Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2912 The decisive battle circle! (1 update)

After replenishing their fluids, everyone dispersed and flew towards the new round of promotions.

Before entering the next promotion circle, everyone had a tacit understanding and did not take any further action.

After all, the Nine Suns Realm is too hot, and fighting here to consume energy is not a wise choice.

After everyone left one after another, Ling Feng also looked back at Yu Junyao and others behind him, and said calmly: "Let's go too."

Everyone didn't waste any more time. After recovering their physical strength, they rushed out of the Nine Suns Realm as quickly as possible.

Not long after, the vision of Nine Suns in the sky disappeared, which also meant that they had stepped out of the Nine Suns realm.

The intense heat disappeared and was replaced by a land of ice and snow, a world of ice and snow frozen in frost.

However, with the previous experience, everyone is no longer at a loss as before.

Those who have been able to reach this point are all the elites among the elites. Although this extreme condition has greatly increased the difficulty of this confrontation training, it has not yet reached an insurmountable level.

And on this huge island, as everyone continues to move forward, the extreme environments they face are far more than that.

Another day passed.

After experiencing completely different landforms such as desert, snow, swamp, forest, etc., as the boundaries of the promotion circle shrank again and again, finally, the contestants who had not yet been eliminated came to a huge lake. .

And in the middle of the big lake, there is actually a small island.

It is an island within an island.

"Brother Ling!"

The speaker was none other than Fu Chaochen from the Haotian Divine Clan. He looked at the island within the island in front of him and said calmly: "It seems that that island is probably the final battle circle."


Ling Feng nodded and looked at the contestants who had arrived.

In addition to Fu Chaochen, there is another man in brocade clothing named Hua Yangming. There is a pattern of a divine sword embroidered on his collar. He is obviously a genius from the Tai'a God Clan.

In addition, there is a tall and burly man with red eyebrows. This man is from the Jiuli Divine Clan.

Ling Feng heard Yu Junyao mention that this red-browed man was named Jin Rulie. The Jin family was also a high-ranking member of the Jiuli Divine Clan, and was no less impressive than their Yu family.

These three people are respectively the top geniuses of the three high-level god clans, and they are also the leaders of this group of high-level god clan geniuses who joined the Sao Feng Camp.

It has to be said that the upper-level god clan, which can be called the upper-level god clan, is indeed fundamentally different from other first-class god clans and high-level god clan.

Except for the three of them and Ling Feng, everyone else has been wiped out, including Yan Jinghong, Yu Junyao and others.

"I thought that the top three spots would be taken by the three of us, but I didn't expect that there would be a variable like you, Brother Ling."

Hua Yangming on the side also smiled lightly, but had no intention of taking action immediately.

"Let's go to the island and fight again."

The red-browed man Jin Rulie laughed loudly, and immediately like an eagle, he leaped forward, stepped on the lake, and walked on the waves, heading towards the island in the middle of the lake at high speed.

The remaining few people looked at each other and nodded. Seeing that the barrier of the promotion circle was about to shrink again, they no longer wasted time. They followed Jin Rulie's example and stepped out of the water at extremely fast speeds. .

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.


A huge wave rose into the sky and gathered into an extremely thick waterspout. It rolled out like a dragon and rushed towards Jin Rulie who was rushing at the front.

Jin Rulie's eyelids twitched, but as a strong man from the upper-level God Clan, his reaction speed was extremely fast.

With a flash of figure, Jin Rulie dodged the slap of the huge wave, but suddenly a huge stone pillar sprinted out of the water from below the lake.


Hearing a sharp scream, Jin Rulie's figure was directly hit by the sharp stone pillar and sent high into the sky. The figure turned into a little "starlight" on the horizon.

The expressions of the remaining three people all changed. They felt the "part" tighten slightly, and they quickly subconsciously flew into the sky and got out of the water.

Otherwise, Jin Rulie's fate would be their example.

Sure enough, from the bottom of the lake, sharp stone pillars pierced out, and were shattered by the waves. Then, the water waves merged with the gravel, and turned into heads covered with rock armor. The dragon pounced on everyone with its fangs and claws.

Even before landing on the island, there are already many difficulties.

Fortunately, with Jin Rulie's success, everyone was on guard, and although they were embarrassed, they were not immediately eliminated.

The distance from the shore of the lake to the island in the middle of the lake is only a few hundred feet, but for Ling Feng and the others, it feels like the longest journey.

And the most terrible thing is that the barrier of the promotion circle is still shrinking and has shrunk to the shore. There is not much time left for Ling Feng and the others.

At the critical moment, several people showed their magical powers, regardless of exposing their trump cards or consuming their energy, and shattered everything in front of them.

Finally, the three of them rushed into the safe area at the moment when the barrier shrank to the island in the middle of the lake.


The three of them almost lost their strength, fell heavily on the island, and began to pant.

After a long while, the three of them looked at each other and smiled. It was indeed a critical moment just now. If they were even half a step too late, they would be completely disqualified from the competition.

"We have already won the top three, but as for who can win the championship in the end, it depends on everyone's ability."

Fu Chaochen laughed loudly and said, "Brother Hua, Fu will take the first place."

"Brother Fu, friendship is friendship, I won't give up the first place."

Hua Yangming also kept an eye on Fu Chaochen. In the eyes of the two, the biggest threat to each other was the other party, while Ling Feng was relatively not very competitive.

Ling Feng is basically third place, but the real champion still depends on the two of them.

Ling Feng shrugged and didn't care. On the contrary, these two people didn't pay too much attention to themselves. To a certain extent, it was a good thing.

Otherwise, if the two of them join forces to deal with him first, even if he hides a lot of strength, he dare not say that he can still win with the cooperation of two geniuses who are gods.

"There are three of us. To determine the top three, for the sake of fairness, we have to fight each other. The one who defeats the other two at the same time will naturally be the first. No problem, right?"

Fu Chaochen suggested.

"It seems fair on the surface, but Brother Fu, don't forget that in this damn place, after the energy is consumed, it cannot be restored. Of course, you have to fight, but who fights first and who fights last, that's important. ”

Hua Yangming is not stupid. Whoever fights first may suffer a loss. After all, the strength between Fu Chaochen and Hua Yangming is about the same. If whoever fights Ling Feng first will consume his energy and physical strength. , who will suffer some small losses.

But if they fight first and lose both sides, Ling Feng might take advantage.

For a while, several people became entangled, and after discussing for a long time, there was no result.

However, at this moment, a faint laughter came from the distance, "Hey, if we really can't come up with a result from the discussion, why don't you let me help you?"

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