Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2891 Rise to fame! (1 update)

Sunset dusk.

As the sky gradually darkened, this sudden test finally came to an end.

There were close to a thousand recruits, of which as many as 90% were "killed". Only less than 10% of them escaped by hiding themselves with the help of the island's terrain and some special magic formations.

And these people are undoubtedly the best ones who have truly mastered the essentials in these half months of training.

Among these rare recruits, only three of them were able to find the right opportunity to kill the "Fallen Gods", and thus were directly promoted to official members of the Sao Feng Camp.

In addition to Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong, there is another person who is extremely low-key on weekdays. He is almost inconspicuous in the crowd and will not be noticed at all.

However, he was the only recruit who jumped out to help Ye Cang fight.

Soon after, the recruits who thought they were dead woke up one after another, and Lu Chong, who had been dead and even split into two, reappeared in front of everyone.

This test finally ended.

The results of the test also made everyone realize that although the things taught by the previous teachers were boring, they were indeed very useful in situations of life and death.

Since the tents where the recruits lived had been destroyed by fire, everyone needed to temporarily set up tents to live in. Before the sky got completely dark, everyone started to get busy.

Of course, this does not include those recruits who chose to surrender.

Being afraid of death is not a shameful thing. Everyone is afraid of death, but those who surrender to the enemy because they are greedy for life and fear of death, no matter how good they are, are not qualified to stay.

If the Yuanshen Temple maintains the stability of the entire Zhongyuan Domain, the Sao Feng Camp is a sharp sword in the hands of the Yuanshen Temple, sweeping away all threats lurking in the dark.

Therefore, no traitors are allowed to exist in Sao Feng Camp. Otherwise, it may be a disaster for Sao Feng Camp.

Although the recruits begged the instructors to give them another chance, the three major instructors were unmoved. They gave them a big ship and expelled them from the island. As for their life and death, it had nothing to do with Camp Sao Feng. .

The night is getting darker.

The bonfires were still burning among the tents of the recruit camp. After such a "frightening" day, no one was obviously very sleepy.

Everyone gathered around the campfire and talked about what happened during the day, still a little shaken.

Most of the topics they talked about were how dangerous it was during the day, and they were envious of those who passed the test.

In the camp where Ling Feng was, not to mention him and Yan Jinghong, as for brothers Gu Weide and Xu Yi, it was also thanks to Ling Feng that they passed the test.

"Boss Ling, it's all thanks to you this time."

Xu Yi took a deep look at Ling Feng and bowed to Ling Feng, "I, Xu Yi, am convinced this time. From now on, you will be my Xu Yi's eldest brother. If you ask me, Xu Yi, to go east, I will never go west."

Xu Rui also nodded, this time he was completely impressed by Ling Feng. He also looked at Ling Feng and said seriously: "Me too."

Gu Weide also chuckled, but he did not worship Ling Feng as his boss like Xu Yi and the others. He and Ling Feng also came from the Demon Sealing God Clan, and compared with Xu Yi and the others, he was not an outsider.

If they were the same as Xu Yi and others, wouldn't they be degrading themselves?

However, he had already made up his mind to hug Ling Feng's thigh tightly.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "We are all brothers from the same battalion, why bother?"

"You must." Xu Yi patted his chest, "I, Xu Yi, always say the truth!"

Xu Rui also nodded. These two brothers are really like brothers.

At this moment, several warriors came over from a distance, and the leader was none other than Chu Zhongtian.

"Chu, what are you doing here? Do you still want to fight?"

When Xu Yi saw Chu Zhongtian, he immediately became furious. During the day, the two brothers suffered a lot at the hands of Chu Zhongtian and his group. It was their enemies who were extremely jealous when they met.

"Misunderstanding, Brother Xu."

Chu Zhongtian quickly waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's the so-called acquaintance without fighting, haha. We can be considered to share weal and woe this time, right?"

"Who is your brother?"

Brother Xu Yi looked displeased, but Ling Feng was the boss now, and they had to act based on Ling Feng's attitude.

"Brother Ling."

Chu Zhongtian looked at Ling Feng and bowed deeply to him. The companions behind him also bowed to Ling Feng. This battle suddenly attracted many people to watch.

"Oh no, Chu Zhongtian actually bowed his head to others!"

"This is still Chu Zhongtian's style!"

In the past half a month in this new barracks, Chu Zhongtian has always been arrogant and domineering because of his strength. Today, he actually bowed his head and saluted someone. This is really a long time!

Ignoring the comments of others, Chu Zhongtian looked at Ling Feng with a grateful face and said in a deep voice: "Brother Ling, I haven't had time to thank you for what happened during the day."

"Just little things."

Ling Feng shrugged, his expression unchanged. He had no intention of helping Chu Zhongtian, but Chu Zhongtian was shamelessly following him.

But I have to say that Chu Zhongtian is indeed a smart man.

“Brother Ling, it’s just a small thing for you, but it allowed us all to successfully pass the exam!”

Chu Zhongtian said with sincerity: "Brother Ling, I, Chu Zhongtian, seldom convince others, but you, Brother Ling, are one. From tonight on, I, Chu Zhongtian, am willing to follow Brother Ling, no, I will follow you, Boss Ling. I hope The boss can accept me!"

"I hope Boss Ling can accept us!"

The companions behind Chu Zhongtian knelt down on one knee and worshiped in front of Ling Feng.


Ling Feng's forehead went dark. How could he sing this?

Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry for a while. He originally wanted to refuse, but after recalling what Li Chunyang said to him, he still hesitated.

He needs to establish his own power, connections, and talents, which are all very important resources.

People like Chu Zhongtian are the elites of the major divine races. Although they are not as good as those high-ranking divine races, they are still second-class top geniuses.

When such a person comes to your door, there is no reason to refuse.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng nodded and said calmly: "As the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting. It's just who is the boss and who is not the boss. We are all brothers."

Brother Xu Yi's expression darkened at that moment. Chu Zhongtian was quite a man. He actually led a group of brothers to apologize to Xu Yi and the two of them, and even compensated them with some soul crystals.

Chu Zhongtian has already done this, and if Brother Xu Yi continues to hold on, he will appear to be too petty.

In the end, the two sides settled their differences, and after a few glasses of wine, they began to call themselves brothers.

The loyalty between men is sometimes so simple.

After this battle, Ling Feng became famous in the new barracks.

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