! Boss Xiahou, don't hesitate anymore, kill them, the treasures on their bodies will be yours!"

Xia Houtao had also reacted, thinking of how Yu Junyao had risked his life to protect Ling Feng. How could such a woman suddenly change her mind?

There must be fraud in this!

"Hmph, sure enough, the word "sex" has a knife on its head!"

Xia Houtao snorted coldly, "I almost fell into your trap! What a pity, little girl, you are too dangerous, I can't let you live!"

The next moment, Xia Houtao's eyes flashed with cold light, and he had already made his final decision.

"You are all going to die!"

Evil energy surged around Xia Houtao. He was very strong, not much inferior to Ye Xuan.

Once he has the intention to kill, he will naturally do it cleanly.

A trace of despair flashed in Yujunyao's eyes.

She has tried her best!

She turned back and took a deep look at Ling Feng, bit her silver teeth, but a strange thought came to her mind: At least, I can die with him...

Thinking of this, her expression became less fearful and more calm.

She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth: "Then come on, we Jiuli Divine Clan people are not afraid of death!"


Xia Houtao sneered, and a narrow sword slipped from his hand. The sword's edge trembled, and like a snake spitting a message, it stabbed Yu Junyao's chest.

Yu Junyao closed her eyes. She knew that she was no match for Xia Houtao and that she would die soon!

However, the tingling feeling of being pierced through the heart as expected did not happen.

She just heard the last knocking sound, which was as deafening as thunder.

Then, she felt a strong arm wrap around her waist.

"Silly girl, thank you very much!"

At this critical moment, Ling Feng finally completed the forging of the Black Soul Stone.

He succeeded!

Seeing that Yu Junyao was about to be pierced through the heart with a sword, Ling Feng grabbed her waist and pulled her into his arms. He changed his footwork and avoided Xia Houtao's sword.

The next moment, Ling Feng had pushed Yu Junyao behind him and stared at Xia Houtao opposite him with solemn eyes.

"Anyone who dares to touch me will die!"

Ling Feng's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and the "one" divine pattern on his forehead flashed with light.

He saw everything that happened just now and was already burning with anger.

Yu Junyao came back to her senses and looked at Ling Feng's back. When she heard his words "my people", her pretty face suddenly turned red, like a ripe red apple.

She clenched her pink fist, and for a moment she was fascinated by the sight.

"Humph, it turns out I'm just stalling for time!"

Xia Houtao sneered, "It looks like you have forged something, but everything is in vain! Now that it's over, you all will die!"

"This world has become so ugly precisely because of scum and scum like you!"

Ling Feng's eyes held an extremely cold murderous intent.

Ye Xuan and the others, leading the death squad outside the city tower, used their own flesh and blood to resist the invasion of the tide of Warcraft.

But these people, on the other hand, actually want to waste everyone's efforts in order to save their own lives.

People can be afraid of death, but they cannot be selfish to this extent!

Their behavior is worse than pigs, dogs, and beasts!

"Stop talking about great truths here!"

Xia Houtao sneered, "I only know that if you don't care for yourself, you will be destroyed by heaven and earth!"

"Then let me tell you something!"

Ling Feng stared at Xia Houtao, "I am very angry, and the consequences will be serious!"


Xia Houtao laughed loudly, looking at the divine pattern on Ling Feng's forehead, laughing so hard, "If you were a direct descendant of the Jiuli God Clan, I would still be a little afraid of you, but with a miscellaneous bloodline like yours, how dare you do it to me?" Show off in front of others? Okay!”

Xia Houtao raised his fingers at Ling Feng, "I want to see how serious the consequences of your anger are!"


With a crisp sword cry, everything in the ten directions was extinguished and fell into the palm of his hand.

Ling Feng no longer bothered to talk nonsense with a scum like Xia Houtao.

For a person like him to live for one more second would be an insult to the world!

"Li Huo Liao Tian!"

The rolling flames started to burn. As soon as Ling Feng took action, he used the Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique. The sky was filled with flames, falling like a meteor shower, covering Xia Houtao's entire body in the light of fire.


Xia Houtao's expression changed slightly. Only then did he realize that this boy with extremely crude divine patterns had such strength!

After all, Ling Feng was the man who fought equally with Ye Xuan that day.

Although he was injured by Xia Houtao before, he suppressed the injury forcefully. Coupled with his furious state, his strength skyrocketed.

"Hmph, it looks like I have to use this unblocking talisman."

Xia Houtao took a deep breath. He could not waste any more time, otherwise, other accidents would easily occur in his plan.

He had to make a quick decision.

He held the unblocking talisman in his hand and stared at Ling Feng coldly, "Boy, wake up!"

The unsealing talisman burned, and in an instant, Xia Houtao's momentum continued to rise.

After fully unsealing, Xia Houtao's cultivation, spiritual consciousness and other powers were restored to the extreme.

He is also a peak saint, and he is also an invincible existence in the ancestral realm.

In the Zhongyuan Domain, warriors who reach this level are also called the ultimate realm.

There is also a considerable gap between the extremely strong and the extremely strong, so they are also divided into three stages.

From the extreme one section to the extreme three sections!

Ling Feng defeated Lao Xue at Tianxiang Peak, which means that his strength has reached the ultimate level one, and this Xia Houtao's strength has already reached the extreme second level!

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