Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2878 Spirit Sword Peak, Camp Sao Feng! (3 updates)

"It doesn't matter."

Ye Xu didn't seem surprised by Ling Feng's choice. Maybe Ling Feng was indeed a rare genius, but among the Tai'a Clan, genius was the most indispensable thing.

It would be best if Ling Feng was willing to join the Tai'a God Clan, but even if he was unwilling, it would not be a loss to the Tai'a God Clan.

What's more, Ye Xuan also mentioned that Ling Feng had a close relationship with the Yu family girl of the Jiuli God Clan, and he might still be absorbed into the Jiuli God Clan in the future, so he just asked Ling Feng symbolically. That’s all.

If Ling Feng really didn't consider Li Chunyang as his master and kicked him away, Ye Xu would look down on Ling Feng.

Ling Feng's behavior made Ye Xu appreciate Ling Feng even more.

The matter about the "Fallen God Clan" ended like this. Not long after, the elders of the Demon Sealed God Clan sent Ye Xu away.

In Ling Feng's heart, he was inevitably a little lucky. Fortunately, the people who came this time were from the Tai'a Divine Clan, and it just so happened that the Yuan Shen worshiper was a member of the Ye family. Otherwise, he might have been in trouble this time.

However, he cannot be so lucky every time. In the final analysis, this world still depends on his own strength.

"Good disciple, do you have any regrets in your heart?"

After everyone left one after another, Li Chunyang suddenly asked Ling Feng this question.

Ling Feng took a deep breath. He knew that if he agreed to Ye Xu and went to the Tai'a Divine Clan, the road ahead might be much easier, but if that happened, he would look down on him.

What's more, Li Chunyang is also a very good master!

"Master, it's okay if you don't mention it. But now that you mention it, I feel more and more regretful!"

Ling Feng pretended to be regretful and said: "Otherwise, if I chase him out now, would it still be too late?"

"You brat!"

Li Chunyang kicked Ling Feng angrily, then shook his head and smiled. He knew that Ling Feng said this deliberately to ease the tense atmosphere.

He couldn't help but feel a little emotional. Accepting Ling Feng as his apprentice was probably the wisest decision he had ever made in his life.

Three days passed in a flash.

The matter about Ling Feng being a "fallen god" disappeared and no one dared to mention it again.

The Chen family seemed to have been punished accordingly. As for stirring up trouble and falsely accusing Ling Feng of being the initiator of the fallen God Clan, the two Chen Shidao brothers were even punished under the Lifeng Cliff and faced the wall for three hundred years. !

Three hundred years is quite a long period of time.

Of course, Ling Feng knew in his heart that this was just some flattery done by the Demon Sealing God Clan to win over him.

Ultimately, it was because they saw the value in Ling Feng.

Ling Feng's value is far higher than Chen Shidao.

After all, Ling Feng had a "deep" friendship with Ye Xuan, a genius from the Tai'a God Clan. Of course, the question of whether it was deep or not was mostly made up by the elders of the Demon Sealing God Clan.

All in all, in short, Ling Feng is now a very popular figure in the entire Demon Sealing God Clan.

It is said that one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, and even Qin Ming, because of his good relationship with Ling Feng, has also been specially cultivated by the senior leaders of the God Clan.

Not only that, the leader of the Demon-Sealed God Clan specially ordered Ling Feng to build a peak dedicated to him. In just three days, he spent a lot of manpower and material resources to build a mountain with an imposing manner that did not belong to the Elder Peak. got up.

Generally speaking, only children who are recognized as having the inheritance qualifications of the clan leader are eligible to enjoy such treatment.

Moreover, Ling Feng is also the first disciple with a foreign surname to receive this honor.

It can be said that the top leaders of the Demon Sealing God Clan have already spent a lot of money to win over Ling Feng, but these things are not enough to make up for the rift left that day.

If it weren't for Li Chunyang, Ling Feng would definitely slap his butt and leave the Demon Sealing God Clan without hesitation.

However, Ling Feng benefited a lot from the fact that the top leaders of the Demon Sealing God Clan spent so much money on Ling Feng.

At least, he has basically managed enough of the various materials needed for cultivation.

On this day, Ling Feng was practicing in his own exclusive peak gate.

This peak gate was also named by Ling Feng, called Lingjian Peak. Its homophonic word is Lingjianfeng. Because Lingjian is somewhat difficult to pronounce, it is named Lingjianfeng.

Ling Feng is on the edge of the cliff outside Lingjian Peak, facing the endless sea of ​​clouds, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

In order to build this mountain peak, the Demon Sealing God Clan spent a lot of money, and even in terms of the level of the spirit gathering array, it was even better than Li Chunyang's Elder Peak.

Although Li Chunyang's Elder Peak is enough for Ling Feng to live in, in any case, Ling Feng can be regarded as having his own territory in this huge demon-sealing holy mountain. He and Tuoba Yan are on the mountain peak. After it was completed, he moved in very unceremoniously.

At this moment, a golden light flashed through, Ling Feng suddenly opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Meet the Master."

The person who came was none other than Li Chunyang, because Ling Feng basically didn't look good on the elders. These old guys had lived a long life and were somewhat embarrassed, so whatever happened on weekdays, Qin was always the one to do it. Ming might as well let Li Chunyang deliver it.

However, Qin Ming is generally easier to deal with. If Li Chunyang comes in person, it must be something big.

"You boy, this Fengmen is so impressive!"

Li Chunyang looked at Ling Feng's peak gate and couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's better than mine!"

"Master, please stop teasing me."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Master, when you come here this time, there should be some good things, right?"

"What else can I do for you now besides good things coming to you?"

Li Chunyang smiled lightly, reality is often like this. As the saying goes: It is easy to add icing on the cake, but difficult to provide help when it is time.

Ling Feng shrugged, "Why, do you have anything good to send?"

“The good stuff is just one of them.”

Li Chunyang took out a jade box from his arms and said with a smile: "This Heavenly Soul Pill is made from ninety-nine top-quality soul crystals produced by different types of monsters. There are only three of them in the entire Demon Sealed God Clan. It’s just one, take this one.”

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, "Good guy, ninety-nine top-grade soul crystals is already incredible, and it's also a pill refined from ninety-nine top-grade soul crystals."

Be good!

Even Ling Feng was not calm this time. This is a real good thing!

This Demon God Clan is actually willing to spend such a huge sum of money?

No wonder there is a saying that it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

If Ling Feng goes to the Tai'a God Clan, of course, the threshold will be higher, but the treatment may not be as good as that of the Demon Sealing God Clan.

"Hey, you kid, don't be too happy too early. In fact, this pill is not given to you for free."

Seeing Ling Feng accept the Heavenly Soul Divine Pill, Li Chunyang said, "Have you ever heard of the Sao Feng Camp of the Yuanshen Temple?"

Ling Feng blinked and shook his head, "I've never heard of it."

"The Sao Feng Camp is an elite regiment secretly cultivated by the Yuanshen Temple. The tasks they perform are important tasks related to the survival of the entire Central Yuan Realm. The fallen gods you know have always belonged to the Sao Feng Camp. One of the goals.”

After a pause, Li Chunyang glanced at Ling Feng, and then continued: "Every ten years, we will recruit elite disciples from all the major divine clans to enrich our troops. The three major high-ranking divine clans are also among them. Not long after, it will be Xiao Xiao On the day of Feng Camp’s recruitment, we hope that you can represent the Demon Sealing God Clan and join Sao Feng Camp.”

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