Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2882 You are the

Ye Cang's airship was extremely fast, but it still took nearly three days and three nights to finally reach the sea.

After arriving at the sea, the airship turned into a ship and sailed on the sea honestly.

After all, flying recklessly on the endless sea is really a very stupid behavior.

Not to mention that in the depths of this endless sea, there are too many ancient alien species that have survived for millions of years. Even those powerful ocean monsters are enough for them to drink a pot.

Therefore, even if you are a strong person in the ancestral realm, you should not try to use your tyrannical energy to cross the endless sea. The only way is to just sit on the boat honestly.

However, even if the airship is transformed into a ship, it is still extremely fast and can travel in short to medium distances, not losing to the Poseidon.

The group of people entered the sea in the early morning, and it was not until dusk that they finally arrived at the Sao Feng Sea. Looking from a distance, a narrow coastline appeared in front of them, and there was the Sao Feng Island Group.

The spaceship slowly docked, and a relatively simple dock was built on the coast.

In addition to the team led by Ye Cang, there were also many officers from the Sao Feng Battalion, leading the recruits to the Sao Feng Island Group one after another.

The island they landed on was also where the recruits gathered.

All new recruits who join Sao Feng Camp will undergo a period of short training here.

Only those who persist in the initial training are eligible to become official members of Sao Feng Camp.

As for the part that was eliminated...

Either die, or voluntarily give up and be sent out of the Howling Sea.

The mortality rate of each batch of recruits is as high as more than 30%. This is the mortality rate after strict screening. If the conditions were slower, I am afraid the mortality rate would be an even more alarming figure.

The Zhongyuan Domain is so huge, and there are countless gods who have joined the Yuan Temple.

Therefore, even the ten high-level protoss can only select three or five people to join the new army camp, but under this recruitment order, the number of fresh blood sent to the Sea of ​​Howling Wind has reached thousands.

"Hey, Lao Ye is back!"

After landing at the pier, a middle-aged man who looked a little thin and unshaven walked up, carrying a giant sword behind him, and a somewhat worn blue scarf around his neck. He had a branch in his mouth and looked at It looks a bit lazy and unruly.

"Night Crying Ghost" Ye Cang glanced at the middle-aged man and nodded slightly towards him.

Ye Cang's temperament belongs to the kind of guy who is extremely cold-hearted. In the past few days, except for the warning before setting off for the Sea of ​​Howling Wind, he has never spoken more to anyone.

This guy seems to be like a piece of ice. Just standing there gives people the feeling of solid ice that has not melted for thousands of years.

And such a person actually nodded to that middle-aged bearded man.

It seems that although this bearded man is not amazing in appearance, he is definitely a strong man.

Because only strong people will recognize each other.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Hu Zhanan looked at the young people who jumped off the ship in Yecang, and couldn't help but shook his head, "There are so few people. There are ten quotas for the ten high-level gods. You should bring back a hundred people."

In fact, there were less than thirty people in Ye Cang's team.

"Useless trash, you will die if you come here."

Ye Cang's expression was as cold as ever.

The people he selected were at least able to survive the threshold level of newcomer training.

The bearded man shrugged, "How could I say that you, Lao Ye, are a good person? Although you look cold, you are still the kindest person in Saofeng Camp."

The corners of Ye Cang's mouth twitched obviously a few times. The word "kindness" made Ye Cang feel like he was insulted.

He glared at the scumbag man fiercely and said coldly: "Lu Chong, if you want to fight, I don't mind fighting with you now."

"Haha, Lao Ye, why are you so impatient?"

Lu Chong quickly raised his hands in surrender and said: "You are stronger, you are stronger, of course you are stronger, why don't I raise my hands in surrender?"

Ye Cang glared at Lu Chong coldly, then turned back to the recruits and said coldly: "Follow me!"

Everyone shuddered involuntarily, this Ye Cang's breath was really terrifying.

Na Lu Chong, on the other hand, touched his unshaven chin and watched Ye Cang leave with the newcomers. He said to himself: "It's another day for newcomers to report. I don't know who will eventually grow into a qualified warrior." , how many can there be..."

Under the leadership of Ye Cang, the group of people soon arrived at a camp.

There are hundreds of tents in this camp, and the recruits are divided into groups of five and have to live in one tent temporarily.

Ling Feng, Yan Jinghong and Gu Weide were naturally grouped together. Living in the same tent with them were two other people, both elites from the Huntian Divine Clan, one named Xu Yi and the other Xu. Rui is a cousin from the same lineage.

The overall strength of the Huntian God Clan is much higher than that of the Demon-Sealing God Clan. If the Demon-Sealing God Clan has always been at the bottom among the ten higher-level God Clan, then the Huntian God Clan can be ranked among the top five.

However, in this screening of newcomers, three people from the Demon Sealing God Clan were selected, while only two were selected from the Huntian God Clan.

This made the Xu Yi brothers somewhat unbalanced.

However, these two brothers are not the kind of guys who are moody and show off their emotions. So far, they have maintained a relatively stable relationship with Ling Feng and the others.

"Guys, I didn't expect that we were assigned together. I hope you will take care of us in the future."

Xu Yi is Xu Rui's cousin, and he is more experienced in dealing with things and speaking, and he seems to be very sincere.

Xu Rui, on the other hand, could see some contempt for Ling Feng and the others in his eyes.

Ling Feng didn't take it seriously and just bowed his hand to Xu Rui as a response.

Gu Weide, on the other hand, was more talkative, and soon he and Xu Yi seemed to have become "friends" who talked about everything.

As for Yan Jinghong, he ignored even Ling Feng, let alone others. He sat on his bed without saying a word and began to meditate.

Ling Feng shrugged. He knew that the training period for new recruits was about a month, and of course it would depend on the situation.

As long as you pass the recruit period, you can enter the depths of the Sao Feng Island Group. By then, you will naturally be able to have your own independent living space, without the need for several people to be crowded together.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, deafening drums sounded in the camp, which was the call for the recruits to assemble.

After counting, there were a total of 892 new recruits joining Sao Feng Camp this time.

It is worth mentioning that when Ling Feng looked around, he did not see the children of the three upper-level gods.

Of course, this does not mean that no one from the three high-level gods has joined the Sao Feng Camp. On the contrary, as the elites of the high-level gods, they can directly become official members without going through this month of training.

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