Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2866 The power of fire! (3 updates)

The ultimate second-level warrior!

Ling Feng's face was slightly solemn. Even in his unblocked state, he was only at the limit level 1. It was still difficult to deal with the limit level 2.

But at this moment, he no longer had any extra unblocking talismans, and the opponent he needed to face was a strong person in the second level of the extreme!

He didn't have much confidence in this battle.

However, outside the Demon-Conquering Station, the situation is even more grim.

He couldn't waste too long on Xia Houtao. He had to deal with this person as soon as possible and repair the spiritual light cannon.

Only by repairing the spiritual light cannon can this crisis be resolved.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Xia Houtao laughed ferociously, and stared at Ling Feng with his cold eyes, "Boy, what other tricks do you have? If you don't have any more tricks, then go to hell!"

After being unblocked, Xia Houtao's strength and speed were greatly improved.

The figure flashed, and before Ling Feng could react, he punched Ling Feng in the cheek.


The mandible seemed to be dislocated, and Ling Feng's body was blown away like a cannonball, hitting the wall heavily.


Ling Feng spat out a mouthful of blood, his cheeks swollen, but his eyes were still fixed on Xia Houtao angrily.

He regretted why he didn't leave a few more unblocking talismans as backup.

Otherwise, we would no longer be in such a situation of being beaten.

"a ha ha ha!"

Wang Yue laughed loudly, "Ling Feng, aren't you very powerful? What, why are you like a dead dog now? You trash, you will always be just a useless trash, just a breeding pig who rose to the top by seducing women. That’s all!”

Wang Yue scolded her more and more fiercely, but in fact, he was extremely envious in his heart.

If he could seduce a woman from the three high-ranking gods, let alone a stunning beauty like Yu Junyao, he wouldn't mind even an old woman who looked like a wolf and a tiger!


Xia Houtao's figure was like lightning, and he punched Ling Feng flying away. At the same time, a flash of sword light flashed, and the narrow sword like a spiritual snake had pierced through his chest.

Blood flowed out gurglingly, but Ling Feng's aura was still extremely tenacious.

Even though Ling Feng had been beaten beyond recognition, he still stared at Xia Houtao.

"A disgusting look!"

Xia Houtao clenched his fists, not expecting Ling Feng's vitality to be so strong.

He was tired of this senseless killing, and his fingers, like two iron hooks, stabbed hard into Ling Feng's eyes.

"I'm going to dig out your eyes and see how you still stare at me!"

Xia Houtao grabbed Ling Feng's shirt tightly with one hand, and with the force of thunder, the other hand was about to dig out Ling Feng's eyes.

"no, do not want!"

Yu Junyao covered her delicate lips and exclaimed, Xia Houtao, who activated the unblocking talisman, was really too strong.

Could it be that they couldn't escape this disaster after all?


At this moment, a heart-rending scream sounded, but it was not Ling Feng's voice.

That was clearly Xia Houtao's voice!

Just when his finger was about to penetrate Ling Feng's pupils, an extremely hot flame burst out from Ling Feng's body.

That's the Jiuli Divine Fire!

Moreover, the terrifying degree of this flame far exceeded the limit of Ling Feng's control.

In just an instant, Xia Houtao's two fingers were burned into charcoal, and then, Xia Houtao's body was also set on fire, burning with blazing fire.

"Ah! Ah!——"

Xia Houtao quickly threw Ling Feng away and rolled crazily on the ground. However, how could the Jiuli Divine Fire be extinguished so easily.

In just a few blinks of an eye, Xia Houtao's body was burned directly to charcoal, and the screams gradually dissipated. Xia Houtao was already dead and could no longer die.

"This...this flame?"

Yujunyao was stunned. As a descendant of the Jiuli Divine Clan, she knew exactly what this was.

However, can Ling Feng really release this level of Jiuli Divine Fire?

