Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2892 Chief Sao Feng! (2 updates)

At the same time, among the islands in the Sao Feng Island Group.

The three major disciples of Ye Cang and the dozen or so "fallen gods" who were performing this test mission all knelt down and worshiped in front of a wooden house.

It was a very simple-looking wooden house, with no luxurious decorations, no gold or jade, carved beams or painted pillars. It was just a simple wooden house that could not be more simple.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the buildings in various places on the inner island are just simple wooden houses and bamboo houses, nothing more.

And here is the headquarters of Saofeng Camp, where all the senior officials of Saofeng Camp live.

At this time, Lu Chong was reporting the final results of the assessment to the people in the wooden house. Everyone was respectful and obviously respected the people in the house.

"Lord General, the above is all about this assessment."

Lu Chong said with a respectful expression: "Those who meet the conditions for promotion include Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong from the Demon Sealing God Clan, and Dongfang Weiming from the Heluo God Clan."

"Are there only three people?"

Inside the wooden house, a slightly older, yet steady and powerful voice came.

"Yes, there are only three of them." Lu Chong lowered his head and said.

"It's a little less, but there are still some talents worth cultivating."

The old voice sounded again, and then there was another sound of footsteps in the house. The wooden sliding door was slowly pushed to both sides, and a faint candlelight came from inside the wooden house.

The first person to walk out of the room was a young man wearing a blue robe, with a face like a crown jewel and gentle eyes. He looked at the more than ten people kneeling in the courtyard, nodded slightly, did not speak, and just sat down very calmly. Come down.

Then, there was a girl wearing a white short skirt, even her hair was snow-white, petite and exquisite, looking very cute and cute, only about fourteen or fifteen years old.

However, when the girl came out, everyone almost lowered their heads to the ground and their bodies were trembling a little.

The girl's eyes were slightly hollow, and her big jewel-like eyes looked around, seemingly full of curiosity about everything outside.

"Sheng, sit down."

The boy in blue robe said very gently to the white-haired girl. The girl softly said "Oh, oh, oh" three times, then sat down on the wooden floor beside her, supporting the ground with both hands. Bai Shengsheng's calves were swaying slightly, looking very innocent.

However, no one dared to even look at it. The whole place was eerily quiet, and you could almost hear a pin drop.

Finally, in the wooden house, a man wearing a white robe and holding a mahogany crutch walked out very slowly, but very calmly.

This is a tall and burly old man with a thick beard and eyebrows, but they are already somewhat gray, and his head is bald without a single hair.

As the old man walked out, everyone shouted in unison: "Greetings to Mr. General Secretary."

The Commander-in-Chief, the highest authority of the Sao Feng Camp, is equivalent to the highest commander of the entire legion. His words are the highest orders.

"Everyone, get up."

The General Secretary looked very kind and kind. Everyone straightened up, but they still knelt on the ground. They did not dare to squint, not to look at the young man in blue robe who looked very gentle, let alone Look at the innocent white-haired girl.

"Sheng, next time you come out, you must learn to control your breath."

Lord Souji smiled and glanced at the white-haired girl. The girl named Sheng nodded and blinked her beautiful eyes, "Yes."

"Is that so?"

"Okay, I know."

The white-haired girl responded three times, and a white light flashed around her body. Then, everyone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and some even wiped the sweat from their foreheads.

Just now, they were almost suffocated by the breath of the white-haired girl.

The Souji raised his rough big hand and gently stroked the back of the white-haired girl's head. The girl smiled and rubbed the old man's palm affectionately. But then, her expression suddenly changed again and she frowned. : "Smelly old man, take your stinky hands away."

Everyone has obviously seen this kind of scene many times and is not surprised by it.

This girl named "Sheng" actually has three completely different personalities!

Therefore, her full name is Sanchong Sheng.

Sanchong is her unique surname.

The general manager didn't mind Sheng's nonsense, he just smiled gently, sat down between Sheng and the blue-robed boy, looked at the people kneeling in the courtyard, and said lightly: "Then, next, let's It is up to you to arrange for the three elites to officially enter the Sao Feng Camp. Together with the few boys from the upper-level God Clan, the quality of the newcomers this time is generally good. "

Everyone nodded, and the Souji continued: "The new recruits will be engaged in combat training soon. We will take advantage of this opportunity to see if we can find someone who is worthy of inheriting the sword."

"Yes, Mr. Souji!"

Everyone responded in unison.

At this time, the young man in blue robe who had been silent suddenly spoke, "Director-General, can you also let me participate in the recruit training?"

"Yunfu, you?"

Souji looked at the blue-robed boy in surprise. With his strength, it would be a bit of a bully to participate in the recruit training.

"Soji, you also said that the new recruits' confrontation training is related to the inheritance of that sword. If you don't have enough strength, you can't become one of the Ten Blades of the Gotei."

The young man in blue robe smiled gently, and lightly drew a line in front of him, causing a liquid bubble to float. Then, with a "pop" sound, the bubble burst. From the image presented by the bubble, a figure with a blue robe actually jumped out. A young man who looks exactly like a teenager.

"If he only participates, it shouldn't be anything."

"That's fine." Souji nodded and said nothing more.

The white-haired girl Sheng on the side was still swinging her calves. Seeing what Yun Fu did, she narrowed her eyes and smiled, "Yun Fu is really amazing."

Then he muttered in a low voice with a look of disgust on his face, "You're just a little talented and always like to show off."

Finally, he was holding his cheeks, like a cute little baby, just looking at everything around him.

Early the next morning.

Everyone listened to the drums and went to the square for training as usual.

"Ling Feng, Yan Jinghong, Dongfang Weiming, come out!"

Ye Cang shouted three names loudly, and Ling Feng and the others stepped out in response.

Under the envious eyes of everyone, the three people stepped onto the high platform.

Everyone knew what this meant, because the three of them not only passed the assessment, but also successfully completed additional tests.

They don't have to stay in the recruit camp for training, but they can enjoy the same treatment as the geniuses of the upper-level protoss.

Starting today, they will also become official members of Sao Feng Camp.

Ling Feng and the others walked to the stage and gave a standard military salute to the three major teachers.

The three major teachers nodded, and even Ye Cang, who was known as the "night cry ghost", showed a rare faint smile.

However, this smile was fleeting.

"You did a good job."

Lu Chong smiled and glanced at Ling Feng and the others, "To become an elite in the Sao Feng Camp, one needs not only the courage of an ordinary man, but more importantly, one who is good at observation and good at seizing any opportunity."

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