Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2911 The meaning of companions! (3 updates)

"Bah, who wants to drink your blood!"

Yu Junyao frowned and rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, "Even you can't do anything. It seems that we can't survive."


Chu Zhongtian's eyelids twitched suddenly as he seemed to remember something, "Boss Ling, I have an idea. Will this time be like the last time we soaked in the sludge pool? We want to test everyone and break through." Be yourself. Is it possible that you want to drink...that?"


Ling Feng's forehead went dark. Although this was a solution, Ling Feng was still somewhat resistant in his heart.

"Which...which one?"

Yu Junyao glanced at Chu Zhongtian, then reacted, and couldn't help but bite her silver teeth, "If you want to drink, I... I won't drink!"

"I just said that casually..."

Chu Zhongtian shook his head and smiled bitterly. After all, he is also a genius of the high-level gods and a disciple of the main line. If he was not forced to do anything, who would want to drink that stuff!

However, Chu Zhongtian was not the only one who came up with this idea.

Some people have begun to release water in order to obtain water resources.

However, they overestimated themselves. When all the water in the body has been evaporated, it is very difficult to put a splash of water out.

However, there are still a few warriors who have already drank the hot drink...

Suddenly, a water-based monk suddenly said loudly: "It's strange, I...I sensed the fluctuation of water-based spiritual energy!"

"Are you so stupid? Where did the water aura come from here?"

One of the warriors who had already drank the "water" regained some energy and sneered: "I'm afraid it's not my urine aura, hehe!"

"No, there is indeed water!"

Another water cultivator said with determination: "Over there, there must be water over there!"

As soon as they heard that there was water, everyone got their strength from nowhere, gritted their teeth, climbed up and rushed out in the direction pointed by the water monks.

"Ling Feng..."

As soon as Yu Junyao opened her mouth, Ling Feng said calmly: "It is indeed the aura of water that suddenly appeared! Anyway, let's go and take a look first!"

After a while, everyone arrived at the "water source" one after another. In front of them, there was a large lake with a radius of 100 meters, and inside it was the water source that people longed for!

The faces of the warriors who drank their own "water" suddenly darkened. It wouldn't be a big deal if everyone drank.

But now, there was clearly a whole lake of water in front of them, and they actually drank urine! ! !

For a moment, a strong feeling of nausea came over me, that damn water monk, couldn't have said it earlier!

However, in exchange for drinking urine, their current condition is much better than others.

"Come on!"

Seeing this big lake, everyone rushed out. Although the appearance of this lake was a bit strange, the feeling of thirst had almost made them lose their minds.

However, before they could rush into the lake, some short, ferocious-looking monsters, probably only a little over a meter tall, crawled out of the lake. They looked a bit like mice. Then, hundreds of monsters were densely packed. It spread toward the crowd and almost immediately overwhelmed the warriors at the front.

Then, a burst of fire ignited from those warriors, and they were killed by this rat-shaped monster.

"This... what kind of monster is this?"

A group of warriors retreated continuously. In the lake, these rat-shaped monsters were still emerging in a steady stream. They moved quickly and were numerous. They rushed towards them in such a dense mass that it made people's scalp numb.

Everyone was already extremely weak due to dehydration, and when surrounded by so many monsters, they were almost in dire straits.

After a while, the warriors one after another were swallowed up by the monsters and lost their qualifications to continue competing. There were less than twenty warriors left.

"Form up! Join forces!"

Ling Feng's expression changed and he shouted. Yu Junyao, Chu Tiange and others beside him immediately understood.

Although Yan Jinghong hesitated for a moment, he still took a deep breath and stood with Ling Feng and others, back to back, and gave their backs to each other.

In this case, you can only choose to trust your teammates. Otherwise, if you are attacked from both sides, the only consequence is to be completely swallowed by these monsters.

Others were also inspired by Ling Feng and others, and regardless of the fact that they were all competitors at the moment, they selected nearby teammates and formed a quadruple-core battle formation or something like that, and the monsters began to fight each other.

Although everyone is very weak, standing back to back together, as long as their companions behind them do not fall, they will not fall.

In this hard battle, the only thing they can do is trust each other!

Outside the island, although the captains could not see what was happening on the island, they could not help but smile when they saw the number of eliminated warriors gradually decreasing.

Although the individual combat assessment tests personal qualities, as members of the Sao Feng Battalion, they are part of a large team.

Their relationship is not just competitors, but also companions.

Only by trusting one's companions and trusting one's teammates can the team's strength be maximized.

The purpose of this level is to tell these future elites how valuable trust is.

The fierce battle continued, but after they formed a formation, they discovered that although these monsters were menacing, as long as they were not given a loophole to exploit, with their power, they were basically unable to pose a fatal threat to everyone.

I don’t know how long it took, but those monsters gradually disappeared, and in the end there were still twelve people left who were not eliminated.

Although everyone was out of breath, they persevered!

With the disappearance of the monster, everyone was able to get close to the lake. After testing the water quality and there was no problem, they took some water for drinking.

After replenishing enough water, everyone's fatigue also disappeared.

"Thanks to everyone's cooperation, we have overcome this difficulty."

One of the geniuses from the Haotian Divine Clan took a deep look at Ling Feng, and it was Ling Feng who was the first to wake everyone up.

"My name is Fu Chaochen. To be honest, I was somewhat contemptuous and hostile towards you before. However, since we are all members of Sao Feng Camp, we are companions after all."

With that said, Fu Chaochen extended his right hand to Ling Feng and said with a faint smile: "Please take good care of me in the future!"

Ling Feng also smiled, stretched out his hand and shook his hand, "Take care of me."

Then, many geniuses from high-level protoss put down their high-spirited airs and exchanged names with other geniuses from ordinary protoss, which was a kind of recognition of each other.

There should be no distinction between high and low in a team!

"However, care is care. When it comes to the final battle, I will not show mercy, haha!"

"me too!"

A group of young geniuses look at each other and smile. This is the beginning of friendship and the birth of a strong team.

Ling Feng smiled lightly, this Saofeng Camp was indeed an interesting place.

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