Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2886 Kill instantly with one sword! (2 updates)

"The spiritual power in this boy is not simple. The black ice he has condensed can withstand a palm of my half-strength."

Ye Cang said with an indifferent expression.


Lu Chong and Ji Ruye both showed a hint of surprise. Ye Cang's half strength sounded low, but Ye Cang was a strong man in the ancestral realm.

Moreover, they are not the kind of ancestral realm with half-assed strength and half-full bucket of water that can stay in Xiaofeng Camp. Each one of them is a strong person who has gone through countless life-and-death battles before being finally selected.

"It's just a clan of demon-sealed gods, but there is such a freak."

Ji Ruye stared at Yan Jinghong with her beautiful eyes, but she became even more interested in him.

"The other boy is even more difficult."

Ye Cang, who usually cherished words like gold, rarely said more than a few words. His one eye fell on Ling Feng from a long distance away and said word by word: "He can keep up with my speed." ”



Ji Ruye and Lu Chong were stunned at the same time. If Yan Jinghong could withstand half of Ye Cang's strength, he could be called a freak, but Ling Feng could actually keep up with Ye Cang's speed?

"Lao Ye, are you deliberately trying to scare Lao Ji and me?" Lu Chong said in surprise.

"Damn it, don't call me Lao Ji!"

Ji Ruye waved her whip in protest, and Lu Chong quickly changed his words: "Okay, Xiao Ji, no problem, Xiao Ji..."

The corner of Ji Ruye's mouth twitched a few times. Although Ji Ruye had protested with Lu Chong countless times about the issue of addressing him, Lu Chong could only think of "Old Ji" as "Little Ji" and nothing else. In desperation, She could only choose Xiaoji.

Ye Cang remained expressionless, but said calmly: "When I took action, that kid was able to take action at the same time. In terms of reaction and speed, he is not any worse than the geniuses of the higher-level gods. The difference is just some background, right?" ”

Ye Cang's meaning does not refer to personal heritage, but the heritage of the family behind him.

The higher-level gods have tens of thousands of years of heritage. Those direct descendants and disciples of the main line have been equipped with heavenly materials and earthly treasures and enlightenment since their mother's womb. Both their starting point and the resources they received are far beyond what ordinary people can compare with. .

And Ling Feng was even just an external disciple.

But even so, it is not easy to grow to this point.

While the three major teachers were discussing, the battle between Yan Jinghong and Chu Zhongtian's three men was coming to an end.

With one against three, Yan Jinghong still had some difficulty. In the end, despite being injured, he defeated all three of Chu Zhongtian's men.

At this moment, a khaki light flashed, and Chu Zhongtian finally couldn't hold himself back and took action himself.

Then he saw Chu Zhongtian slapped Yan Jinghong hard with a palm in the air, and his palm prints shot out and stamped heavily on Yan Jinghong's chest.

Although Yan Jinghong had sent Xuan Bing to block his chest at the critical moment, he still suffered a certain degree of shock. He spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes were terrifyingly cold.

"A hidden arrow hurts someone!"

Yan Jinghong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and wanted to fight again, but Ling Feng held his shoulder down.

"That's almost it. I've already let you, a little follower, pretend. What's the matter with me, the master?"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and grinned.


The corner of Yan Jinghong's mouth twitched slightly, and he snorted coldly, but he could only wave his sleeves and retreat behind Ling Feng.

Although Ling Feng's words sounded harsh, he also knew that in his current situation, he had already spent a lot of money, and now that he was injured again, if he continued to fight, he would only lose at the hands of Chu Zhongtian.

However, everyone couldn't help but be a little surprised when they heard what Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong said.

Yan Jinghong is already so powerful, but he is just Ling Feng's "follower"?

What's going on?

Chu Zhongtian snorted coldly and said with a look of disdain: "Invulnerable waste!"

Ling Feng shrugged and said calmly: "Now, I will fight you!"


Chu Zhongtian sneered, "What do you think you are? Don't you think that you are some unparalleled super genius? With a wave of your sword, you can instantly kill the Holy Lord and scare away the most powerful master."

"You might as well change your career to fortune telling, because you were right."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, with a playful curve on his lips.

Ling Feng's words immediately shocked everyone, and they all looked at him blankly.

"Everyone will say that if you are a super genius, then I, Chu Zhongtian, will be a peerless evildoer in the ancestral realm!"

Chu Zhongtian snorted coldly, and the rocks under his feet began to flow. The characteristic of the Great Desolate God Clan is to obtain power from the earth under their feet.

"Then, open your eyes and take a good look."

Ling Feng said neither salty nor lightly, walking towards Chu Zhongtian step by step, destroying all directions in his hand, and slowly pulled it out.

In an instant, the power exploded, the speed increased to the extreme, turned into an afterimage, and killed with one sword.

Draw your sword!

The sword comes out like the wind, its power is astonishing!

Swing your sword!

The sword is like thunder, and the meteor breaks through the sky!

The violent sword pressure came in an instant, and the tyrannical power exploded, directly destroying Chu Zhongtian's body-protecting Qi. The sword came without any hindrance and struck Chu Zhongtian's chest head-on.

With a bang, Chu Zhongtian shuddered and flew backwards, vomiting blood and sliding to the ground several meters away.


There was a clear sword cry, and the sword was sheathed, as fast as lightning.

In fact, many people didn't even see clearly what they found. They just saw Ling Feng draw his sword, and then Chu Zhongtian was knocked away.


"What...what's going on?"

Suddenly, all the warriors who were watching were dumbfounded. For a moment, the whole place was silent, and you could hear a pin drop.

What kind of sword is that? How can it be so fast and strong?

Everyone just felt like they were in a dream, and their minds seemed to be frozen.

This guy, this is a bit too fierce, a bit too outrageous!

"Is that Chu Zhongtian?"

Ling Feng grinned, "I have proven myself. Now, you can try to kill an Ancestral Realm strongman to show me. I'll be waiting."

The tip of Ling Feng's sword was gently pressed against Chu Zhongtian's throat. His words were like an invisible palm, crackling and swollen Chu Zhongtian's face.

It's all pretentious, and those who have strength are called awesome, and those who don't have strength are just bullies.

Chu Zhongtian's complexion changed again and again, sometimes green, sometimes red, and sometimes white. His brain was still a little blank under the terrifying power displayed by Ling Feng.

Why on earth is this guy so strong?

It’s so strong that it’s unreasonable!

Ling Feng smiled faintly. He had to say that the Heavenly Soul Pill that Li Chunyang gave him that day was still powerful. After refining the Heavenly Soul Pill, Ling Feng's strength had made a qualitative leap again.

In the distance, the three major teachers also showed a hint of surprise. Originally, Lu Chong and Ji Ruye had some doubts about Ye Cang's words, but now, they completely believe that Ling Feng is that kind of monster.

It is even stronger than what Ye Cang said!

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