Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2899 Triple personality! (3 updates)

"is her!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched as he recalled the white-haired girl he met on the edge of the island when he was on his first pest control mission half a month ago.

The name seems to be, Sheng!

This is a very strange name, without a surname, but it gives people a bleak and desolate feeling.

The Sheng is originally a melancholy instrument.

The shadow of Sheng passed under the moonlight, just like a glimpse.

Ling Feng looked at the sky. The bright moon was hanging high. It was a full moon!

A wisp of cold air invaded, and in the aura-filled Sao Feng Islands, every spiritual power was quite extreme.

Whether it is the blazing fire, the turbulent water, the sharpness of gold, the thickness of earth...

The spiritual power of the moon carries a bone-deep chill.

Especially on the night of the full moon, infected by the spiritual power of the moon, the night becomes a bit cooler.

Ling Feng shrugged. For a strong man like Sheng, even if he wanted to follow up and ask about the so-called "Ten Blades of the Gotei", he might not be able to catch up with the opponent's speed.

However, at this moment, the white shadow flying in the air suddenly seemed to lose control and fell straight from the sky.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he even thought he had seen it wrong.

He had experienced the strength of Sheng's aura before.

That kind of power is even more terrifying than those teachers from Ye Cang.

How could such a strong man lose control?

Therefore, Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, but when he took a closer look, he found that the white figure seemed to be falling straight down, and it seemed that he would soon fall into the sea. .

"What's happening here?"

Ling Feng frowned, because he had conducted three counter-war training sessions in one breath. It was already late at night, and basically everyone had either rested or returned to their rooms to practice.

So almost no one will be out and about at the moment.

After hesitating for a moment, Ling Feng decided to step forward to find out.

How could a strong man with ten blades not even be able to control the energy in his body?

This is so strange.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng flew out. He pushed his speed to the extreme and flew out like a bolt of lightning.

The white-haired girl who was falling did not seem to have lost consciousness. Her body was curled up into a ball, a look of pain appeared on her face, and her hands were scratching randomly on her arms.

Ling Feng frowned, seeing that the girl was about to fall into the sea, without thinking much, he flew to hug the girl, and then landed on an island not far from the coast.

Flying on the sea is not a wise choice. This is an old saying that has already made my ears go numb on the first day I landed on Sao Feng Island.

"who are you?"

There was a hint of disbelief in the voice, and Sheng couldn't believe it at all. A strange man actually dared to hug her.

His courage is too great!

"let me go!"

Then, another cold voice sounded, and Sheng slapped Ling Feng on the chest with a huge force, causing Ling Feng to spit out a mouthful of blood.

This palm is so fierce!

Ling Feng almost fainted, but fortunately, the white-haired girl seemed very weak. Although the slap was harsh enough, Ling Feng had rough skin and thick flesh, so he could withstand it.

"Damn, repay kindness with hatred!"

Ling Feng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. This palm was really deadly.

The white-haired girl's expression changed again, revealing a hint of shame, "I'm sorry, she didn't mean it."


Ling Feng's head darkened, her?

My dear ancestor, it was obviously you who did it, how could you find a third person to take the blame for you now?

Ling Feng took a deep breath and heard the white-haired girl snort angrily: "Don't apologize to him!"


Ling Feng felt like there were many greetings on his head.

Is this woman a fool?

But then, the white-haired girl huddled up again, looking very painful under the moonlight.

"It's so itchy..."

The girl was scratching her arms frantically, and Ling Feng took a closer look, and saw that the girl's originally fair arms were covered with red rashes, and there were even some places where the skin had been scratched.

"how so?"

Ling Feng frowned, this girl, she is a ten-blade strongman, more powerful than half of the people in the ancestral realm, how could she have such a strange disease?

The girl no longer cared about Ling Feng, but said in great pain: "Go away, go away quickly!"

Women all love beauty, so naturally the white-haired girl didn't want anyone to see her miserable appearance.

"I know some medical skills, maybe I can help you."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, not caring whether the girl would run into a rage again. He put his hand on her wrist and began to diagnose her pulse.

The white-haired girl stared at Ling Feng, a terrifying aura burst out from her body, and wanted to force Ling Feng back, but Ling Feng remained unmoved and still held tightly to the white-haired girl's veins.

The white-haired girl bit her silver teeth. Maybe it was because of the strange itching on her body that she couldn't care about Ling Feng, or maybe she really hoped that someone could help her at this time.

Then, Ling Feng frowned slightly, took out a silver needle, and dipped a drop of blood on it. Sure enough, the silver needle turned black in an instant.

"Sure enough, he was poisoned..."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and three words suddenly popped into his mind: venomosis!

From Pan Yuan's mouth, Ling Feng learned that due to excessive accumulation of soul-killing insect toxins in his body, he would fall ill every full moon night. When he fell ill, he would feel itchy and unbearable.

Although this white-haired girl has advanced cultivation, she must have been bitten by many soul-killing insects when she first joined the Sao Feng Camp, and thus accumulated a large amount of soul-killing insect toxins in her body.

This kind of toxin is mixed in the warrior's Yuan Power and cannot be eliminated from the body unless he cultivates himself.

Furthermore, except for the symptoms that appear on full-moon nights, they actually have no effect on weekdays. Therefore, naturally no one would be willing to take up self-cultivation.

Therefore, there are many people on Saofeng Island who have this kind of "toxic insect syndrome", and Sheng is one of them.

In a sense, this soul-killing insect toxin is indeed incurable, because it has long been mixed with the Yuan Qi in the warrior's body, and the Yuan Qi contains its own toxins.

To get rid of this toxin, the vitality must be destroyed together.

Therefore, even though many people in Xiaofeng Camp suffered from it, and they went to many famous doctors, they were unable to do anything.

However, for Ling Feng, it is not an incurable disease.

In the second half of "Tai Xuan Acupuncture Sutra" written by Ling Hanyang, there are detailed contents on how to get rid of this toxin mixed in Yuan Li.

Furthermore, Xiaodie is still in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, so any poison is just "food" to Xiaodie!

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