Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2893 Third Battalion and Second Team! (3 updates)

"Starting today, the three of you can officially go to the inner island and become official members of Sao Feng Camp."

Lu Chong punched Ling Feng and the others lightly on their shoulders respectively, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, you can walk out of this recruit camp."

"Thanks for the teaching!"

The three of them, Ling Feng, shouted in unison.

"According to the arrangements of the General Secretary, you will be assigned to the third battalion and the second team."

Lu Chong chuckled and said, "When you get there, you won't have any more lessons, only the commander, do you understand?"


The three of them roared again, and Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. The third battalion and the second team sounded a little familiar!


The bald man who disguised himself as a fallen protoss and plotted against Ji Ruye was the vice-captain of the third battalion and second team!

"Okay, Lao Ji, take them there."

Lu Chong smiled and looked at Ji Ruye.

Ji Ruye frowned visibly and almost couldn't help but kick Lu Chong. She gritted her teeth and glared at Lu Chong, "Lu Chong!"

"Sorry, sorry, it should be Xiaoji."

Lu Chong chuckled, Ji Ruye snorted, looked back at Ling Feng and the others, and said lazily: "Come with me!"

Under the envious gazes of everyone, Ling Feng and the others walked towards the inner island step by step.

As for the remaining people, they will have to wait at least half a month before they can enter the inner island and become official members of Sao Feng Camp.

And the premise is that they can hold on until that time.

However, after this test, everyone's fighting spirit and motivation were obviously different, and they all studied the things taught by the teacher extremely seriously.

This thing can indeed save lives in critical moments!

The Saofeng Island Group is very large, even comparable to a small country, and on the passage to the inner island, there are iron cable bridges connecting each island.

Under the leadership of Ji Ruye, the group passed through several islands before finally arriving at the inner island.

This is where the official members of Camp Sao Feng live.

"The Sao Feng Camp is divided into ten sub-battalions, and each battalion has eight squads. Most of the third battalion and second squad you are going to are recruits recovered this time, and they are considered to be of the same class as you."

Ji Ruye introduced the situation in Saofeng Camp word by word. She walked in front of everyone because her figure was too hot and her twisting waist could easily attract men's attention.

Except for Ling Feng, Yan Jinghong and Dongfang Weiming obviously didn't hear Ji Ruye's words clearly. They stared at Ji Ru's twisting waist and felt a little dry.

"Are all the geniuses from the three high-level divine clans here too?"

When Ling Feng heard Ji Ruye's words, his eyes lit up. He wondered who the Jiuli God Clan would send.

And what level of monsters will the Tai'a God Clan and the Haotian God Clan send out?

Ling Feng felt a bit of anticipation in his heart.


Ji Ruye turned back and glanced at Ling Feng, and found that except for Ling Feng, the other two people's eyes were a little fiery and lewd, and her eyes couldn't help but frown.

The next moment, she snorted softly, clicked the whip in her hand, and whipped Yan Jinghong hard.

"Damn! Why did you hit me!"

Yan Jinghong quickly ducked out of the way. Ji Ruye didn't really mean to hit him, so with Yan Jinghong's skills, it was not difficult to dodge the whip.

"Hmph, you know it yourself!"

Ji Ruye glared at Yan Jinghong. Previously, because of the presence of the bald man Xiao Yang who was at the same level as her, she couldn't say much. In fact, the guy who hugged her that day and had a reaction was not just Xiao Yang. one.

Yan Jinghong rolled Ji Ruye on the ground for more than a dozen times. If a young man like him didn't respond, something was wrong.

Yan Jinghong's old face turned red and felt embarrassed, but he just snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Ling Feng shrugged, wondering what happened between Yan Jinghong and this hot female instructor.

However, he was not interested in knowing.


Ji Ruye pointed to a camp ahead. Compared with the new camp, the conditions were indeed much better. At least there were bamboo huts to live in.

Behind this bamboo house, there is also an open space, and many warriors wearing standard casual clothes are exchanging ideas in the square.

"Baldhead, get out of here!"

Ji Ruye yelled, and the next moment, the bald man Xiao Yang rushed out in a hurry, looked at Ji Ruye with an embarrassed look, frowned and said: "Ji Ruye, there are so many people on my territory. , can you give me some face?"


Ji Ruye narrowed her eyes and smiled, staring straight at Henry Zhang, twisting her waist and walking towards Henry Zhang.

Henry Zhang swallowed "Gulu", but his legs were a little weak with fear, "Auntie, it's okay that I was wrong! I'm old, I can't bear it, I can't bear it!"


Ji Ruye glared at Henry Zhang angrily, and then stopped, "Bald Bald, these three recruits will be handed over to you next."


Henry Zhang nodded, but when he saw Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong, his expression suddenly darkened. These two boys knew about what happened to him that day.

"Okay, aunt, I'm leaving first!"

After Ji Ruye finished speaking, she turned around and left, but when she left, she glared at Yan Jinghong provocatively.

Yan Jinghong shrugged indifferently. After all, Ji Ruye was an instructor in the new military camp. He was far away in the third battalion and second team, and there would definitely be no chance to see him again in the future.


After Ji Ruye walked away, Henry Zhang came closer to Ling Feng and the other two, and lowered his voice: "You two, you know what should and should not be said about what happened that day, right?"

"That day, what happened that day?"

Ling Feng blinked, "Sir, have we met before?"

"Hey hey hey..."

Henry Zhang grinned and thought to himself: This kid is on the road!

Henry Zhang looked at Yan Jinghong again, but Yan Jinghong did not express his position. Ling Feng said quickly: "Sir, don't worry, this kid is mute."

The corner of Yan Jinghong's mouth twitched twice and he glared at Ling Feng fiercely, but in the end he didn't say anything more.

Who allowed himself to still be in debt to Ling Feng?


Henry Zhang nodded, "Come with me, I'm the only one who will train you for the time being. When that bitch Ji Ruye comes back..."


Hearing this, Yan Jinghong almost jumped up, "Sir, what do you mean, Ji Jiaoxi, come back?"


Henry Zhang nodded, "What's the matter? The recruit camp does not exist for a long time. Ji Ruye just went to serve as a teacher. She is also the deputy captain of our second team. As for the captain, you should be familiar with it, that is Lu Chong. Guy. But that guy has been around since eight years ago..."

"Haha, don't mention it." Henry Zhang seemed to think of something, and quickly shut up and said: "Okay, I will take you to meet the other brothers first. From now on, we will all be brothers who eat and live together! Wait for a while With time, I believe we’ll get used to it!”

Yan Jinghong's face darkened, his heart thumped, and he secretly complained. It seemed that it would be difficult for him to get rid of Ji Ruye's "devil".

As for Ling Feng, he was a little curious about Lu Chong's past. What happened to Lu Chong eight years ago?

Shaking his head, Ling Feng put these things behind him. It was better to stay away from other people's affairs. Right now, improving his strength was the most important thing.

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