Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2910 Nine Suns Domain! (2 more)

"If you dare to stab me, I will stab him!"

"If he dares to stab me, I will stab you!"

"Don't stab him, or I will stab him!"

"Just wipe him, it's none of my business, I'm going to stab you!"


The four of them were in a stalemate, and Ling Feng, who was watching from a distance, was stunned.

Could these four guys be just four fools?


Ling Feng sighed: I have to be the bad guy!

As a result, Ling Feng lurked not far away and lightly stabbed the wild boar meat with the sword of Destruction in All Directions. However, with such a "chi" sound, the deadlock between the four people was completely broken.

"You're the one who pulled the strings, and I'll be buried with you when I die!"

"Fuck, I'll poke you!"

"You stab me too!"

"Whoever is afraid of whom, just stab him, I will stab him!"

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh!

For a moment, four people took action at the same time, and then they all fell down and were eliminated at the same time.

Seeing the figures of the four disappearing before his eyes, Ling Feng jumped out and picked up the meat skewers on the ground. This was called effortless, empty-handed wolf!

It is estimated that these four idiots will not know who was responsible until their death. After they get out, they will probably have to fight each other.

Oh, sin, sin, sin!

Soon, a day passed.

The barrier outside the island has shrunk several times. As the promotion circle shrinks, the chances of warriors meeting each other become greater and greater. Moreover, the deeper into the island, the emptier it becomes. There are many missing natural shelters, and it is no longer a dense forest, but more like a ruins lined with rocks.

"It's so hot!"

Deep in the isolated island, a warrior holding a spear wiped the sweat from his forehead. Logically speaking, at their level of cultivation, temperature changes should not have much impact on them.

However, not only him, but almost all the warriors who entered this area began to sweat profusely.

The consequence of excessive sweating is ultimately severe dehydration.

After a while, many warriors began to have splitting headaches, which was worse than the hunger they felt when they were outside.

In a dehydrated state, the loss of physical strength increases, which will inevitably lead to an increase in the loss of vitality.

Many warriors have begun to regret why they didn't store some water first when they were in the outer area.

There are also some water monks who are clever and use the rules of water to condense water. However, although this method can quench temporary thirst, it consumes one's own energy.

Moreover, in the environment of this isolated island, because there is no spiritual energy from heaven and earth, it is more than ten times more difficult to condense water than in the outside world. Abusing Yuan Power to condense water means giving up the hope of promotion.

At the same time, Ling Feng had entered this scorching hot area and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Even Ling Feng couldn't bear this kind of heat.

He looked up and his eyelids twitched suddenly. He was still on the island, but there were actually nine suns hanging high in the sky!

"how so?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and then he realized that this was probably related to the barrier covering the island, so why did it appear that there was only one sun on the outside of the island in the same sky, but inside the island, there was only one sun? There was a terrifying vision of nine suns in the sky.

The nine suns radiated terrible heat, seeming to evaporate every drop of water in the body.

At this time, the promotion circle shrank again, seeming to urge everyone to move on to the hottest area.

"Counting the time, they should have reached the Nine Suns Realm."

Outside the island, the white-haired general said calmly.

"Well, the barrier has shrunk eight times, and they have reached the Nine Suns Realm."

One of the captains smiled and said slowly: "The Nine Suns Realm is indeed difficult. Whether they can pass this level depends on whether they can understand what is most important as a member of the Sao Feng Camp. ”


The captains and vice-captains all looked at each other and smiled. The purpose of the individual combat assessment was to select the true elites, and how to become the elites of the Sao Feng Camp needed to be understood by themselves.

"It's so hot, I'm going to be fried!"

A warrior's body went limp and he fell down directly. Stars appeared in his eyes and he felt that the air in front of him was flowing.

It was the feeling of waves of heat. At this moment, all the warriors who arrived in the Nine Suns Realm had chapped lips and depressed expressions. Even if they were surrounded by competitors, they had no idea of ​​taking action.

In other words, they simply don’t have the extra energy to take action.

Just resisting the heat of nine suns was almost unbearable for them.

Even the geniuses of the Jiuli Divine Clan who control the Jiuli Divine Fire are not afraid of the heat. However, a large amount of water in their bodies has been evaporated, and their dehydration has given them splitting headaches. Whether it is physical strength or Yuanli, they are constantly losing strength. Losing.

Ling Feng's condition was not much better, and he even began to doubt whether they could survive this test in their current state.

According to the white-haired old man, the individual soldier combat assessment lasts for three days, but this is only one day.

He gritted his teeth and continued to move forward. The soles of his feet seemed to be filled with lead. Every step he took almost exhausted all his strength.

"I know, this must be the fault of the captains. This level should be a test of willpower!"

A genius from the Jiuli God Clan took a deep breath and continued to move forward, but he fell down out of breath before he got very far.

The scorching heat was like a greedy demon, squeezing all the little strength out of everyone's bodies.

Gradually, some warriors began to die of thirst due to dehydration. The talismans on their bodies burned and they were teleported out.

Some people even tore up their talismans and chose to give up because they couldn't bear the pain.

In the end, less than thirty people were still struggling to support it.

Among them, Yu Junyao, Chu Zhongtian and others were also included.

They had arrived at Ling Feng's side early. Although they were competitors, in this situation, they still felt that Ling Feng might have a solution.

Yu Junyao's condition is not bad, but brothers Chu Zhongtian and Xu Yi are not so optimistic.

As for Yan Jinghong, although he was protected by Xuntian Ice Soul, even if the Nine Yangs were in the same sky, it would be difficult to rob the moisture from his body, but under this scorching heat, he actually felt more uncomfortable than others.

"You brat, don't you have a lot of ways to deal with it? Hurry up and think of something."

Yu Junyao felt that her tongue was about to smoke, because the dizziness caused by dehydration had almost made her faint.

"I didn't expect that there would be a shortage of water in the center of the forest. If it doesn't work, I can only bleed you to drink..."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He only had some barbecued meat on him, but the more he ate, the drier his mouth became.

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