Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2913 You are the champion! (2 updates)


Hearing this voice, several people turned around at the same time and saw a young man in blue robes standing on a stone pillar, looking at the three people below with interest.

"Who are you and when did you come?"

Fu Chaochen and Hua Yangming's eyelids jumped at the same time. Such a big living person was here, and they were completely unaware of it.

Only Ling Feng's face looked a bit solemn.

Because he knew this young man in blue robe.

This person is none other than the fifth blade among the Ten Blades of the Gotei, Yun Fu!

Why is he here?

Ling Feng was a little confused. If the strong man with ten blades took action, he could crush them to death with one finger. There was no comparison at all.


The aura of this "Yunfu" does not seem to be as scary as when I saw it before. With Ling Feng's powerful soul source, I can also feel that the imprint of his spiritual consciousness is relatively weak.

In other words, this Yunfu is probably just a clone of Yunfu.

But even if it was just a clone, Ling Feng didn't dare to look down upon it.


Ling Feng looked at Yun Fu and was about to speak when he saw Yun Fu making a silent gesture towards Ling Feng.


Yunfu smiled mysteriously, and then jumped down from the stone pillar.

"I am your final test."

Yunfu raised his fingers towards Fu Chaochen and the others, "I will judge who is strong and who is weak among you."

"Are you...the examiner?"

Fu Chaochen and Hua Yangming looked at each other, obviously not believing it, because Yunfu didn't look much older than them. He looked like he was just a new recruit, right?

"Why, doesn't it look like it?"

Yun Fu smiled faintly. In fact, the original individual combat training did not include this link.

However, this time the recruits' confrontation training was related to the ownership of the Tenth Blade, so Yunfu took action personally.

"I'll meet you first!"

Fu Chaochen's eyes narrowed, and he directly used the original divine pattern. The divine pattern on his forehead flashed, and his eyes began to shine with a strange purple light.

"The Eye of Haotian is indeed extraordinary."

Yun Fu's figure flashed, leaving an afterimage composed of water patterns on the spot, which collapsed at the touch of Fu Chaochen's pupil power.

But the next moment, Yun Fu appeared behind Fu Chaochen, raised his hand and patted his shoulder gently, "It's a pity, your accuracy is not good."

Fu Chaochen frowned and turned to attack Yunfu, but no matter how hard he tried, he could only hit the afterimage left by Yunfu.

After a while, Fu Chaochen was out of breath. Yunfu shook his head and punched Fu Chaochen in the abdomen.


Fu Chaochen's figure exploded, and the talismans on his body burned directly, teleporting him out of the island in the middle of the lake.


Fu Chaochen was still shouting in panic, but he felt as if his eyes were blurred and he had been transported to the outside world.

He groped around on his body for a while, and then he let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he had a magic talisman protecting his body, otherwise Yun Fu's punch just now would have directly smashed him to pieces.

"Why did you come out too?"

Jin Rulie, who was eliminated not long ago, couldn't help but look surprised when he saw that Fu Chaochen was eliminated first.

It stands to reason that Fu Chaochen has a great chance of winning the championship.

"Hey, forget it, another examiner came out of nowhere..."

Fu Chaochen shook his head and smiled bitterly, "With my strength, I can't even catch his punch."

"so smart?"

Jin Rulie's eyes widened, and he immediately clenched his fists, "Damn it, I didn't get to see such a master."

"Will have the opportunity next time."

Vice-captain Xiao Yang on the side chuckled and raised his hand to pat Fu Chaochen on the shoulder, "The examiner you call him is the Ten Blades of the Gotei. It is not unfair to lose to him."

"Ten...ten blades?"

Fu Chaochen suddenly realized, "No wonder..."

"However, it is just a clone of Ten Blades. It does not even have one percent of the power of his original form."

Fu Chaochen had already looked away a little, but when he heard Henry Zhang's last words, his face darkened again.

In other words, with his current strength, is he far inferior to even one percent of the strength of a ten-blade strongman?

How powerful are the ten blades!

On the island in the middle of the lake.

Seeing that Yun Fu actually "exploded" Fu Chaochen with one punch, the expressions of Ling Feng and Hua Yangming became very exciting.

Hua Yangming didn't know Yunfu's identity, but he was naturally surprised when he saw Yunfu's terrifying strength.

But Ling Feng knew that this was just a clone of Yun Fu.

If you can kill a strong man like Fu Chaochen instantly with just one clone, I'm afraid it will definitely be too much for you to face him.


Yun Fu pointed at Hua Yangming and said calmly: "Hey, come on."


Hua Yangming swallowed hard, "Why me?"

He knew that he would definitely not be able to defeat the "monster" in front of him, but according to the rules of individual combat, whoever can stay until the end will be the champion.

If Yunfu eliminates Ling Feng first, then even if he is not Yunfu's opponent, it stands to reason that he will be the last to be eliminated, so he should be the champion.

Yun Fu shook his head and smiled, "Stop your petty thoughts. I will naturally judge who is strong and who is weak. Therefore, there is no difference between who is eliminated first and who is eliminated last."

"Is this so..."

Hua Yangming smiled, then took a deep breath and took a step forward.

In other words, he just needs to persist longer under Yun Fu's hand.

Unfortunately, like Fu Chaochen, Hua Yangming could not resist Yun Fu's punch. As the talisman burned, his figure was also teleported out.

In the end, only Ling Feng and Yun Fu were left on the island in the middle of the lake.

Ling Feng took a deep look at Yun Fu, took a deep breath, and saluted him with a fist, "Please give me advice!"

"Not urgent."

Yun Fu narrowed his eyes and smiled, "You helped Sheng cure the poisonous insect disease and were kind to us, so this first place is already yours."


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, "Then just now..."

"Can't I bluff them?" Yun Fu said with a faint smile: "The rules are the rules. If you are the last one out, you will be the champion."


Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry. He didn't expect that he would win the championship in this way. It was really...


Although, even with his true ability, Ling Feng didn't think he would lose to the other two.

"But there's one more thing."

Yun Fu said calmly: "I shouldn't tell you new recruits about this, but I am very optimistic about you. I even hope that you can become one of the Ten Blades."


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "Being able to become the Ten Blades is naturally my dream, but with my current strength, I'm afraid it's far from enough."

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