Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2879 Set up your own business! (1 update)

"Camp Sao Feng?"

Ling Feng was slightly startled and glanced at Li Chunyang, "Is this the intention of the other elders of the God Clan, or is it your intention, Master?"

"This is what they mean, and it is also what I mean." Li Chunyang raised his hand and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, "Your boy benefited a lot from the field of demon-slaying last time, and he actually condensed his own divine patterns. , and even obtained tens of thousands of soul crystals, which is considered amazing luck. "

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Although these tens of thousands of soul crystals are good, the price paid is also not small.

Speaking of that beast wave, Ling Feng was still a little frightened.

"In a short period of time, it won't make much sense for you to go to the demon-suppressing field. But in this Demon-Sealing Holy Mountain, you can already be ranked among the top ten geniuses of your generation."

Li Chunyang said slowly.

Chen Shidao, whom Ling Feng defeated, was originally one of the top ten direct disciples. Since Ling Feng could defeat him, he had proven his strength.

"So, if you continue to stay in the Holy Mountain, your progress will be very slow."

Li Chunyang's eyes were fixed on Ling Feng, "Xiao Feng Camp is a very suitable place for you to go. It will be of great help to improve your strength."

Ling Feng nodded, "Since Master said so, I will go."

Li Chunyang took a deep breath and continued: "I not only hope that you can join Sao Feng Camp, but I also hope that you can make more achievements and improve your status in Sao Feng Camp."

"To seal the Demon God Clan?" Ling Feng blinked and said calmly.

"No, for yourself."

Li Chunyang looked at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "After what happened last time, I can finally understand the faces of the clan leaders. Ling Feng, you have your own divine pattern. Have you ever thought about establishing your own divine clan?" ?”


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Master, I'm afraid I don't have such ambitions."

"No, you should have it!"

Li Chunyang looked serious and said solemnly: "If something like last time happened the first time, it might happen a second time. You should know that when faced with a conflict of interests, people from the Demon Sealing God Clan, They won’t treat you as one of their own, they will only have a clear relationship with you.”

Ling Feng glanced at Li Chunyang in surprise. Naturally, he knew what Li Chunyang said.

However, Li Chunyang was also from the Demon Sealing God Clan, so he couldn't say much. After all, Master Li Chunyang was sincere to him.

"Disciple is not unclear about this, but..."

"You don't need to worry too much." Li Chunyang said slowly: "In fact, as long as you pay enough yuan crystals to the Yuan Temple, plus a first-class god or above to recommend it for you, anyone can establish one in the Zhongyuan Domain. It’s your own power. With your relationship with the Tai’a God Clan, and the strength of the Jiuli God Clan, I think it shouldn’t be difficult for you to recommend this aspect.”

"As for the Yuan Jing that needs to be paid, I have accumulated some savings after being a teacher for so many years. After you show off your skills in the Sao Feng Camp and accumulate a certain amount of prestige and connections, you will leave the Demon Sealed God Clan and establish your own family. hour."

"Master, I..."

Ling Feng looked at Li Chunyang, and he didn't expect that his master would think so far for him.

"Boy, you are my only disciple. I am naturally devoted to you. If your divine clan is successfully established, I will follow you as my master and become a supreme elder. What do you think?"

Li Chunyang patted Ling Feng on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"I haven't even written my horoscope yet..."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, but still glanced at Li Chunyang with great gratitude.

As Li Chunyang said, if you rely on others, you will ultimately have to look at their faces and stand on your own...

Ling Feng clenched his fists. Since Li Chunyang has pointed out a path for him, then if he can set up his own business, then he should set up his own business!

With my ability, Ling Feng, I will definitely be able to gain a firm foothold in this Central Yuan Realm!

Speaking of which, he also has his own small forces in several other major domains. Maybe he can integrate all the forces together in the future. Although their strength is inevitably uneven, at least within his God Clan, We also have a certain personnel base.

Jiang Xiaofan, Li Bufan, Yan Jinghong, Chu Chaonan, Tuoba Yan, Yue Yunlan, Duan Lingtian, etc...

Perhaps, I can attract my companions from various domains.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng still had a little bit of expectation in his heart.

"Master, can you tell me more about the recruitment order of Camp Sao Feng?" Ling Feng asked curiously.

"Okay, it's time to talk to you in detail."

Li Chunyang began to introduce in detail the specific situation of Xiaofeng Camp and the scope of the recruitment.

Not everyone is qualified to join the Sao Feng Camp, and even among the ten high-level god clans like the Demon-Sealing God Clan, there are only less than ten places to recommend new recruits to the Sao Feng Camp.

Moreover, even if it is recommended, people may not accept it.

It can be said that the warriors in Sao Feng Camp are all the elites among the elites, the geniuses among geniuses.

After learning more about it, Ling Feng was even more interested in Saofeng Camp. Even if Li Chunyang didn't say anything, if the recruitment order came down, he would probably take the initiative to sign up.

As an ace corps under the Yuanshen Temple, the Sao Feng Camp would naturally get more training opportunities if they could enter it.

Only by competing with these geniuses can Ling Feng continue to progress and improve.

"The conscription order will start in a few days. You will naturally get a recommendation quota. As for his disciples, even if there is no recommendation quota, they can sign up by themselves."

Li Chunyang glanced at Ling Feng, "Okay, I have said everything I should say. You can take advantage of these few days to refine the Heavenly Soul Pill first."

Ling Feng nodded. The Demon Sealing God Clan spent so much money to retain Ling Feng. Originally, Ling Feng stayed in the Demon Sealing God Clan for Li Chunyang's sake.

But since even Li Chunyang encouraged him to start his own business, he had nothing to miss.

After all, once a crack appears, it is difficult to make up for it.

After sending Li Chunyang away, Ling Feng opened the jade box in his hand. The Heavenly Soul Pill inside exuded an extremely tempting fragrance.

The effect of the top-grade elixir refined from the top-grade soul crystals produced by ninety-nine different magical beasts is probably comparable to refining hundreds of top-grade soul crystals.

Ling Feng took a deep breath. The semi-top-grade soul crystal he had refined before had already benefited him a lot. The elixir made from this top-grade soul crystal must be another great fortune.

"Ling Feng..."

At this moment, Tuoba Yan's voice came to his ears.

Ling Feng looked back and saw Tuoba Yan's eyes looking at him. She bit her lips lightly and spoke again after a while: "You are going to that Xiaofeng Camp, then... what about me?"

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