Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2880 The night cry ghost, Ye Cang! (2 updates)


Ling Feng shook his head, "Yan'er, you heard it too. Camp Saofeng is a place dedicated to carrying out dangerous tasks. You just stay here and look after my house for me."

"I'm not as weak as you think!" Tuoba Yan was obviously a little unconvinced.

"Your underworld body is naturally not weak, but it still takes some time to discover its potential."

Ling Feng persuaded with a smile: "You stay here and practice well. Besides, I can't live without someone to take care of Lingjian Peak, right?"

"whispering sound!"

Tuoba Yan rolled her eyes at Ling Feng angrily. She didn't know that Ling Feng was just bluffing her. However, she also wanted to understand one thing. She couldn't become Ling Feng's burden every time.

Staying at Spirit Sword Peak, relying on the spiritual energy here, her strength will definitely improve rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed.

The recruitment order for the Yuanshen Temple also arrived as scheduled.

In addition to the Sao Feng Camp, there are several other camps in the Yuan Shen Temple. For example, the Yuan Shen Guards are mainly responsible for guarding the branches of the Yuan Shen Temple and arranging city defenses. They are the largest among the Yuan Shen Temple. , but its status is relatively low.

There are also the Shenjian Camp, the Shenhuo Camp and the Shentian Camp. These three corps have strong colors of the three upper-level divine clans. They are actually affiliated to the Tai'a God Clan, the Jiuli God Clan and the Haotian God Clan respectively.

Then there is the Yuanshen Xiaoqi Battalion, which is relatively neutral and is responsible for fighting against the demon clan all year round.

In addition, there is the Sao Feng Camp, which is the most mysterious, has the smallest number, and performs the most difficult tasks.

The recruitment order will be open to all the gods under the Yuanshen Alliance. After passing some tests, applicants will be assigned according to their reported wishes and personal abilities.

Of course, this also involves recommendation quotas. Warriors who get recommended quotas will be given priority, but they mainly have to rely on their own strength.

As soon as the conscription order was issued, many disciples would naturally sign up to participate.

In order to prevent too many people from signing up, the recruitment order has also set restrictions. For high-level gods like the Demon-Sealing God Clan, there are only 500 places at most.

This is just the number of people who signed up. As for how many people will be hired in the end, it’s hard to say.

However, once you are hired and can sneak into the Yuanshen Temple, your worth will immediately be a hundred times higher. After all, a major criterion for measuring the overall strength of the major gods is how many disciples there are in the Yuanshen Temple.

As soon as the time came, the entire Zhongyuan Domain and all the major divine races began to get busy for this recruitment ceremony.

Among the Demon Sealing God Clan, almost more than 3,000 people signed up, but in the end, only 500 people were screened out.

Ling Feng's place has been decided, and he will be sent directly to Sao Feng Camp, a truly elite corps.

In addition to Ling Feng, there are ten other reserved places, and Yan Jinghong is also among them.

This guy does have a few brushes, and after refining the soul crystals given to him by Ling Feng, he actually successfully condensed the divine patterns of the Xantian clan.

Of course, it was just an incomplete divine pattern. It was not only incomplete, but also very dim.

However, even if the divine patterns of the Xantian clan were to be repeated, they would instantly kill the divine patterns of these lower realms. The abilities given to him by his divine patterns would never be any worse than those of the three upper-level gods.

Therefore, Yan Jinghong's cheap master also gave him a place.

There are only three days to register.

Three days later, the five hundred places were determined and sent to different divine realms according to the allocation.

For example, the Yuanshen Guard camp can be sent directly to the Yuanshen Temple branch in the main city, while the new recruits of the Divine Hokage need to be sent to Jiuli Divine Domain for training.

The Saofeng Camp that Ling Feng and the others were going to was actually not in the inland of Zhongyuan Domain, but in a sea area, because that sea was called the Sea of ​​Sao Feng, hence the name of Saofeng Camp.

The Saofeng Island Group where Saofeng Camp is located is a relatively independent island, not too far from Whirlpool Island. The reason why it was established in the outer sea is to prevent the fallen gods from entering the Zhongyuan Domain.

The base of the Fallen God Clan is in the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm, while the headquarters of Sao Feng Camp is just outside the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm. It is like a city wall, sealing the Fallen God Clan firmly within the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm.

"Oh, not bad, Yan Jinghong, it seems you are doing well."

Ling Feng couldn't help but laugh when he saw that Yan Jinghong was also among the top ten recommended disciples. It seemed that this guy would also join the Saofeng Camp with him.


Yan Jinghong's face didn't look very good. He just snorted and said, "It would be a shame if some people were removed from the job."

Ling Feng shrugged and smiled, "Some people, please don't forget your identity. Are you still my follower now? When a follower sees his master, he should salute, right?"

Yan Jinghong tightened his fists, but could only lower his noble head.

There was nothing he could do, why did he still owe Ling Feng a large amount of money!

Not long after, with everyone waiting, the people from Saofeng Camp arrived.

The officer who came to pick up the new recruits to Camp Sao Feng was a one-eyed man. He was also the last officer to come to check out the new recruits. The officers from other major camps had already left with the new recruits.

All the ten recommended disciples gathered in the lobby. There were also several elders of the Demon-Sealing God Clan in the hall. When facing the one-eyed officer, their attitudes were respectful and they did not dare to show any slights.

"You, get out of the queue!"

The one-eyed officer scanned the crowd, pointed to the first disciple on the right, and asked him to step out.

That disciple was a direct disciple of the Demon-Sealing God Clan, and his talents were not bad in all aspects, so he also received a recommendation quota.


The one-eyed officer punched the young man on the chest, and with a bang, the young man was suddenly thrown away, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"My lord, you?"

The young man looked at the one-eyed officer with a puzzled expression, not understanding what happened.

"You are not qualified."

The one-eyed officer looked indifferent and pointed at the person next to him. The disciple just walked out, but the one-eyed officer punched him again without saying a word.


The disciple vomited blood and flew out, only for the one-eyed officer to say: Unqualified!

Everyone in the hall stared blankly at the one-eyed officer. What is going on? According to the past rules, even if you are unqualified, you must at least be taken to the Howling Sea and trained for ten and a half days. Let’s check the quality again.

But for this one-eyed officer, it would be too harsh to say someone is unqualified with just one punch.

"He was right..."

Above the main hall, an elder looked gloomy and whispered: "This guy is the iron-blooded officer known as the 'Night Crying Ghost', Ye Cang! Why is it so unlucky this year that he is the one who comes to recruit the new recruits of our Demon-Sealed God Clan? !”

"Is he the night cryer?"

Another elder, who had obviously heard of this nickname, his face suddenly darkened.

Maybe, all the newcomers sent to Camp Sao Feng might be kicked off!

While they were whispering, Yecang, the night-crying ghost, had already punched five disciples in a row until they vomited blood.

Moreover, it was also a cold evaluation: "You are unqualified!"

Those disciples were punched by Ye Cang until they vomited blood and fell to the ground, unable to even get up. However, in front of this one-eyed officer, they did not dare to express their anger at all.


Finally, one disciple wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said bitterly: "You are a strong man in the ancestral realm. Isn't it normal that we can't withstand your punch?"

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