Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2887 A sudden change occurred! (3 updates)

Chu Zhongtian clutched his chest and stared at Ling Feng. After a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "I lost, what do you want!"

"I don't want to do anything. Since I lost, it's time to let him go, right?"

Ling Feng shrugged and withdrew his Destruction in All Directions. This was originally a conflict between Chu Zhongtian and the Xu family brothers. If Chu Zhongtian hadn't been too aggressive, he wouldn't have bothered to take action.

Chu Zhongtian took a deep breath, and the expression on his face was uncertain for a while. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "This matter has been revealed, Xu Yi, even if you have found a good helper, this time it will be mine." Fucked!"

Xu Yi quickly stepped forward to help Xu Rui, who had been beaten with a bruised nose and face, and returned to Ling Feng's back, thanking him profusely.

He was extremely happy in his heart. Fortunately, he had not provoked Ling Feng before. Otherwise, no one would be able to help him today.

By then, I'm afraid it will be a completely different result.

"Brother Ling, no, Boss Ling, from now on, you will be the boss of our two brothers!" Xu Yi gritted his teeth.

Ling Feng shrugged, patted Xu Yi's shoulder lightly, and said calmly: "We are all brothers in the same battalion, so there is no need to say thank you."

At this moment, a terrifying and sharp laughter suddenly came from the distance, and then, a burst of screams was heard, one after another.

Although most of the new recruits from the new military camp were gathering on the coast to watch the fun at the moment, there were still a few who stayed in the camp to rest.

And these people seem to be the first batch of people to suffer.

Those screams were exactly what they made.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone suddenly panicked and gathered in a group, looking at the burst of black smoke coming from the direction of the camp, their brows furrowed.

The direction of the camp was already burning with fire, and a terrifying evil aura was getting closer and closer. Soon, it almost enveloped the entire island.

"how so?"

A recruit felt this terrible evil aura and trembled all over, "This is the recruit camp of Camp Sao Feng. How could an evil cultivator dare to approach here?"

" can't be the fallen gods, right?"

A round-faced man gasped and guessed in a trembling voice.


After hearing these four words, everyone was in chaos for a while.

A total of six to seven hundred elites from various major protoss races were actually frightened into a group of soft-footed shrimps by the fallen protoss.

"When the instructors brought us here, they seemed to have said that the activities of the fallen gods were becoming more and more frequent. We wouldn't have just encountered them, right?"

"They must want to kill us new recruits and deprive Sao Feng Camp of fresh blood!"

While everyone was discussing, they saw a dozen black shadows "swishing, swissing, swooshing", which seemed to have slaughtered all the recruits in the camp area, and the target looked at the remaining recruits gathered on the coast.

"Jiejiejie...they are all newcomers who have just joined Sao Feng Camp!"

"In other words, they are just a bunch of waste. It seems that we can refine a large number of fresh divine patterns today! Hahaha!"

Hearing the voices of these shadows, everyone was even more certain of their inner suspicions.

These people are indeed the fallen gods!

As the fallen gods approached, everyone retreated again and again, and were all forced to the coastline.

Ling Feng also frowned. Not long ago, he had only heard of the term Fallen God Clan, and he was even almost mistaken for it.

Did you never expect that you would see the living fallen gods so soon?

The aura of these fallen gods was extremely terrifying. As they approached, it even affected the sky above, making it dark and dense, as if black clouds were pressing over the city.

Yan Jinghong condensed a sword of ice soul and frowned deeply. These fallen gods may not be easy to deal with.

"Boss Ling, what should we do now?"

Xu Yi looked at Ling Feng. Judging from the current situation, Ling Feng was the only strongest person present.

Not only Xu Yi and the others, but also Chu Zhongtian also consciously approached Ling Feng.

Chu Zhongtian gritted his teeth and said: "Ling Feng, now that we are facing a formidable enemy, we should put aside our past grudges and work together, right?"

Ling Feng nodded slightly, but did not reject Chu Zhongtian's joining.

In any case, Chu Zhongtian and them were both from the new military camp and belonged to the same camp.

"It just so happens that at this time, the teachers are not on the island."

Gu Weide on the side was completely at a loss, "We are not going to be completely wiped out here, are we?"

"The teacher is not on the island, let's go find them!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "The entire Sao Feng Island Group is connected together. We are under attack here. I believe that the teachers and the elites of the old Sao Feng Camp are also aware of it, and they will soon be I’m here, so remember not to get in trouble!”

Ling Feng stared at the approaching fallen gods and said in a deep voice: "No matter how powerful they are, there are only a dozen or so of them. With hundreds of us, how can we not hold them back? As long as we wait for reinforcements, we will be saved!" "


There was an explosion, and a fallen protoss waved his hand, and a ball of black energy condensed into a demonic dragon that destroyed everything. It destroyed everything in its path, and directly blew dozens of new recruits away.


For a moment, everyone was even more panicked, and some even jumped into the sky, preparing to escape from the sea.

However, just as they flew out of the land, they saw a huge creature breaking through the water in the bottomless ocean.


A terrifying roar exploded, and everyone's eardrums seemed to have been blown out. Those warriors who escaped from the island were swallowed up by the giant beast.


Everyone was scared out of their wits. There were the fallen gods in front of them and the giant beasts of the deep sea behind them. Could it be that today is the day for their death?

"Separate and run to the inside of the island!"

Ling Feng frowned, roared, and his figure turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed out.

The number of more than a dozen fallen protoss is limited after all. There are hundreds of them here. Even if they are all killed, it will take some time.

The situation on the entire island is complicated, and many places are designed to isolate the induction of spiritual consciousness for daily training.

As long as you escape to those places, you will be safe for the time being.

Of course, among the hundreds of people, Ling Feng was not the only one to think of this. They all tried their best to retreat as quickly as possible. Soon, hundreds of new soldiers were scattered to various parts of the island, and Those fallen gods seemed to enjoy this kind of hunting very much, searching them out one by one, and then killing them cruelly.

For a time, the entire island fell into a doomsday-like fear...

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