Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2895 Gotei Ten Blades! (2 updates)

"Ling Feng, you three are new here. Just perform some relatively simple tasks today."

Henry Zhang thought for a while, and then said slowly: "Let's start with catching insects. Pan Yuan, you can take them there!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Among the crowd, a young man who looked quite elegant and gentle came out, glanced at Ling Feng and the others, and said warmly: "Guys, please come with me."

"I'm going too, I'm going too!"

Yu Junyao jumped out quickly, looked at Henry Zhang on the stage, and begged slightly: "Captain, can I go too?"

Henry Zhang raised his hand and touched his forehead, and said helplessly: "Okay, just go!"

For a while, many male warriors cast hostile glances at Ling Feng, and some even shouted loudly: "Captain, I'm going too!"

"Get out of here, everyone!"

Henry Zhang snorted coldly, "Is it because your task is not heavy enough, or do you think I can't lift the knife? It's all my fault, right?"


In an instant, the roaring warriors in the audience all shrank their necks and did not even dare to fart.

Soon, under the leadership of Na Pan Yuan, the group headed to a small island near the island where they lived.

The pest control mission is carried out on this island.

Pan Yuan led the way, while Yu Junyao walked beside Ling Feng and started chatting with him in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Hey, brat, why did you join Sao Feng Camp?"

Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth. She originally followed Mu Qianxue's wishes, but actually hoped that Ling Feng would not come to Zhongyuan Domain.

As a result, Ling Feng stopped coming, and moreover, he joined the Sao Feng Camp.

Joining the Sao Feng Camp, in a sense, already means that Ling Feng has stepped onto the stage of being a strong player in the Zhongyuan Domain.

He is destined to enter the vision of those top experts.

With Ling Feng's excellence, I'm afraid he will soon attract the attention of those old monsters.

For a moment, Yu Junyao's mood was a little complicated.

On the one hand, she was naturally happy to be reunited with Ling Feng, but she was even more afraid that one day, Ling Feng would be on the opposite side of the two high-ranking gods.

Ling Feng shrugged and said with a smile: "I can't help it, it's too good. The elders of the Demon Sealing God Clan begged me to join, so I came."

Ling Feng was not bragging. After all, in order for Ling Feng to join the Sao Feng Camp on behalf of the Demon Sealing God Clan, they even took out treasures like the Heavenly Soul Divine Pill.

It is not too much to use the word "seeking".

"whispering sound!"

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes, "Narcissistic!"

Ling Feng just smiled lightly and didn't care.

"You brat, you really shouldn't join Sao Feng Camp."

Yu Junyao sighed and said suddenly.

"What?" Ling Feng turned to look at Yu Junyao, "So far, I think this place is pretty good."

The strong ones are like a cloud, and the geniuses are gathered together.

Such an environment can stimulate his fighting spirit and allow him to maintain the momentum of rapid improvement.

"You don't know yet, right?" Yujunyao bit her lips, "Have you ever heard of the Gotei Ten Blades?"

"The Ten Blades of the Gotei?" Ling Feng looked confused, obviously he didn't know anything about the Ten Blades.

"It symbolizes the glory of the strongest elite of Sao Feng Camp, the peerless monster who inherited ten legendary weapons."

Yu Junyao said with some worry: "You don't have to worry about the others, but do you know who the leader of the ten blades is?"

"You said so..." Ling Feng glanced at Yu Junyao and said with a wry smile: "I think that person is probably Qianxue's legendary fiancé, right?"

"You're smart."

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, "So, are you sure you still want to compete with him for your cousin? In other people's eyes, you are just a little ant."

"I don't compete with anyone. Qianxue is a person, not a commodity."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, "I just want to give her a chance to make her own choice. If she doesn't have it, then I will use my fists to fight for her."

"You are really... huh, too lazy to care about you!"

Yu Junyao snorted softly. She knew very well that Mu Qianxue could sacrifice her own divine blood for Ling Feng. For so many years, she had been thinking about Ling Feng, so her heart was naturally towards Ling Feng.

However, this engagement was made as early as when Mu Qianxue was born, and no one could change it.

If Ling Feng wanted to fight for this opportunity for her, wouldn't it be equivalent to being an enemy of two major gods at the same time?

This guy is really a lunatic!

However, Yu Junyao knew better that no one could change what Ling Feng decided.

While talking, the group of people had arrived at the island where they were going to eliminate pests.

"This is it."

Pan Yuan, who was walking in front, looked back at everyone and said with a slightly solemn expression: "Everyone, please be careful, those bugs are not easy to deal with."

"Bugs? Not easy to deal with?"

Dongfang Weiming was stunned for a moment, "Senior Brother Pan, it's just about removing insects. I think it's just about catching insects for Lingzhi. It's not difficult, right?"

"You'll find out soon!"

Yu Junyao smiled. At first, she naively thought it was just like this, until she failed to complete the task and was thrown into the sea...


At this moment, a rapid and harsh roar came.

Then, I saw a dense black cloud in the distance, rushing towards me at a very fast speed.

And if you look carefully, you can see that these black clouds are actually composed of a group of flying insects, and each flying insect is astonishingly the size of a cow's head!

They flapped their wings, and wherever they passed, there was literally no grass growing!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. No wonder this island looked so weird. Although the grass and weeds in many places were up to the knees, there were some places where they were completely bare.

Obviously this island is so full of spiritual energy, so there shouldn't be such a bare landscape.

"What we want to get rid of are these damn soul-killing insects."

Pan Yuan said in a deep voice: "On this island, there are a large number of rare materials and treasures planted. Although there are enchantment formations around the spiritual field to protect them, once the soul-killing insects gather too densely, they will attack The magic circle caused the loss of heavenly materials and earthly treasures."

"Then why not eliminate all the soul-killing insects at once, so that you won't need to eliminate them again and again in the future."

Dongfang Weiming on the side couldn't help but ask.

"Maybe it's because the spiritual energy here is too strong."

Ling Feng thought for a while and said lightly: "The spiritual energy is too strong. The advantage is that it can cultivate rare spiritual plants. But on the other hand, the rarer the spiritual plants are, the more capable they are of competing for spiritual energy, but they are not as good as the weeds around them. Therefore, On the contrary, it is easy for the weeds to absorb all the spiritual energy, causing the spiritual plants to be unable to cultivate, or even the weeds to absorb their own spiritual energy. "

After a pause, Ling Feng continued: "So, although the existence of these soul-killing insects will also damage the treasures of heaven and earth, they seem to be more lethal to the surrounding weeds."

"It seems that Brother Ling also has a lot of research on spiritual plants." Pan Yuan glanced at Ling Feng in surprise. He only knew these things after his seniors told him.

"I don't think I should do research. I only know a little bit about it."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Besides that, it's actually mainly because of the island's environmental problems. In a completely unenclosed environment like the island, the larvae of these soul-killing insects live in the ocean during their larval stage. Only Only after they mature can they board pirates. The ocean is so vast, even if you want to completely eliminate these soul-killing insects, it will be very difficult. "

"That's it." Dongfang Weiming nodded, "It's true that he has lived and learned until he was old, and Weiming has been taught."

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