Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2876 You are very important! (1 update)

"See the engraving to the Lord!"

As the Primordial Spirit was enshrined, all the elders of the Demon Sealed God Clan present bowed to him and saluted him. Even a proud and arrogant person like Li Chunyang did not dare to make a mistake.

Only Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly and looked towards the soul to worship, neither humble nor arrogant.

The soul worshiper looked extremely majestic. He was dressed in white robes and his eyes were stern. His eyes fell on Ling Feng, as deep as an abyss. No one could see through his thoughts.

Not long after, the soul worshiper slowly descended from the sky, step by step, slowly walked to Ling Feng, and said lightly: "Are you Ling Feng?"

"I won't change my name when I work, and I won't change my surname when I sit down! I am Ling Feng."

Ling Feng held his head high and held his chest high, even in front of the Yuan Shen enshrinement and several ancestral realm experts present, he didn't show any submissiveness at all.


The head of the Chen family, Chen Wubo, glared at Ling Feng fiercely and said coldly: "Boy, why don't you kneel down and salute in front of the enshrined master?"

Ling Feng didn't even look at him, he just looked at the soul worshiper.

In the current situation, even the leader of the Demon-Sealing God Clan has been mobilized. There is definitely no chance of winning, and he cannot implicate Li Chunyang.

But if you run away...

Under the noses of so many Ancestral Realm powerhouses, where else could he escape?

Ling Feng took a deep breath, frowned deeply, and kept thinking about ways to break the situation in his mind.

At this moment, the Yuan Shen worshiper raised his hand slightly, signaling Chen Wubo to step back. He stared at Ling Feng and said lightly: "Ling Feng, the Demon Sealing God Clan, is interesting."

"Sir, this son has nothing to do with our Demon-Sealed God Clan!"

When Chen Wubo heard the words of Yuanshen Enshrine, he immediately wanted to completely cut off the relationship with Ling Feng.

After all, Ling Feng is now considered a "fallen god" by them.

If they have anything to do with the Fallen God Clan, their entire Demon Sealed God Clan will be implicated even if they don't.

"Oh? Really?"

The divine light in Yuanshen worshiper's eyes flashed, and his face was as calm as an ancient well.


Chen Wubo said quickly: "This kid has only been a member of our Demon-Sealed God Clan for a month. He must be a spy sent by the Fallen God Clan to infiltrate our work. Fortunately, I discovered it in time, so it didn't cause a serious problem!"

"You fart!"

Li Chunyang clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth and said: "Your Majesty Mingjian, my disciple is definitely not a fallen god!"

"Haha, it's not right if you don't say it?"

Chen Wubo sneered, "Let me ask you, when this kid used his divine pattern, did a dim red light appear?"

Li Chunyang frowned and said nothing.

"Let me ask you again, is this boy's divine pattern the divine pattern of my Demon Sealing God Clan? No, but he is able to exert the power of Hunyuan, and he is even better than some young talents in our clan! "

Chen Wubo continued to ask questions, but Li Chunyang still had nothing to say.

"And when we tested this kid's physique before, did we still find the existence of Jiuli Divine Fire on him?"

Chen Wubo's words were all true, leaving Li Chunyang with no way to refute them.

"Humph, this is already obvious, right?"

Chen Wubo sneered, feeling that the overall situation had been decided, and said coldly: "This kid must be a fallen god. Moreover, I am afraid that he has not only refined the divine patterns of my Demon Sealing God Clan, but also refined the gods of the Jiuli God Clan." Wen! This matter concerns the superior gods, Li Chunyang, can you bear it?"

Li Chunyang was silent. Everything Chen Wubo said was extremely detrimental to Ling Feng.

As for him, he only had personal trust in Ling Feng, nothing more.

He took a deep breath, looked at the other elders, looked at the leader of the Demon-Sealing God Clan, gritted his teeth and said: "Clan Chief, elders, I dare to guarantee with my life that Ling Feng is not from the Demon-Sealing God Clan."

"Alright, Elder Li, I know you love your disciples very much, but you can't do it either. You can't tell the difference between right and wrong."

Gu Qingfeng sighed softly, obviously not intending to speak for Ling Feng.

As for the leader of the Demon God Clan, he also said with a solemn expression: "Elder Chunyang, everything is decided by the Lord."

Li Chunyang was completely desperate in his heart. He knew that no one would stand on his side.

Even though there are still some doubts in this, they are not prepared to care about it anymore.

The matter is related to the fallen protoss and the Jiuli protoss of the superior protoss. They don't dare to get into trouble, so they can only choose to protect themselves wisely.

At this moment, Li Chunyang felt extremely chilled. Is this the attitude of a god clan towards its disciples?

"Master, there is no need to say more."

Ling Feng cast a grateful look at Li Chunyang, shook his head slightly at him, took a deep breath, looked at the Yuanshen worship, and laughed at himself: "It seems that I can't argue with you?"

Yuan Shen Fang just watched the changes on the field, just like an outsider, and had no intention of intervening. Instead, he watched everyone's attitudes with interest.

"Are you done?"

After hearing Ling Feng's words, the eyes of the Primordial God worshiper swept across the whole place, and the elders of the ancestral realm bowed to him, "It all depends on the worshiper's decision."

Li Chunyang wanted to say something else, but in the end he clenched his fists and said no more.

However, he had already made up his mind to keep Lingfeng away even if he risked his life!

He said that he would escort him out of the mountain, and he kept his word.

On his fist, a pale golden edge flashed, as if he was ready to attack at any time.

Ling Feng saw it, but he was even more anxious in his heart. Once Li Chunyang attacked, he would definitely be implicated.

The Yuanshen Worshiper looked at Ling Feng and said lightly: "Boy, do you have anything else to say?"

"I said it, do you believe it?"

Ling Feng shrugged and smiled, "Forget it, I won't say anything."

He spread his hands and prepared to give up resistance.

He couldn't do it, at least not here.

Otherwise, it would inevitably implicate Tuoba Yan and Li Chunyang.

He took a deep breath and said lightly: "In front of the elders, I, Ling Feng, am just a small ant. I am insignificant. Does what I say matter?"

"Hehe, sometimes, if you don't say it, you may not know how important your words are."

The Yuanshen Worshiper's attitude towards Ling Feng was extremely gentle, even a bit kind.

However, because Ling Feng was facing Ling Feng, and the other elders were standing behind the Yuanshen Worshiper, they did not notice this.

However, the Yuanshen Worshiper's attitude towards him made Ling Feng a little confused.

What was going on? Did he see it wrong?

He took a deep breath and asked tentatively: "You...what do you mean?"

"I mean..."

The Yuanshen Worshiper paused, and then said loudly: "Ling Feng is not a fallen god!"


Chen Wubo was the first to exclaim, "Master Worshiper, you..."

"Why, isn't it all up to this Worshiper to decide? Why, do you have any opinions?"

The Yuanshen Worshiper glanced at Chen Wubo, and Chen Wubo immediately shrank his neck and retreated into the crowd, "That's not what I meant."

The other elders also looked at each other, completely unaware of why things suddenly took such a 180-degree turn.

Li Chunyang was overjoyed. He first widened his eyes, and then said in ecstasy: "Master, please understand!"

Not to mention Chen Wubo and others, even Ling Feng was extremely surprised. What on earth was going on?

This Yuanshen worshipper actually spoke for himself?

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