Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2883 Eyes as bright as night! (2 updates)

Soon, Ling Feng and his group walked out of their tent and gathered in an open space not far from the camp.

There is a relatively flat open space here, which serves as a square for all the recruits to gather.

Directly in front of the square, there is a relatively high platform, with two burly men standing on the left and right sides respectively, beating the drums hard.

Ye Cang stood with his hands behind his hands, standing in the center of the high platform. Although he only had one eye, everyone he looked at was awed.

Next to Ye Cang, there were two other people standing. Lu Chong, whom he had seen on the dock yesterday, was also one of them.

He changed into a dark brown outfit, but the light blue scarf around his neck was still tightly tied around his neck. His hair, which was originally loose, was tied into a ponytail, making him look much more energetic.

However, the sad stubble on his face and the slightly melancholy eyes gave his whole person a color of vicissitudes of life.

In addition to Ye Cang and Lu Chong, there was also a very hot lady wearing a leather jacket standing on the stage. She also held a leather whip in her hand. People couldn't help but think that there was something special about this woman. hobbies and the like.

However, it seems that these three people are probably the instructors in training this batch of new recruits.

"My name is Ye Cang."

Ye Cang spoke very little. After he finished speaking, he scanned the crowd with his one eye. No one dared to say more than a word.

There is an aura of killing in Ye Cang, an aura that has been accumulated in the killing field. His eyes are extremely sharp, and every move he makes gives people the impression that he will kill him at any time. Feel.

The immediate impression of Ye Cang is that of a terrifying Canglan beast.

"Don't mind, your teacher Ye Cang, who looks a little colder, will generally not fight you as long as you can get what he wants."

Lu Chong walked up with a smile. Among the three of them, Lu Chong looked more normal.

"Next, I will spend a month with you. During this month, I will train you. I hope that everyone can cooperate with each other to complete the training."

Lu Chong's tone was calm, not aggressive, nor did he have Ye Cang's intimidating aura. He looked like a gentle and good gentleman.

He began to introduce some rules in the recruit camp to the newcomers, but it seemed that because Lu Chong's tone was too calm, some recruits couldn't help but glance at the female instructor beside him.

Dressed in a tight black leather jacket and with a hot and busty figure, she is undoubtedly the ideal goddess in the minds of many men.

Although the whip in her hand is a little intimidating, you won't be at a disadvantage if you take a look.

Lu Chong saw this and just shook his head and smiled, thinking secretly: among these fools, the most cold-blooded and terrifying one here is not Ye Cang.

"Haha, let's teach Ji Ruyeji to say a few words next."

Lu Chong took a few steps back and gave up the middle seat to the female instructor beside him.

This lady wearing a black leather jacket was originally called Ji Ruye.

"Hello, I'm Ji Ruye."

Ji Ruye smiled softly, and her beautiful eyes were as bright as the night.

Ji Ruye twisted her waist and walked forward. When she spoke, she lightly teased her red lips with the tip of her tongue, which made many of the recruits below feel their blood pumping.

There are even some who bend down unconsciously.


Ji Ruye laughed like a silver bell, and her charming eyes swept through the crowd. Then, she actually walked down from the high platform and walked slowly to a bent "gentleman".

A gust of fragrant wind hit his nostrils, and the bent gentleman "Gulu" swallowed. Ji Ruye was very close to him. When he lowered his head, he could see a patch of white snow.


The disciple's face turned red, there was a slight sweat on his forehead, his eyes did not dare to wander, and his whole body was very stiff.

After all, the other party is a teacher. To put it bluntly, he is a strong man in the ancestral realm. He has the lust but not the courage.

"You seem very nervous."

Ji Ruye stretched out her green-white jade fingers and actually took out a silk scarf from her chest. Her fragrance might still be lingering on the scarf.

Then, Ji Ruye used the pink silk scarf to gently wipe the sweat on the disciple's forehead.

The disciple was so happy that he almost passed out. He couldn't control it anymore. With a "swish", two lines of blood splashed out of his nostrils. It was like "flying down three thousand feet, and it was like the Milky Way falling from the sky!"

Just when the disciple was about to faint, a cruel smile appeared on Ji Ruye's face.


The next moment, the disciple let out a scream like a slaughtering pig, covered a certain area of ​​his body that was already congested with blood, and rolled on the ground in pain.

"You dare to take advantage of me, are you tired of life?"

Then, there were two "pop" sounds, and Ji Ruye swung the long whip in her hand, leaving an "X" shaped blood mark on the face of the disciple who was lying on the ground rolling.

The other recruits, seeing the miserable condition of the disciple, only felt a slight pain in a certain part.

That kick is a bit powerful. It seems that this Ji Ruye Ji's teacher is also a rose with thorns, so you must not mess with it.

Ling Feng shrugged. Naturally, he would not be deceived by beauty. However, he heard a sound of exhalation coming from beside him, but it was Gu Weide, who obviously breathed a sigh of relief.

But it turns out that this guy also bent down just now.

Not to mention Gu Weide, even Yan Jinghong clearly showed an unnatural expression.

Although this guy practices ice-based skills, he is different from Ling Feng.

Ling Feng is a thousand-year-old C man, but Yan Jinghong already knew what it was like early on, and of course he cannot compare to Ling Feng in terms of concentration.

Of course, almost a quarter of the recruits are female disciples, and they more or less show a hint of gloating. These lustful guys deserve it!

After Ji Ruye showed her "terrible" side, the male disciples no longer dared to glance around. Only then did Lu Chong stand up again and said lightly: "Do you have any questions? If If not, training will begin."

Immediately, several people raised some doubts related to recruit training. Lu Chongdao was also quite patient. After answering them one by one, the recruit training began.

Training includes many aspects, but most of them require the confinement of energy and divine patterns, and some comprehensive improvements in physical fitness, reflexes, spiritual consciousness, etc.

The most important of them is some training such as stealth and tracking...

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