Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2902 Summoned by the General Director! (3 updates)

"Yu Junyao, come out!"

Henry Zhang touched his bald head, stared at Yu Junyao and said, "Do you know where that kid Ling Feng went?"

Hearing Henry Zhang's question, Yu Junyao suddenly blushed, "Bah, how did I know he was there! I wasn't with him last night!"

"You don't even know, this guy is really cool!"

Henry Zhang frowned again, and finally snorted, “Forget it, no wait, this kid despises military discipline, and since he is late for so long, this recruit confrontation training can only be considered as disqualifying him! "

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, a shout came from the distance. He was approaching very fast. In just a few blinks, he saw Ling Feng, panting, rushing out from behind the crowd and standing on the high platform. Ahead, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and then said: "Vice Captain, I'm here!"

The corner of Henry Zhang's mouth twitched a few times, and he glared at Ling Feng fiercely, "You kid, you still know how to come here? Do you know how late you are?"

"That is to say, who does he think he is when he makes so many people wait under the sun for hours? The Gotei Ten Blades?"

"Humph, I don't even think about what I am!"

"Sir Vice Captain, you must keep your word, otherwise where is your authority?"

Several sour voices came from the crowd. Because Ling Feng and Yu Junyao were relatively close, they were often jealous.

Now, I finally found an opportunity to make trouble for Ling Feng, so I couldn't let the opportunity go to waste.

Henry Zhang was a little embarrassed for a moment. Ling Feng was indeed a talent, so it was a pity to deprive him of the opportunity like this.

But he had already said what he said. If Ling Feng was allowed to participate in recruit combat training, wouldn't he be slapping himself in the face?

Thinking of this, Henry Zhang frowned even more tightly.

This brat has only been here a few days, and he’s already causing problems for himself!

"You kid, if you don't tell me the reason why, I will not only deprive you of your qualification for confrontation training today, but I will also punish you severely to enforce military discipline!"

Xiao Yang stared at Ling Feng fiercely, and the cold female teacher Ji Ruye on the side also shrugged and cast a look at Ling Feng that said, "I can't help it."

Although Ji Ruye was very optimistic about Ling Feng, the most important thing in the Sao Feng camp was military discipline.

"Reporting to the captain, the disciple did encounter something after training in the combat training room last night."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "But what exactly it is, I promised the other party, I can't say."

"Hey, I can't say it yet, tsk tsk tsk, it's so funny!"

"The way I see it, what else are you doing this late at night? Maybe you're just going to steal jade and incense?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you also came to Camp Sao Feng to join the army. How can some people live such a happy life?"

There were those sour voices again, each one wishing that Ling Feng could be completely expelled from Sao Feng Camp.

Henry Zhang also frowned, "You kid, you can't say it is, then don't blame me!"

Although Henry Zhang wanted to help Ling Feng, Ling Feng's attitude made him a little angry.

How come this kid doesn’t even have this awareness!

At this moment, I saw a figure flying from the horizon, wearing black clothes and black robes, looking extremely majestic.

In the blink of an eye, the figure stepped forward and stood in the mid-air. Whether it was Xiao Yang or Ji Ruye, they all knelt down and worshiped on the ground, saying loudly: "Subordinates, see Lu Shen Will!"


In an instant, even the recruits who did not know this man knelt down and worshiped.

Within the Sao Feng Camp, the Chief is undoubtedly the largest. Under the Chief are the three major generals, and then the Gotei Ten Blades.

As for the commander-in-chief of each battalion again.

The status of the general is very high, and he rarely appears in person on weekdays. But at this moment, one of the three high-ranking generals actually came to the third battalion and the second team in person. It can be seen that something big has happened.

"Everyone, get up."

General Lu's eyes swept across the crowd, and then he said slowly: "Who is Ling Feng?"

"Ling...Ling Feng?"

Henry Zhang's eyelids twitched, and he glanced at Ling Feng in surprise. This guy couldn't have done anything serious last night. Even the general was "irritated".

This time, no one can protect him.

"I am Ling Feng."

Ling Feng looked at General Lu with a calm expression on his face.

Others don't know something, but he can make a rough guess.

It seemed that he had cured Sheng's venomosis, but the senior officials of Saofeng Camp soon knew about it.

"Sir General...Ahem, is there any misunderstanding in this?"

Henry Zhang glanced at General Lu and chuckled: "If this kid makes any mistakes, I, as the deputy captain, can just teach him a lesson myself."

General Lu smiled faintly, "Oh? Really? However, it's not me who wants to find him, but the Chief Secretary who wants to see him for something."

General Lu looked at Ling Feng and said calmly: "You are Ling Feng, right? Come with me, Mr. General Secretary, I have been waiting for a long time."

"General...General Director!"

There was another storm in everyone's hearts.

Alarming the generals was already a big deal, but now it was good that they all went to the chief commander.

Could this Ling Feng be an undercover agent of the Fallen God Clan?

For a moment, Henry Zhang’s forehead darkened, it was over, maybe he would be implicated.

As for the new recruits who usually disliked Ling Feng, they secretly laughed in their hearts. This boy seemed to be doomed.

Yu Junyao looked at Ling Feng with concern and doubts in her heart. She gritted her teeth and glanced at Ling Feng, then asked in a low voice: "You brat, what trouble have you caused again?"

Ling Feng shrugged and smiled, "It's not necessarily trouble. Haha, I'll find out when I come back."

After saying that, Ling Feng bowed to the road counselor and said, "Sir, please."

General Lu glanced at Ling Feng, then grabbed Ling Feng's shoulder with his big hand. Then, Ling Feng felt a "whooshing" sound coming from his ears, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed. It's as if people are being pulled into a void passage.

This speed is really exaggerated!

Seeing the figures of Ling Feng and General Lu disappear into the sky, Henry Zhang couldn't help but sigh and murmured to himself: "I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse!"

"It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that cannot be avoided."

At this time, another figure walked out of the wooden house behind, and it was Lu Chong.

"team leader."

Henry Zhang bowed to him and looked at the sky again, in the direction where Lu Shen was about to go.

Lu Chong and General Lu both had the surname Lu, so the relationship between them was obvious.

"Lao Xiao, Lao Ji, let's start explaining to them about the confrontation training of new recruits."

Lu Chong shrugged and said lightly, but when he received an extremely cold look from the direction of Ji Ruye, Lu Chong quickly changed his words, "Haha, Xiaoji, Xiaoji!"

Among the crowd, only Yu Junyao was looking at the sky eagerly, with worry written on her face.

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