Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2867 The sound of counterattack! (1 update)

Yu Junyao gritted her teeth, looked at Ling Feng deeply, and then said: "It's still a little short. The magic array on this spiritual light cannon is more complicated than I imagined."

"Hurry up."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, "We don't have much time left!"

Although he didn't see the situation outside with his own eyes, the heart-wrenching roars, screams, and the terrifying roars of those monsters, intertwined together, have made people imagine how tragic the battle outside is.

"Three seniors!"

Ling Feng looked at the three forgers and said in a deep voice: "Now that the three kinds of ore materials have been smelted, we can start repairing the barrel."

The three forgers nodded repeatedly. After seeing Ling Feng's skills, how dare they underestimate Ling Feng.

Then, Ling Feng looked at the Yuanshen guard again and saluted him, "Thank you for guarding here, don't let anyone get close!"

Time is running out. If there are another group of scum like Xiahou Tao, this Fumo Station may really be hopeless.


The Yuanshen guard nodded heavily and clenched his fists. He had never felt so important before.


One hour...

Two hours...

Outside the tower of Fumo Station, countless warriors, wielding their weapons, have gradually become numb.

There are too many monsters, and they can't be killed at all.

One after another, the companions fell down. Outside Fumo Station, the piled corpses, some of which were human monks, and some of which were monsters, were almost as high as the tower.

Ye Xuan was covered in blood and his body was trembling slightly.

The three unsealing talismans on his body have all been used up.

The last unsealing talisman can only last for less than half an hour.

The Tai'a Sword in his hand was stained with blood and looked dim.

"Hu... Hu..."

Almost all humans were breathing heavily, their eyes full of tragic and desperate colors.

It seemed that everything was coming to an end.

At this moment, more than half of the thousands of warriors in Fumoyi were dead or injured.

They were no longer able to continue to resist.

It was only a matter of time before the entire Fumoyi was razed to the ground.

"These damn beasts can never be killed!"

Sun Datong was covered with wounds. The wound on his chest was so deep that the bone could be seen, and one could even vaguely see the beating heart in the chest.

He spat out a mouthful of blood foam and no longer expected to survive.

"Young Master Ye!"

Sun Datong looked at Ye Xuan who was not far ahead, and gritted his teeth and said, "The Fumo Station has fallen. There is no hope. I will open the way for you. With your ability, you can still cross the beast tide and leave the fifth level of the Fumo Realm!"

"No, wait a little longer!"

Ye Xuan took a deep breath, chopped off a demon beast in front of him with a sword, and gritted his teeth and said, "I believe in Ling Feng! He will repair the spiritual light cannon!"

Almost half of the people are still alive now. The reason why they have not given up and are still resisting these demon beasts is because Ye Xuan is their spiritual pillar.

If Ye Xuan also gave up, it would be equivalent to abandoning everyone.

Then, the Fumo Station will only collapse faster!

In Ye Xuan's heart, there is always a glimmer of hope.

"Hold on! We will survive!"

Ye Xuan roared even though he was almost exhausted, and even though the maintenance effect of the unsealing talisman was less than half an hour.

But he still did not choose to abandon everyone.

Inspired by Ye Xuan, everyone also burst out with unprecedented fighting spirit.


Grit your teeth and hold on, and you will eventually see the dawn of hope!


The fierce battle continued, and more and more companions fell.

Those who died were either torn into pieces by the monsters or trampled into pieces. The land of the Fumo Station with a radius of 100 feet was almost dyed red with blood.

Everyone's eyes were red with killing, and they could only wave their weapons mechanically.

But the belief in survival made them burst out with unprecedented potential again and again, and repel the surging beast tide again and again.

What they saw with their eyes was blood red.

Their ears could not even hear any sound.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

It was unknown how long they persisted, and finally, a roaring sound came from their ears.


This roaring sound seemed to reopen their hearing, and it was so crisp and so beautiful.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There were explosions one after another, and a terrible shock wave broke out directly in the beast tide in the distance.

It was like a huge mouth of an abyss, sweeping out from the center of the explosion, destroying everything.

With one shot, dozens of monsters were destroyed!

"It's the spiritual light cannon!"

"The spiritual light cannon is coming!"

The loud sound of the cannon undoubtedly inspired everyone's fighting spirit.

On the tower of Fumoyi, eight cannons were erected high. Ling Feng controlled one of the spiritual light cannons and began to bombard.

They finally completed the impossible task at the last moment.

"You... are finally here!"

Ye Xuan looked at Ling Feng on the tower and smiled faintly.

Ling Feng's eyes met Ye Xuan.

His ability to complete the task was inseparable from Ye Xuan's efforts.

If those monsters had defeated the barrier before they repaired the spiritual light cannon, then everything would be in vain.

"Everyone, follow my orders and counterattack!"

Ye Xuan raised his arms and shouted. With the cover of the spiritual light cannon, the strength of the human race was greatly increased.

"Counterattack! Counterattack!"

"Damn it, you damn beasts, go to hell!"


The crowd was excited, and everyone was extremely excited. Under the hope of survival, everyone burst out with amazing fighting spirit.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of cannons was everywhere, and almost every spiritual light cannon could easily swallow dozens of monsters.

The eight cannons fired together were terrifyingly powerful.

"I'll beat you to death, I'll beat you to death!"

Yu Junyao also controls one of the cannons. The reason why this spiritual light cannon needs the black soul stone is that through the power of the black soul stone, it can lock on the target, and combined with the magic circle above, it will automatically target the monster.

Therefore, there is almost no need for too many operations, just bomb as far away as possible.

An hour...

Two hours...

Three hours...

Under the cover of the spiritual light cannon, the human warriors fought bravely. The dense and overwhelming tide of monsters seemed to have finally come to an end.

This war between humans and monsters seems to be coming to an end soon.

The balance of victory will eventually tilt in the direction of mankind!

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