Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2908 So treacherous! (3 updates)

The forest is huge, and everyone enters it from different directions. It is not easy to meet each other in a short time.

In the dense virgin forest, the silence is eerie.

The place where Ling Feng landed was a swamp. He just fell from the sky and fell directly into the sludge.

And then, Ling Feng felt his whole body sink, and his body was sinking continuously.


Ling Feng's head darkened, and he had already discovered something was wrong.

In this primeval forest, there seems to be no aura in the air, no aura of any attribute.

This also means that they cannot restore their original energy here. The more they consume, the weaker their strength becomes.

In other words, if you want to have the last laugh here, it is not enough just to rely on strong strength. You also need to learn to control your own power and how to use every ray of energy with the highest efficiency.

Because in a place like this, if the energy is exhausted, it cannot be restored.

Not only that, the power of spiritual consciousness is also the same, and even the loss of physical strength is also taken into account.

After struggling for a while, in order to save unnecessary loss of energy, Ling Feng climbed up with the help of a rattan with great difficulty. He already felt his stomach growling and a strong sense of hunger swept over him.

Ling Feng even felt that if he starved to death without eating for too long, he might be considered one of the eliminated ones.

No wonder the white-haired old man said that this was a "journey of survival". Ling Feng began to understand.

"Find something to eat first."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. In his hungry state, he felt that the flow rate of his Yuan Power and Divine Consciousness was also increasing.

Fortunately, as a doctor, Ling Feng's ability to identify wild fruits was as good as identifying herbs. After a while, he found some sour fruits and some plump-looking larvae.

Although they are not very delicious, the effect of replenishing physical strength is not bad.

After a simple meal, Ling Feng's physical strength began to recover, and his thoughts began to become clearer.

"Just eating these wild fruits cannot replenish all the physical strength. It will require hunting some monsters."

Ling Feng secretly thought in his heart that hunting monsters requires investing some energy, but the reward is also very rich.

The demon essence stored in the demon pill can also make up for the loss of some yuan power to a certain extent.

The most important thing is that after killing a monster, you can eat barbecue, which can naturally replenish all your physical strength.

In this primeval forest, Ling Feng clearly felt that his physical strength was being consumed extremely quickly. If he didn't fill his stomach, he might be eliminated automatically due to lack of physical strength before he could compete with others.

After thinking about it for a while, Ling Feng started walking along a creek.

The stream is the main place for those large beasts to get water. If you walk along the stream, you will soon encounter some large animals if you are lucky.

If you kill one, you will basically not have the problem of starvation.

Ling Feng's luck was pretty good. After a while, he saw a thorn boar drinking water by the creek. It got its name because its back was covered with sharp venomous thorns.

Ling Feng took out All Directions and Destroyed it, and with a few simple moves, he beheaded the demon-king-level wild boar. Then, he lit a fire on the spot and started grilling meat.

After a while, the wild boar's legs were roasted until golden and crispy, and the aroma spread. Ling Feng's stomach grumbled unsatisfactoryly. Obviously, the little food he had eaten before could not satisfy his belly at all.

After tearing off the boar legs, Ling Feng began to eat them wholeheartedly. However, the aroma of the barbecue still caused some trouble.

Two participating warriors came over after smelling the aroma. When they saw Ling Feng's roasted pig, their eyes almost turned green.

These young men from wealthy families are all well-dressed and well-fed, and they have never experienced the feeling of being hungry.

In this forest, once one becomes hungry, the flow of energy will be greatly accelerated. The hungrier one becomes, the weaker one becomes. They couldn't find the monsters when they arrived, and most of the monsters in this forest were extremely ferocious, especially when everyone was hungry and exhausted.

We had found one before, but the two of them had never fought it together, and they were almost killed.

Secondly, they couldn't find wild fruits, and thirdly, they thought the insects were too disgusting. Now they were so hungry that their chests were pressed against their backs, and they basically had no fighting power.

"Give...give me something to stutter!"

The two of them no longer cared about individual confrontation, and in their current state, they could only ask Ling Feng for food.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and said calmly: "There is no free lunch in the world, not to mention that we are still competitors."

"I'm starving to death, why can I compete with you?"

One of the protoss geniuses drooled when he looked at Ling Feng's roasted pig, "At worst, I'll pay for your barbecue restaurant."

"I take money too, I take money too!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, and raised a finger. Their eyelids twitched, "One...ten thousand high-grade Yuanjing?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and said calmly: "One pig's trotter, ten million, the best Yuan Jing!"


Both of them widened their eyes at the same time, "Why don't you go and grab it?"


Ling Feng shrugged, "Forget it, business cannot be done with justice."

As he spoke, Ling Feng cut a small piece of pig head meat and threw it in front of the two of them. The two of them swallowed their saliva first, and then their minds were immediately overwhelmed by hunger. They didn't care about taking up soil on the ground, and each of them took that piece of meat in one bite. A small piece of pig's head meat was shared.

But it was okay not to eat. After taking such a small bite, they immediately felt hungrier. They gritted their teeth and finally nodded, "Buy, I will buy!"

Ling Feng chuckled, for these elites of the God Clan, it is still possible to get 10 million top-quality Yuan Crystals. Although this pig's trotters is a bit expensive, it is a reasonable price here!

"Come, first make an oath based on the origin of your soul. If you violate this oath, you will never recover and be struck to death by lightning!"

The two of them were already starving and couldn't care less about that. After swearing an oath, Ling Feng signed another document for the two of them, and then he cut off the two front legs of the pig's trotters and gave each of them a pig's trotter.

After a while, the two of them had their mouths full of oil. After eating the roast pork, their physical strength gradually recovered, and their energy began to flow, and they felt as if they were finally "alive" again.


Both of them breathed a sigh of relief and patted their bellies, feeling that they had never eaten such delicious food in their lives.

"I am full?"

"I'm full." They both nodded.

"Is it delicious?"

"It's so delicious!" The two of them praised it.

"Are you satisfied?"

"I'm so satisfied!" The two of them looked satisfied.

"So, goodbye."

Ling Feng showed a very gentle and hearty smile, grabbed the two people's heads respectively, and twisted them with a "click". The two of them stared at Ling Feng with their eyes wide open, "You... you are so treacherous!"

"Hey, we had a transactional relationship before, but now that you've had enough to eat and drink, we have a competitive relationship again, so bye bye!"

Ling Feng casually knocked the two of them down, and the talismans on them immediately burned and they were eliminated.

In their hearts, they were probably filled with hatred. Not only was Ling Feng extorting 10 million of the best Yuan Jing, but they had just finished eating and had not had time to formally participate in the confrontation between new recruits. They were eliminated immediately.

This money has been completely wasted, and the documents have been established and the oaths have been sworn, so I can't even default on the debt.

This guy is too treacherous!

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