Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2894 We meet everywhere in life! (1 update)

"Bah bang bang!"

The bald man Xiao Yang led Ling Feng and the others to a high platform, clapped his hands, and motioned for everyone to gather. Soon, the third battalion and the second team, with a total of more than thirty members, were on that not-so-big platform. They gathered in the square.

This Sao Feng Camp is indeed following an elite route, with ten sub-battalions, each sub-battalion is divided into eight squads, and the number of each squad is said to not exceed fifty people.

In other words, the total number of people in the entire Sao Feng Camp does not exceed four thousand!

In contrast, the "huge" number of nearly a thousand people in the new military camp has become the largest in the Sao Feng camp.

Not to mention that this is not comparable to the number of soul guards. Even the three armies of Divine Fire, Divine Sword, and Divine Sky are hundreds or thousands of times more numerous than Sao Feng Camp.

However, as the sharpest blade under the Yuanshen Temple, the combat effectiveness of Sao Feng Camp cannot be measured by numbers.

After all, not every legion can guarantee that all members are saints, or even in other words, directly saints.

There is no doubt that everyone who can stay in Sao Feng Camp is an elite among the elite.

"Let me introduce to you, these three are all newcomers who have been promoted from the recruit camp. Please take care of them from now on!"

Henry Zhang smiled broadly. In comparison, although this Henry Zhang looks a bit rougher and a bit fierce, with all kinds of hideous and terrifying tattoos all over his body, his personality is much better than the previous one. For the three teachers, this is relatively normal.

"Introduce yourself."

Henry Zhang narrowed his eyes and smiled, "From now on, we will all be brothers of the same team. We will spend a lot of time together day and night, and we all know each other."

After saying that, he looked back at the three people behind him.

Ling Feng was the first to step forward, cupping his fists and saluting everyone, "Hello everyone, I'm Ling Feng, please take care of me."

The members of the second team in the audience looked at Ling Feng.

Being able to pass the assessment of the new camp in just half a month and be promoted to official members of the Sao Feng Camp naturally proves the excellence of Ling Feng and the others.

Therefore, even if Ling Feng's aura is not too strong, everyone will not underestimate him.

At this moment, a breathless voice came from behind the crowd, saying loudly: "Sorry, sorry, I'm late! Huh huh..."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. This voice sounded familiar!

He looked intently and saw a woman in a lavender dress running quickly out from behind the crowd, panting and looking a little embarrassed.

And this purple-clothed girl turned out to be Yu Junyao!

Ling Feng burst into laughter. No wonder Yu Junyao was hurriedly taken back by the Jiuli Divine Clan. It turned out that she was planning to join the Saofeng Camp!

We really meet each other everywhere in life!

"Yu Junyao!"

On the high platform, the bald man Xiao Yang had already frowned, glared at Yu Junyao, and said in a cold voice: "Tell me about it yourself, how many times has this happened in half a month?"


Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth and looked aggrieved, "I didn't mean it either!"

This girl has been pampered since she was a child, and she likes to be lazy on weekdays. She suddenly joined a devil training camp like Saofeng Camp. The heavy daily training tasks naturally made her a little bit overwhelmed.

Moreover, based on his past experience of "living together" with Yu Junyao, Ling Feng knew that she was a legendary bed-rider.

Ling Feng had never seen a cultivator stay in bed to such an extent as her.

Of course, except Zifeng, because Zifeng’s daily task is to sleep, sleep, sleep...

While sleeping, he can continue to grow.

Even Ling Feng is envious of such ability.

"Hmph, you still have the nerve to say it! Come back to the team!"

Henry Zhang glared at Yu Junyao angrily, but this guy had a fierce face, but he couldn't bear to deal with a little girl.

"Thank you Captain Xiao!"

Yu Junyao smiled and looked up at the stage. When she saw Ling Feng on the stage, she almost jumped up in fright.

"you you you……"

Yu Junyao looked at Ling Feng in disbelief, and Ling Feng was also looking at her with a smile, as if he was greeting her.

"Why are you here too!"

Yu Junyao pointed at Ling Feng, never expecting that she would meet Ling Feng in Xiaofeng Camp.

And Yu Junyao's words immediately caused everyone's eyes to wander back and forth between Ling Feng and Yu Junyao.

These two people seemed to know each other, and they were very familiar!

For a moment, Ling Feng felt some inexplicable hostility. After all, the proportion of female monks who originally joined Xiaofeng Camp was not very high. It can be said that there are more wolves than meat, and stunning beauties like Yu Junyao are even more popular goddesses. level exists.

Being familiar with everyone's goddess, of course it's easy to attract envious, jealous and hateful looks.

"Hey, do you know me?"

Henry Zhang chuckled, then his face turned cold, and he scolded in a cold voice: "Is this the time for you to reminisce about the past? Why don't you return to the team for me!"

Yujunyao was startled by Zhang Yang's fierce look, and quickly retreated into the team, for fear of being punished by Xiao Yang.

I have to say that Yu Junyao is used to acting up, and to be able to listen to Henry Zhang like this, it seems that she has indeed changed a lot in the Sao Feng Camp.

Or maybe she was really afraid of the iron rules of Camp Sao Feng.


Henry Zhang snorted, then turned around and said: "Okay, next one."

Yan Jinghong walked forward with an indifferent expression, as if everyone owed him money. He just said his name and stepped aside.

Then, Dongfang Weiming also stepped forward, nodded to everyone, looked a little nervous, and said with a smile: "Hello everyone, I am Dongfang Weiming, from the Heluo Divine Clan."

After the three people introduced each other, Henry Zhang nodded, arranged for Ling Feng and the other two to join the queue, and then said: "In half a month, the new recruits screened by the recruit camp will join each battalion and each team, and In half a month, the once-a-decade confrontation training for new recruits will begin. I hope you will seize the time and train hard, so as not to be outdone by others. "

In the third battalion and second team, except for a few veterans, most of them were the three high-ranking gods who joined the Sao Feng camp in the same batch as Ling Feng and others.

Most of them are young outstanding disciples like Yu Junyao, and they all have a sense of arrogance to a greater or lesser extent.

As a high-ranking protoss, how could they be surpassed by a mere inferior protoss? They didn't believe this.

However, they did not dare to say such things in front of Henry Zhang, otherwise it would be some overloaded training.

The so-called training should actually be said to be the execution of tasks.

Official members of the Sao Feng Camp no longer have the centralized systematic training of the new recruit camp, but everyone needs to complete various tasks, and if the tasks are not completed within the specified time, they will be punished.

The punishment wasn't too harsh. At most, it was just confining the Dantian and throwing him into the sea to "race" with some sea beasts raised by Sao Feng Camp.

That’s right, you’re racing against sea beasts in the water, and you have to lock your Dantian!

If you are caught up, you will have to enjoy the disgusting experience of being swallowed by these sea animals and being "soaked" in stomach acid and various mucus for several hours.

Whoever uses it knows that feeling!

Yu Junyao had experienced such a feeling, so she gradually learned to be honest. Otherwise, with her temperament as a young lady, how could she be so obedient to Xiao Yang.

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