Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2888 Wait! (1 more)

The ferocious laughter and screams, accompanied by the billowing smoke and the terrifying evil aura that was so strong that it was almost impossible to dispel, made the entire Recruit Island seem like a purgatory.

Once they escape to the open sea, they will immediately be devoured by the giant beast lingering on the bottom of the sea, which makes all the recruits even more panicked.

Some relatively calm recruits immediately fled to other islands. After all, as long as they reunited with the elites of Sao Feng Camp, their chances of survival would naturally be greatly improved.

However, their plan ultimately came to nothing.

On the only passage leading to other islands, they actually saw three instructors engaged in an extremely brutal battle with the masters of the fallen gods.

Under the siege of those fallen gods, even the three powerful instructors were beaten back steadily. Even in a short period of time, one of the three instructors, Lu Chong, was even beaten. He was cut off at the waist, his head was twisted off, and the divine pattern on his forehead was forcefully pulled out, and then he was swallowed by the fallen gods.

"This this……"

The new recruits were so frightened that even the teachers from the ancestral realm could not escape death?

I'm afraid, not only the island where the recruits are located, but also other islands in the inner island, there may be similar turmoil.


After killing Lu Chong, several fallen gods escaped and immediately turned into black shadows, attacked and rushed into the crowd.

Ahhhh! ——

There was a burst of screams, and countless recruits died unexpectedly.


", I surrender, don't kill me!"

Soon, most of the recruits were either killed or were frightened and knelt down to beg for mercy. However, they were still brutally killed one by one.

The direction in which Ling Feng and his group fled was exactly the opposite to that of these people.

According to Ling Feng's analysis, since people from the Fallen God Clan can come to the new barracks, how could the masters on the inner island not know about it.

Then, there are only two possibilities.

First, a similar thing happened on the inner island, and the strong men from Sao Feng Camp were unable to escape at all, or in other words, within a short period of time.

The second is that the behavior of these fallen gods is acquiesced by the senior leaders of Sao Feng Camp.

Of course, this is just Ling Feng's guess. He is more willing to believe that it is his first guess.

But no matter what, escaping to the inner island is tantamount to sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth.

Hearing screams coming from the direction of the inner island also confirmed Ling Feng's guess.

Chu Zhongtian glanced at Ling Feng's back. Fortunately, he wisely followed Ling Feng and did not think about escaping to the inner island. Otherwise, he might have turned into a dead body now.

This further strengthened Chu Zhongtian's inner thoughts. As long as he followed Ling Feng, even in a desperate situation, he might be able to find a glimmer of hope.

Soon, the group came to a swamp.

"The wind direction of the island now happens to be blowing towards this depression, and this happens to be a low-lying area. In other words, our breath will not drift outside with the wind."

Ling Feng looked at the swamp in front of him and said in a deep voice: "If we want to survive, hide all our auras and hide in the swamp. All we need to do is wait."

"Waiting?" Chu Zhongtian's eyelids twitched, "Are you waiting for reinforcements?"

Ling Feng nodded, "With the strength of those fallen gods, it is impossible for us to compete with them head-on, so we have to wait! Only when the veterans from Sao Feng Camp arrive will we have a chance."


Everyone nodded repeatedly, ignoring the stench and rotten smell of the swamp, pinching their noses and jumping into the swamp.

A disciple from Chu Zhongtian's camp suddenly frowned when he saw the stench of sewage in the swamp, and even some corpses and feces floating there.

He subconsciously opened his protective aura. Fortunately, Ling Feng had quick eyesight and slapped him to the ground, stopping his stupid behavior in time.

"what you do!"

That disciple stared at Ling Feng with an extremely sinister look. If he hadn't known that he was no match for Ling Feng, he would have slapped him back.

"If you want to die yourself, don't involve others."

Ling Feng glared at the disciple, "What did I just say? Hide all aura. If you think the sewage in the swamp is too dirty, just find another place to hide."

"I'm sorry Brother Ling, this kid has been used to fine clothes and fine food since he was young."

Chu Zhongtian quickly apologized to Ling Feng and glared at the disciple coldly, "Brother Ling is right, Chu Han, if you want to die yourself, don't involve others!"

Chu Han, like Chu Zhongtian, were both disciples from the main lineage of the Great Desolate God Clan. Chu Zhongtian's words were somewhat intimidating to him.

Several people immediately abandoned all means of defense and jumped into the sewage of the swamp with a pop. Even breathing was completely cut off, allowing their bodies to slowly sink in the sewage, as if they were in a mire. , like a rotting corpse.

With their level of cultivation, it would not be a problem to hold their breath in the sewage for several days and nights.

When Chu Han saw others jumping into the pool, although he looked disgusted and disgusted, he still gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and allowed his body to be submerged by the sewage.

However, staying in such a disgusting environment is undoubtedly a huge torture for him.

In fact, it was not just him. Apart from Ling Feng, even Yan Jinghong was a member of a wealthy family who had a golden key in his mouth since he was a child. If he wanted to soak in such a stinky quagmire, he really needed to overcome himself.

However, under the strong desire to survive, they could only grit their teeth and persevere.

Time passed bit by bit.

Every minute and every second makes people almost collapse.

Not only the disgusting environment in the swamp, but also the screams coming from outside from time to time are all terrifying and chilling.

Ling Feng didn't know how many people outside could survive, but according to this trend, it wouldn't be long before all of these new recruits would be killed or injured.

Gradually, the screams subsided.

But no one dared to act rashly, nor did they dare to use their spiritual thoughts to search for the situation outside.

If a fallen protoss detects their aura, it will be a disaster for everyone hiding here.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of fighting outside the quagmire, and violent vitality shot out in all directions, leaving the entire quagmire in a mess.

However, the people hiding under the mire did not dare to move at all.

Fortunately, they had almost sunk into the quagmire, and the force that had affected them was not enough to threaten them.

Soon, the sound of fighting above disappeared, and it seemed that one side had won. The last thing that came was a burst of extremely evil laughter.

"Jie Jie Jie, little beauty, finally let me capture you alive!"

"Bah! Get your dirty hands off!"

A cold voice sounded, and it was Ji Ruye's voice.

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