She looked at Ling Feng with some suspicion. He obviously only got part of Mu Qianxue's divine blood, so he could awaken the Jiuli Divine Fire, but why was the divine fire in his body so ridiculously strong?

Seeing this scene, Ling Feng was also a little dumbfounded. That flame just now?

In his Dantian, a burning sensation spread throughout his body, almost burning all his eight meridians.

"Is it...that senior's power?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he quickly realized that the old man he met on the 18th floor of the Demon Sealing Tower, who claimed to be the ancestor of the Jiuli God Clan, had integrated his so-called "fire" into his body.

Just now, when he was dying, it was the Jiuli Divine Fire that burst out from the fire that saved his life.

Ling Feng coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood. Yu Junyao didn't think so much and quickly stepped forward to help Ling Feng up.

"Ling Feng, how are you? Are you okay?"

Yu Junyao asked with concern.


Ling Feng took a deep breath and looked at Wang Yue and the others with cold eyes.


Wang Yu was very sensible. Seeing that even Xia Houtao was burned into charcoal, he knelt down in front of Ling Feng without even thinking.

As for the other few, they took advantage of the chaos and escaped.

"We can't let them escape!"

The seriously injured soul guard yelled.

"Can you run away?"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Now the Demon-Conquering Station is surrounded by a tide of beasts. They can't escape, so don't worry about them yet!"

Ling Feng looked at Wang Yue. This guy was smart. He knew that even if he could escape from the forging room, he could not escape from the Demon-Conquering Station, so he knelt down and begged for mercy.

Moreover, he was the slowest. Even if he turned around and ran away, he would be the first to be caught up and killed.

"It's none of my business, it's all... that Xia Houtao. He insists on doing his own thing, regardless of everyone's safety. I was forced to do it too!"

Wang Yue repeatedly kowtowed to Ling Feng and begged for mercy, wailing loudly, and looked like his own father had died.

"I'm going to kill him!"

Yu Junyao's eyes flashed with coldness. A hundred times would not be enough for a villain like Wang Yue.

"Not urgent!"

Ling Feng looked weak. Although the flames just now were powerful, they seemed to have exhausted all his potential.

He was so weak now that if it weren't for Yu Junyao's support, he might not even be able to stand firmly.

Ling Feng stared at Wang Yue and said coldly: "Ye Hui, was it you who killed him?"

Wang Yue's heart thumped, and he quickly denied it: "'s not me. How could it be possible? With my strength, how could I kill Brother Hui?"

"Okay, since it's not you..." Ling Feng sneered, "Miss Yu, go kill him!"

"Humph, that's exactly what I meant!"

Yu Junyao had long disliked Wang Yue and wanted to cut him into pieces.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

At this moment, Wang Yue burst out laughing, "Ling Feng, do you think I'm a fool? If I admit it, will I still have a way to live? I won't survive, but neither will you, hum, Even if you kill Ye Hui, you can’t let the Tai’a God Clan let you go!”

"I do underestimate you."

Ling Feng shrugged, "But even if you don't admit it, I can do something about it!"

He can use the Eye of the Emperor to plunder Wang Yue's memory. This is ironclad evidence that Wang Yue cannot deny at all.

But right now, he was too weak, so he could only imprison Wang Yue first, and then clarify everything with Ye Xuan face to face after repelling the beast tide.

Ye Xuan is an admirable person, and Ling Feng does not want to become enemies with people like Ye Xuan because of some villain's tricks.

With a flash of black light, Ling Feng called Donkey out and said in a cold voice: "Donkey, you are responsible for keeping an eye on him. If you let him run away, I will make you a donkey meat and burn it!"

The bitch originally wanted to argue with Ling Feng, but when he saw the serious look on his face, he could only snort coldly and said in a low voice: "I know!"

If there is a bitch keeping an eye on Wang Yue, he won't be able to escape.

After explaining this, Ling Feng looked at Yu Junyao and said in a deep voice: "Miss Yu, my black soul stone has been cast. How is the situation on your side?"

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