Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2898 Sample! (2 updates)

Henry Zhang's big copper eyes stared at Ling Feng, "I'll give you another chance, you can say it again!"

"Replying to the deputy captain, the mission has been successfully completed!" Ling Feng felt helpless. These days, no one believes the truth anymore?


The corner of Henry Zhang's mouth twitched a few times, "You kid..."

"Vice Captain..." At this time, Pan Yuan smiled bitterly and said, "Ling Feng didn't lie. The mission has indeed been completed. I'm ashamed to say that it's mainly due to Ling Feng and the others. I didn't help much." Busy."


Henry Zhang's expression changed again and again. He knew Pan Yuan's temperament well, and he said it was true, and he did not dare to lie in front of him.

In other words, these few new recruits, together with Yu Junyao, who is a dabbler, actually completed the originally impossible task?

He still knows Yujunyao very well. Although she has outstanding talent and is considered a highly talented member of the Jiuli Divine Clan, this girl is loose-tempered and lazy. She really has to deal with so many soul-killing insects. Okay, but facing several overwhelming waves of Soul-killing Insects, relying solely on her Jiuli Divine Fire won't work at all.

From this point of view, Ling Feng and these newcomers really have something!

Looking back, although it was Ling Feng and the others who cooperated with Ji Ruye to suppress him that day, the most important thing was that Ling Feng's ability to summon void tentacles firmly restrained him, which gave Ji Ruye A chance to defeat the enemy with one move.

Regarding Ling Feng's void tentacles, although they look like the abilities of demons, some space-based secret arts also have similar abilities, and when Ling Feng took action, there was no fluctuation of demonic energy, so they did not Didn't delve into this.

After all, it's normal for everyone to have their own secrets.

To put it bluntly, not to mention that the demons had been suppressed and sealed in ancient times, even if Ling Feng was really a demon, would he dare to come to a place like Saofeng Camp?

Wouldn’t that be throwing yourself into a trap?

"This boy!"

Henry Zhang cursed in his heart. It was a shame that he had prepared a "meeting gift" for Ling Feng and the others. Now it seems that it is of no use.


Henry Zhang burst out laughing suddenly, raised his hand and patted Ling Feng's shoulder several times, "This captain is very good at predicting things. He has already guessed that you guys will be able to successfully complete the mission. Look!"

Henry Zhang reluctantly took out a jar of wine from a cabinet in the corner, and said with a pained expression: "So, my captain has already prepared this Qiongjiang wine, waiting for you guys to come back to celebrate. Woolen cloth!"


The corners of everyone's mouths twitched slightly. This guy's acting skills were too embarrassing.

Looking at his distressed look, only a ghost would believe it!

"Haha, as a member of the Sao Feng Battalion, it is your duty to perform tasks. Let's forget about this wine."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. If he really drank this wine, looking at Henry Zhang's painful appearance, he would not be allowed to wear small shoes for himself in the future.

This Henry Zhang, even though he is tall, thick, and bald, he really lives up to his name: Henry Zhang, a miniature!

Ling Feng didn’t want the wine, and the others were not stupid either. They waved their hands and refused. Henry Zhang smiled, took a few sips of the aroma through the cork, stuffed the wine back into the cabinet, and said with a smile: “That’s right. That's right, although the wine is good, the new recruits' confrontation training is about to begin, so you still have to concentrate on your training. This wine, just treat it as something I saved for you, hehehe..."

"Thank you very much, vice-captain."

Ling Feng and others sneered secretly in their hearts: If you still keep it, I believe you are a ghost!

"Okay, okay, since there's nothing else, you can go back first."

Henry Zhang chuckled, "The Japanese captain will find someone to check the situation tomorrow, and your contribution is indispensable."

"Then let's take our leave first."

Everyone bowed to Henry Zhang and then exited the wooden house.


As soon as they walked out of the wooden house, several people looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Henry Zhang’s expression just now was so wonderful!

"Some brats!"

Hearing the laughter outside, Henry Zhang blushed and snorted. He originally thought that he could listen to the screams of these new recruits tonight for entertainment, but now it was good, but it made him fall into An extremely embarrassing situation.

"Fortunately, this captain is smart enough!"

Henry Zhang snorted softly and continued to cross his legs. With his shamelessness, he naturally wouldn't take this little incident seriously.

What's more, there are a few more monsters in the team, which is a good thing!

Early the next morning, a new day of military camp life began again.

For new recruits like Ling Feng, no matter what kind of mission they are on, they will not leave the Sao Feng Island Group for the time being.

And the tasks they do are nothing more than pest control, fishing, logging, and reclaiming wasteland.

Of course, tasks that sound ordinary often have some unexpected dangers and tests.

After completing the mission and obtaining the contribution points, in addition to being able to exchange for some training resources, more importantly, you can go to the library and the so-called combat training room for actual combat training.

The so-called combat training room can simulate a target that is most suitable for them to fight based on their own cultivation, so that warriors can exert their full strength without reservation, and there is no need to worry about any danger.

And this kind of battle, in which one can exert all his strength without any scruples, can often bring out the full potential of a warrior.

The cost of this combat training room is extremely expensive. If it were placed among the major protoss, it would probably be very expensive and not something ordinary disciples could afford.

But in Sao Feng Camp, basically the contribution points gained from killing the bugs once can be used to use the combat training room three times. Therefore, this is actually a welfare benefit for the members of Sao Feng Camp.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

Ling Feng's life in the Third Battalion and the Second Team can be said to be busy and fulfilling every day.

And as a fighting maniac who continues to improve his strength, he will go to the combat training room to fight every day after the mission is over.

This day is also the last day of recruit training.

After this day, those recruits in the new camp who pass the final assessment will be sent to each battalion and team.

And the "recruit confrontation training" that Xiao Yang has always emphasized is about to begin.


It was already dark, Ling Feng walked out of the combat training room and took a long stretch.

Counter-war training is actually equivalent to stimulating the origin of one's own soul. The battle is carried out in one's own mental space. Therefore, although the body is not very exhausted, mentally, it is equivalent to fighting hard for several days and nights. of.

Now Ling Feng just wants to go back and sleep.

However, just when Ling Feng was about to return to his residence on Tianlu Island, he discovered a familiar figure.

That was a white and flawless shadow!

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