Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2909 Is the oriole behind? (1 update)

"Two idiots."

Ling Feng clapped his hands and watched the two protoss geniuses disappear before his eyes. He stamped out the bonfire in front of him, stuffed the remaining barbecue into a small makeshift backpack made of pig skin, and started to set foot again. The itinerary.

In order to prevent participating members from cheating and using the elixirs in the Naling Ring, the use of all space magic weapons is actually prohibited within the boundaries of this forest.

Ling Feng's makeshift pigskin backpack, although it looks a bit ugly, is actually quite practical in a place like this.

After eating and drinking enough, Ling Feng's energy and spirit were restored to the greatest extent.

The infinite horizon unfolds, and although it is suppressed to a certain extent, it can still be clearly observed within a radius of ten miles.

In such an environment, the role of infinite vision is far more powerful than the induction of spiritual consciousness.

Firstly, the consumption is smaller, and secondly, there is no fluctuation of consciousness, and basically it will not be detected.

Secondly, warriors who can pass the recruit assessment have all learned how to conceal their own aura in the recruit camp, so it is relatively difficult to detect the opponent with only spiritual sense.

But with Infinite Vision, this problem does not exist.

Ling Feng relied on his infinite vision to accurately find the opponent's position. When he encountered someone weaker, he would lurk directly and kill him with one strike. When he encountered those who were more difficult, he would just go around them. There was no need to waste too much time in the early stage. A lot of physical strength and energy.

Otherwise, it will only end up in a fight between the snipe and the clam, and the fisherman will gain.

In comparison, on this isolated island, there are basically not many ways to recover Yuan Power consumption. Even if you hunt monsters and refine demon pills, you still need to consume a certain amount of Yuan Power in the process of killing monsters.

The risks and benefits are really difficult to evaluate.

Therefore, it is wise to consume the least amount of energy and enter the promotion circle first.

Time passed bit by bit.

Finally, an hour had passed since everyone entered the island, and the barrier on the island also began to shrink for the first time.

According to the white-haired old man, the promotion circle will be narrowed by a certain distance, and players who fall outside the promotion circle will automatically be considered eliminated.


High in the sky, the light blue barrier rippled like water. Then, the barrier covering the entire island shrank inward at an extremely fast speed.

Some players who were still looking for food and replenishing their physical strength on the outskirts of the island were cut off by the barrier before they had time to react.

The talismans on their bodies immediately burned under the direct sunlight, which also meant that they had lost the qualification to compete.

During the first contraction of the barrier, at least ten contestants failed to react in time and were eliminated.

"Damn it!"

"It's too difficult, this test is too difficult!"

Those players who were eliminated turned into a ball of blue light, and then appeared outside the island. The captains responsible for the review crossed out the names of the eliminated warriors one by one.

The recruits who had not signed up for the individual combat assessment kept asking about the situation on the island.

"As soon as I entered, I felt like I was about to starve to death, and my energy could not be restored. Before I met anyone else, I was so weak that I was almost unable to fight."

"The monsters inside are more ferocious than the last. I wanted to catch a few monsters to fill my stomach, but I was actually killed by a black bear!" A contestant who was eliminated by the monsters was about to cry without tears.

There were also two warriors who looked sad as soon as they came out. Their faces were darker than the bottom of the pot. They didn't speak when they came out and could only care about themselves and sulked.

They were naturally the two unlucky ones who were tricked by Ling Feng. Not only were they eliminated, they also spent 10 million high-grade crystals to buy pig trotters!

If others find out about this, they will laugh to death!

Therefore, for the sake of their own face, they could only break their teeth and swallow blood, thinking that they were unlucky.

"The promotion circle is shrinking really fast."

Ling Feng looked back. Fortunately, he moved quickly enough and had already headed deep into the jungle.

"Oh? Another prey?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly. In the infinite field of vision, he had noticed a warrior about three miles in front of him, hiding in a tree hole.

This warrior also had a bunch of monster meat hanging on his body, but because he was not a fire monk and could not freely control the flames, he could only choose to eat it raw.

The blood on the monster's flesh stained his robes red, and the smell of blood spread everywhere.

This guy's concealment skills have indeed been learned very well, but unfortunately his brain is not very good. The smell of blood on his body has actually completely exposed him to others.

Not to mention, the position he was in was still upwind, and the wind had completely exposed him.

Therefore, in Ling Feng's infinite vision, there were three warriors approaching this guy.

The smell of blood also means fresh meat. If this person is killed, they will also be able to obtain the most precious food resources on this isolated island.

After all, physical exertion is the most deadly thing on this isolated island.

Once the physical strength is exhausted, the speed of Yuanli consumption will also be greatly increased.

The warrior hid in the tree hole and tore off a small piece of the monster meat hanging on his body. He frowned when he saw the bloody monster meat.

However, he couldn't care less about the "gurgling" sound coming from his stomach.

Gritting his teeth, the warrior threw the raw meat into his mouth, facing his scalp, and swallowed it without even chewing.

Although the taste was not good, his expression did soften a lot as his physical strength recovered.

Feeling Yuanli flowing again, the warrior took a deep breath and prepared to walk out of the tree hole.

However, he did not realize that someone was already waiting for him outside.

As soon as he walked out, he felt a chill on his neck, and a cold sword was already placed on his neck.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Do you want to burn the talisman yourself, or should I give you a ride?"

A man with a somewhat sinister look looked at the warrior with meat skewers hanging on his body with a smile, and swallowed subconsciously.

On this isolated island, the rate of physical loss is greatly increased. In other words, most warriors must be hungry for a long time.

Any food resource is extremely precious.

However, before the meat skewer warrior could reply, the man with the sinister eyebrows and rat eyes felt a chill on his neck, and a long knife was placed on his neck.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, the mantis is chasing the cicada, and the oriole is behind. It seems that you are just a cicada, and I am the oriole."

The man with sinister eyebrows and rat-eyes secretly sighed inwardly. He didn't expect that there were so many people around.

"Oh? Who is the oriole?"

Before the man with the long knife had time to be proud, another voice sounded from behind, and a dagger was already aimed at the man with the long knife's waist. With one dagger, it would probably pull out his waist.

"You are still too young, hum. I have already observed the surrounding situation clearly."

The man with the dagger smiled coldly, "Let me count, one, two, three. It looks like I killed three people with one knife!"

"Fuck you, kill three times with one knife!"

The meat skewer warrior at the front gritted his teeth and twitched his weapon. When the dagger warrior was getting carried away, he also put the knife on the dagger warrior's neck.

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