Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2874 The Fallen Gods! (2 updates)

"Okay, let's go back."

After giving some soul crystals to Yan Jinghong and Qin Ming, Ling Feng checked their injuries. Although they looked very embarrassed, they only had flesh wounds.

After separating from the two, Ling Feng returned to Tianxiang Peak.

Even Qin Ming and Ling Feng shared the benefits, so naturally he would not forget Tuoba Yan.

In fact, Tuoba Yan, who was reborn with the Fruit of Underworld, is no longer of the same bloodline as before and has long been reborn.

Although she is not a protoss now, her physique is definitely not inferior to that of an ordinary protoss.

All she lacks is her own divine pattern.

Although Ling Feng does not think that condensing divine patterns is an easy task, there is at least some hope.

Even if Tuoba Yan cannot condense the divine patterns for a while, absorbing the power of the soul crystal can still be beneficial to the power of the underworld in her body.

When Ling Feng returned to Tianxiang Peak, Tuoba Yan was practicing swordplay in the yard, and Mr. Xue was giving Tuoba Yan instructions.

Maybe it was because he stayed alone in the mountains all year round, or maybe it was because Tuoba Yan had good understanding and qualifications, which made Mr. Xue love talents.

No matter what, it is a good thing that Mr. Xue can give guidance to Tuoba Yan.

"Ling Feng!"

Seeing Ling Feng's return, Tuoba Yan immediately came up to him excitedly, just like he was waiting for his husband to return from a long trip.

the other side.

As for the Chen Shidao brothers, they left in disgrace. Chen Shidao was seriously injured by Ling Feng, and Chen Wang also had an arm cut off.

Although he picked up the broken arm, and with the Chen family's ability, it was not difficult to reattach it for him, but he had suffered enough.

"It would be unworthy of a gentleman not to avenge this!"

Chen Shidao gritted his teeth and said, "That boy will never have a good life!"


Chen Wang was a little scared. Speaking of which, Ling Feng didn't do anything too bad. Although he cut off one of his arms, he still let him pick up the broken arm.

"You are not a gentleman either." Chen Wang muttered softly.

"What did you say?" Chen Shidao glared at Chen Wang coldly.

"'s nothing." Chen Wang said quickly: "But cousin, it's hard for the elders to interfere with the conflicts between the disciples. What's more, it's also our first choice. Let's deal with the mistakes first..."


Chen Shidao said coldly: "This is no longer a question of who started the trouble, but a question of the reputation of my Chen family."

Chen Shidao's eyes flashed with ferocity. His brain was spinning rapidly, thinking about various revenge plans. Finally, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The Chen family is a prominent family within the Demon Sealing God Clan, and the head of the Chen family is also a person of high authority within the entire Demon Sealing God Clan.

As the number one genius of the Chen family, Chen Shidao is naturally highly valued by the family head.

Although Ling Feng also had Li Chunyang behind him, to put it bluntly, Li Chunyang was withdrawn and arrogant by nature, so he did not have many friends within the God Clan, and he did not belong to any force.

So to put it bluntly, these two masters and disciples are just lonely people.

He couldn't let the elders in the clan take action against Ling Feng, but there were plenty of ways to use indirect methods to retaliate against Ling Feng.

In a blink of an eye, it had been several days since Ling Feng returned to Tianxiang Peak.

After staying in the Demon-Subduing Domain for three full months, Ling Feng's understanding of his divine patterns has reached another level.

However, he still needs more time to digest these insights bit by bit.

When one's cultivation reaches the realm of the Holy Lord, any improvement is extremely difficult.

If you want to continue to maintain the original high-speed improvement, you need to work harder in other aspects.

On this day, Li Chunyang, who rarely returned to Tianxiang Peak, suddenly returned.

However, there was something wrong with his expression, as if he was distressed.


Seeing Li Chunyang coming back, Ling Feng stepped forward and saluted him, bowed and said, "It's rare for Master to come back."

Li Chunyang looked at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "I heard that you have been back from the demon-suppressing field for several days. I should have come to see you a few days ago."


Ling Feng grinned and said, "Master, you are very busy."

In fact, to put it bluntly, Li Chunyang is guarding the Demon Sealing Tower. Although the responsibility is heavy, it is impossible for anyone to cause trouble in the Demon Sealing Tower on weekdays, so he can't be busy.

If the Demon-Sealing Tower is really lost, then the entire Demon-Sealing Holy Mountain will probably explode.

Speaking of the Demon-Sealing Tower...

Ling Feng remembered that he had promised to rescue the ugly sheep, the little brother of the cheap donkey.

It’s just that I’ve been busy lately, so I almost forgot about this.

If you have time, you have to go to the Demon-Sealing Tower again.

There is also the old man who is imprisoned on the 18th floor of the Demon Sealing Tower. If I can see him again, I have to say thank you to him.

When he was in the field of subduing demons, the old man's fire really helped him a lot.

"Stop being poor."

Li Chunyang took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I heard that you condensed your own divine patterns?"

Ling Feng gave Li Chunyang a strange look. Although he didn't know where Li Chunyang knew it, he still nodded and said calmly: "Yes, when I was in the field of subduing demons, I condensed the divine patterns in a daze."

After saying that, Ling Feng also revealed his one-word divine mark, and a golden-red light immediately flashed on his forehead.


Seeing Ling Feng's divine pattern, Li Chunyang immediately frowned and said solemnly: "It is indeed golden red..."

"What's wrong, is there something wrong with the golden color?"

Ling Feng said a little doubtfully.

"There is nothing wrong with the golden color itself, it's just..." Li Chunyang sighed and said slowly: "Forget it, Ling Feng, it seems that we have ended our relationship as master and disciple."


Ling Feng was dumbfounded. At that time, it was Li Chunyang who was the real strong man who wanted to be his apprentice. Why did he get kicked out of him for no reason now?

What happened?

"Master, why is this? Did the disciple do something wrong?"

Ling Feng was completely confused.

"You didn't do anything wrong, but there is a villain who wants to frame you."

Li Chunyang sighed: "Do you know what's wrong with your divine pattern?"

Ling Feng shook his head, "Disciple doesn't know."

Li Chunyang looked solemn and said solemnly: "Have you ever heard of the fallen gods?"


Ling Feng was slightly stunned, shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it."

"The so-called Fallen Gods, they usually live on the other side of the Whirlpool Island, a group of evil cultivators called the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm. They were originally Gods, but they practiced a kind of evil magic, so they are called the Fallen Gods."

After a pause, Li Chunyang continued: "They come from different divine races. Even among the three upper-level divine races, some have become fallen divine races. The evil arts they practice can directly swallow and refine other people's divine patterns. , thereby enhancing one’s own strength!”

Li Chunyang clenched his fists and said in a deep voice: "So, these fallen gods are forces that are absolutely not allowed to exist in the Yuanshen Temple. Once discovered, they will immediately be jointly wanted by the entire alliance of gods and all the gods under the jurisdiction of the Yuanshen Temple! The most obvious feature of the fallen gods is that when they are sacrificed, their divine patterns will emit a dim blood-red light, which is very similar to your divine light. "

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