Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2903 Hidden Vein! (1 update)

After a while, under the leadership of the general, they came to the depths of the inner island, outside a very simple-looking wooden house.

Outside the wooden house, there is a clean and spacious yard. It does not look like a place where high-ranking officials live, but rather like a very ordinary farmer's household.

The courtyard was empty, with only one or two servants in white clothes holding brooms and cleaning the courtyard. But judging from the fluctuations in their aura, their strength was probably no worse than Henry Zhang and his ilk.

Such a strong man is actually just a sweeper under the general manager's door?

Ling Feng took a deep breath. How profound is the background of the entire Saofeng Camp?

"Lord General, we have arrived."

Lu Shenjiang took Ling Feng to the yard outside the wooden house, bowed in the direction of the wooden house, and at the same time pressed Ling Feng's head, lowering his body and making him bow.

Under the power of such a strong man, Ling Feng felt like a toddler, with no power to resist at all.

"Have you brought it already?"

Inside the wooden house, a slightly older, but very kind-sounding voice came. Then, the wooden house slowly opened, and the first person to walk out was the blue-robed young man Yun Fu.

As soon as Yun Fu walked out of the door, he immediately rushed to Ling Feng, held Ling Feng's palm with both hands, and said with excitement: "Your Excellency Ling Feng, it's great to see you again!"

The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. It seemed like we just met last night. Why did it look like we were reunited after more than ten years of separation? Are we that familiar?

"Haha, I'm glad to see you again too."

After laughing a few times, Ling Feng slowly took out his numb palm. This guy was still the same as before, unable to control his strength at all.

"Sheng's toxins have really been completely eliminated from the body. I really don't know how to thank you."

Yunfu looks like a gentle brother, and he is quite fond of Sheng.

"I have already paid you, what more do I want from you!"

From the wooden house, another white-haired girl walked out. Naturally, she was the "changeable personality" Sheng.

The next moment, Sheng's expression became full of apology again, and she bowed deeply to Ling Feng, "I'm sorry, she didn't mean it like this. In fact, she is very grateful to you, Mr. Ling!"

Then, Sheng turned shy again, lowered her head, and did not dare to speak. She just sat on the wooden floor aside, her eyes seemed a little hollow, and she was dangling her white feet.

Ling Feng lowered his voice, looked at Yun Fu, and asked in a low voice: "Well, may I ask Miss Sheng if she is... ahem..."

Ling Feng raised his finger and pointed at his head, and continued: "Is there something wrong with her here?"

"This is Sheng..."

Yun Fu looked at Sheng and said with great gentleness, "Sheng has three personalities."

"Triple personality..."

Ling Feng suddenly realized, no wonder this Sheng is sometimes unruly and aggressive, sometimes lively and cute, sometimes shy and reserved, that's it!

"Sheng has three different personalities, and each personality has its own unique ability. The efficiency of cultivation is three times faster than that of ordinary people. In fact, if her personality switching is not too random, and one of the personalities She's too shy and has almost no aggression. I'm afraid her ranking is still higher than mine."

Ling Feng nodded. Indeed, there may be some advantages to having a triple personality, but there must also be certain disadvantages.

Feeling Ling Feng's eyes looking at her, Sheng Feng frowned and glared at him fiercely, "What are you looking at? Don't think that I won't hit you after you helped me once!"


Ling Feng shrugged. Hey, Sheng, with his fierce personality, is probably the most powerful personality in combat.


A hearty voice came from the wooden house, and a tall, bald old man with a long beard and a spacious white robe was seen walking out of the wooden house slowly, holding a cane in his hand.

This old man is Mr. Souji.

"There are new people here, so it will be more lively."

Chief Sao Feng's eyes were very kind, and he sat cross-legged in front of the door. Yunfu also quickly returned to Chief Sao Feng and sat down on his right side.


General Lu Shen pressed Ling Feng down, which made Ling Feng feel unhappy. If he couldn't beat you, he would have beaten you until your face was full of flowers today!

Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng saw this and smiled lightly, "General Lu Shen is a bit old-fashioned, little brother, don't take it to heart."


Ling Feng smiled coquettishly, the Chief Secretary was really observant.

"Hahaha..." Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng laughed and continued: "Your name is Ling Feng, right? I have heard of your name. You are one of the first three recruits in the recruit camp to pass the test and be promoted to a full member. , you are one of them.”

"It's just good luck." Ling Feng smiled modestly.

"In Camp Sao Feng, luck is never a factor, only strength."

Director-General Xiaofeng smiled lightly, "Yesterday was the night of the full moon, which was also the day when Xiao Sheng's parasitic disease developed. This strange disease has troubled Sheng for a long time, and also troubled many members of Xiaofeng camp for a long time. Ling Little friend Feng, can you really cure it completely?"

"Isn't the answer already placed in front of you, Mr. Souji?"

Ling Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "All the soul-killing insect toxins in Miss Sheng's body have been completely eliminated."

"I mean, besides Sheng, are there any specific conditions for treating this poisonous insect disease? Maybe it just varies from person to person. Because of Xiao Sheng's physique, it can be eradicated?" "There are no conditions." Ling Feng said lightly: "The reason why this soul-killing insect toxin is difficult to eliminate is because this toxin is mixed with the Yuanli in the warrior's body. The warrior's Yuanli is endless, and if the Yuanli is not destroyed, the toxin will not be destroyed. Therefore, generally speaking, unless you give up your own cultivation, you can't eradicate this toxin." "Yes, other Taoist doctors say the same thing." Yunfu blurted out: "But Sheng's cultivation has not been abolished, and the toxins in his body have disappeared. How did you do it?"

"Hidden veins."

Lingfeng said in a deep voice: "Through acupuncture, the Yuanli is transferred into the hidden veins and sealed, and the toxins mixed in the Yuanli can be separated out separately."

"Hidden veins?"

Whether it is General Xiaofeng, or Admiral Lu and Yunfu, they all showed a trace of surprise. It is obvious that they heard this term for the first time. Only Sheng was just swinging his feet, and seemed to be unconcerned about the outside world.

Lingfeng nodded and said lightly: "The theory of hidden veins is just a concept proposed by my grandfather. Maybe the statement is a little different, but it is indeed an effective treatment."

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