Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2877 Ling Feng’s choice! (2 updates)

"It's weird, isn't it?"

Yuanshenzong smiled and said, "Ling Feng, I have heard your name before. Guess where I heard it?"


Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and he suddenly realized.

This worshiper is from the Tai'a God Clan, and the first person from the Tai'a God Clan that he knows is Ye Hui, who has already lost his temper.

The second one is Ye Xuan!

"This is my seat, Ye Xu."

Ye Xu raised his hand and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, "I have already heard about what you did on the fifth floor of the Demon Subduing Station from Ye Xuan. Hahaha..."

"It turns out that you, senior..."

Ling Feng couldn't help but curse his mother in his heart. This guy was pretending to be too similar just now. His attitude before and after was completely different.

The other elders were dumbfounded when they saw Ye Xu's attitude towards Ling Feng.

This Ye Xu seems to value Ling Feng very much.

"This this……"

Chen Wubo's face froze, he was finished, he might have screwed up now.

"It turns out that the Lord has known this boy for a long time?"

The leader of the Demon-Sealing God Clan chuckled and said, "I wonder what happened at the Demon-Subduing Station on the fifth level? I just came out of seclusion not long ago. I just heard that there seemed to be an outbreak in the Demon-Subduing Domain on the fifth level. After a beast wave."

"Hmph, do you know who put down this beast tide?"

Ye Xu looked at the leader of the Demon Sealing God Clan and smiled lightly.

"This..." The leader of the Demon Sealing God Clan glanced at Ye Xu suspiciously, "As far as I know, it seems that it was a genius from the Tai'a God Clan and a genius from the Jiuli God Clan who joined forces to finally... Has the problem of the beast tide been solved?”

"Ha ha!"

Ye Xu narrowed his eyes and smiled, "You only know one, but not the other."

After saying that, Ye Xu looked at Ling Feng again and said calmly: "You are a low-key kid. You have done such an earth-shattering thing. Why are you not willing to tell it?"


For a moment, the eyes of the elders looking at Ling Feng all changed.

Is it possible that Ling Feng is the so-called genius of the Jiuli God Clan?

After all, he also has the Jiuli Divine Fire in him.

If because of this, he was mistaken for the Jiuli God Clan, it would be quite reasonable.

After all, Ling Feng was with Yu Junyao at that time, and Yu Junyao was a genuine member of the Jiuli Divine Clan.

"However, I appreciate this very much about you. You are neither arrogant nor impetuous. It is really rare for you to be in such a state of mind at your age."

Ye Xu looked at Ling Feng, smiled gently and said: "Boy, I just deliberately tested you. You should have seen clearly that this Demon God Clan doesn't seem to be able to tolerate you. But it doesn't matter, as long as you Nodding, I can take you back to the Tai'a Divine Realm without exception. I heard that boy Ye Xuan said that your swordsmanship is good, and the Tai'a Divine Clan is more suitable for you than here."

But it turned out that the reason why Ye Xu pretended to be cold before was because he wanted Ling Feng to see clearly that among the elders of the Demon Sealing God Clan around him, no one was willing to stand up and say a word for him at the critical moment. talk.

The purpose of his doing this was to make Ling Feng give up on the Demon-Sealing God Clan, so that he could be poached and brought back to the Tai'a Divine Realm.

I have to say that Ye Xu's skills are indeed powerful.

It's a pity that he didn't calculate that among the demon-sealing gods, there was Li Chunyang, who was unwilling to give up Ling Feng from the beginning to the end.

"My lord,"

The leader of the Demon-Sealing God Clan might even feel regretful in his gut at this moment, but he had nothing to say.

Before, he had acquiesced in the sentence "Ling Feng has nothing to do with the Demon Sealing God Clan".

Although this was not what he said personally, his attitude showed everything.

Now, since Ling Feng has nothing to do with their Demon Sealed God Clan, and Ye Xu wants to poach them, he has no position to stop them.

"Don't worry, I never impose anything on others."

Ye Xu smiled lightly and said: "Little friend Lingfeng, how you choose depends entirely on your personal wishes. I will never force you."

As the saying goes, there is no way out despite the mountains and rivers, and there is another village with bright flowers and dark flowers.

Just now, Ling Feng's future was uncertain, and he didn't know whether he would live or die in the next moment.

But now, he has actually been spotted by the Tai'a Divine Clan, who are preparing to bring him back to the clan for training.

There is simply a world of difference between the two.

He is not a fool, he knows very well what it means for him to go to Tai Ah Divine Realm, but...

Li Chunyang was sincere to him, and he was dedicated to his apprentice. Maybe he didn't teach himself much on weekdays, but more pointed out a direction for himself.

However, at the critical moment, he did not give up on himself.

And how could I leave him behind?

Compared to fame, fortune and wealth, Ling Feng values ​​friendship more.

Seeing Ling Feng's eyes lingering on Li Chunyang, extremely hesitant, the leader of the Demon God Clan immediately played the emotional card and said with a smile: "As the saying goes, once a teacher, always a father. Ling Feng, even if we don't treat you well, "Get up, but your master is different. Elder Chunyang, please say something!"

"Not bad, Elder Li, please say something!"

After knowing the value of Ling Feng, these elders of the Demon Sealing God Clan, one or two, all seemed to have changed. After all, Ling Feng is so hot now that even the Tai'a God Clan is vying for him.

If they pushed Ling Feng out, they wouldn't be fools.

However, Li Chunyang chose to remain silent.

He knew very well that after Ling Feng went to the Tai'a Divine Clan, he would get better development, better training, and better guidance from famous teachers.

And more importantly, the people of the Demon Sealing God Clan gave him chills.

He shook his head and smiled, looked at Ling Feng, and said lightly: "Ling Feng, you should know what is the right choice. From today on, you..."

Li Chunyang took a deep breath, looked up at the sky, and said with a wry smile: "You are no longer..."

"Master, do you want to drive me out of the door?"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ling Feng. Ling Feng stared into Li Chunyang's eyes and said in a deep voice: "Did the disciple do something wrong?"

"You..." Li Chunyang did not dare to look at Ling Feng, but smiled bitterly and said: "Why do you have to do this? You should know what the Tai'a Divine Clan means? If you go there, there will be a better master than me! "

"Then I'm afraid there's nothing we can do."

Ling Feng shrugged and smiled, "Who made me fall in love with a master like you? I won't leave until you break my legs today!"

"You are so stupid!"

Li Chunyang closed his eyes slightly and stopped forcibly expelling Ling Feng from the school.

In his heart, he was still full of reluctance for Ling Feng. After all, such a good disciple was rare.

"Only a stupid master can teach a stupid apprentice."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, looked at Ye Xu, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, senior worshiper, I'm afraid I can't go to the Tai'a Divine Realm with you."

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