Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2873 Those who achieve first come first! (1 update)

"Oh my God, how is this possible?"

"Senior Brother Chen was defeated?"

"I'm not awake yet, am I?"

The henchmen who followed Chen Wang all had their eyes widened, almost popping out of their eyes, and some of them pinched themselves hard.

The pain from their bodies told them that all this was true.

Chen Wang was so shocked that he couldn't even speak.

Chen Shidao, actually lost?

His cousin is ranked among the top ten among all the direct disciples of the Demon Sealing God Clan!

Chen Shidao's face turned pale, he covered his chest and stared at Ling Feng.

He knew that he was injured, and the injury was serious. All the internal organs and meridians were injured. Even with pills, it would be difficult to recover in a short time.

My whole body was weak. If I moved even a little, there would be a burst of tearing pain inside. My whole body collapsed on the ground, and I didn't even have the strength to get up.

He couldn't believe that he would be defeated by such a boy who had just worshiped in the Demon Sealing Holy Mountain for more than a month, and that he was defeated so completely.

He did not underestimate the enemy, nor did he exaggerate. He had used ten percent of his strength, but he was still defeated.

A strong sense of humiliation arose spontaneously.

"You still won't let him go?"

Ling Feng glanced sideways at Chen Shidao, his threatening intent undisguised.

Chen Shidao took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Let him go!"

Although Chen Wang was gnashing his teeth with hatred, he also knew that even Chen Shidao had been defeated, and there was no point in holding Qin Ming captive.

Chen Wang gave Qin Ming a hard push and pushed him in front of Ling Feng. However, the moment he stretched out his hand, a wisp of cold light flashed past, and there was a "clang" sound, and the sword edge swept across him. One of his arms has been cut off by Ling Feng's sword.


A pig-like scream sounded, and Chen Wang stared at Ling Feng in disbelief, " dare you!"

"Next time, it won't be an arm problem."

Ling Feng's cold eyes stared at Chen Wang. As soon as the time came, Chen Wang felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his whole body shivered involuntarily.

He didn't dare to look directly into Ling Feng's eyes.


Ling Feng snorted, and Chen Wang quickly picked up one of his broken arms and ordered someone to help Chen Shidao up.

This time, he didn't even dare to say harsh words, for fear that Ling Feng would violently kill someone.

Chen Shidao clenched his fists tightly and stared at Ling Feng's figure without saying a word, but judging from his resentful eyes, it was obvious that he did not intend to give up.

Although Ling Feng knew this, he could not directly kill Chen Shidao on the Demon Sealing Holy Mountain.

Otherwise, the high-ranking elders of the Demon-Sealing God Clan might not let him off easily, and Qin Ming and others would also be implicated.

It's not worth it to take a cheap life for Chen Shidao!

"Brother Qin, are you okay?"

Ling Feng took out some healing elixirs and handed them to Qin Ming, and then injected some vitality into Qin Ming's body. His expression softened slightly.

However, his current bruised nose and face may last for several days.

"It's nothing serious."

Qin Ming sighed softly and said with a trace of guilt on his face: "Brother Ling, it's all because of me that you and the Chen brothers became enemies."

"I don't look down on just a few clowns."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and patted Qin Ming's shoulder gently, "Besides, why should we talk about this between friends?"

Qin Ming took a deep look at Ling Feng, his eyes clearly moved. He took a deep breath, and after a long while, he said again: "Brother Ling went to the demon-suppressing field this time. It seems that he benefited a lot."

"Yes, I did gain something."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "It means I got some more soul crystals."

"How many?"

Qin Ming blinked and saw Ling Feng holding out two fingers. He blurted out: "Two...two hundred?"

"No, it's twenty thousand." Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said nonchalantly.


Qin Ming swallowed hard. He said two hundred, which was already a relatively high estimate.

In comparison, even if he had fully calculated and stayed in the Demon-Subduing Domain for three months, which was only ninety days, he would have two hundred soul crystals. Even if every monster he encountered produced soul crystals, it would still be enough every day. Two or more monsters need to be killed.

This is without taking a break every day.

And twenty thousand soul crystals...

Qin Ming simply couldn't imagine what Ling Feng had done in the Demon Subduing Domain to be able to collect so many soul crystals.

Did he fall directly into the pile of soul crystals?

"What the hell happened? How could there be so many soul crystals?" Qin Ming's eyes widened and he looked at Ling Feng in disbelief.

"That is to say, we encountered a beast tide, there must be about 100,000 monsters." Ling Feng shrugged, "I happened to be at the Demon Subduing Station, so I contributed a little."


Qin Ming was dumbfounded. A tide of 100,000 monster-level beasts was a rare sight in a thousand years.

Not only did Ling Feng encounter him, but he didn't die. He was still alive to quell the beast tide.

What kind of freak is this guy?

Qin Ming was speechless. He felt that the Ling Feng he knew before was too one-sided.

He is not only a freak and monster, he is simply a super pervert!

"It's just luck. Don't be so surprised."

Ling Feng shrugged, smiled faintly, thought for a while, took out two pockets, and said calmly: "Don't say that brothers are not loyal enough, there are a hundred soul crystals in each, take them."

Qin Ming is a native of the Demon Sealing God Clan, and the effect of the soul crystal on him is self-evident, as for Yan Jinghong.

Although he does not have divine patterns, Ling Feng believes that since he can integrate the power of Xuntian Ice Soul, he might also be able to condense his own divine patterns for Xuntian.

After condensing the divine patterns, Yan Jinghong's strength will definitely make a qualitative leap.

"This this……"

Qin Ming's hands trembled slightly, "This is too precious. I will not receive any reward for no merit. I..."

"Take it."

Ling Feng stuffed the pocket containing the soul crystal into Qin Ming's hand, "Only when you are strong, you will not be bullied by others at will!"

Qin Ming clenched his fists, then took the bag, took a deep look at Ling Feng, gritted his teeth and said: "Brother Ling, from now on, I, Qin Ming, will advance and retreat with you, you are my boss. ! Boss Ling, please accept me!"

With that said, he was about to kneel down in front of Ling Feng.


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, and quickly supported Qin Ming, "You are much older than me."

Qin Ming's face turned red, "In the world of martial arts, those who are masters come first. Boss Ling, your strength is already at the forefront."

"It's up to you."

Ling Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Qin Mingai could shout whatever he wanted. As for Yan Jinghong, he didn't say anything and directly took the soul crystal.

Just like the Star Holy Spirit Pill last time, if he wanted to follow Ling Feng and rescue Ling Hanyang with him, then he couldn't blindly consider the issue of losing face.

What he needs is strength!

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