Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2915 God King Blade Spirit! (1 update)

"No need."

An unprecedented fighting spirit burst out from Ling Feng's eyes.

It is rare to have the opportunity to fight against the most amazingly talented swordsman in history.

For Ling Feng, it doesn't matter whether he can defeat the opponent and obtain the so-called God King Blade.

After all, Ling Feng has his own exclusive heavenly weapons, which can be destroyed in all directions.

Ling Feng didn't think that his Destruction of All Directions would be any worse than the Divine King Blade, so even if it failed, Ling Feng would not feel regretful.

What's more, Ling Feng didn't think that he would fail.

What Ye Weiyang can do, he can definitely do, or even do better than him.

"It doesn't matter whether I have confidence or not. What's important is that I don't think I will lose."

Ling Feng took a deep look at Yun Fu and said solemnly: "I have decided, I want to challenge the God King Blade!"

"Okay, after knowing how powerful your opponent will be, and still having such fighting spirit, I am not as good as you."

Yun Fu smiled faintly, "Then, go in. This is your own choice. I hope you won't regret it."

Ling Feng nodded. The next moment, Ling Feng stretched out his hand and patted the bronze pillar. A curtain of light suddenly appeared in front of him, sucking Ling Feng in.

For a moment, Ling Feng felt like the world was spinning, and the origin of his soul was torn out of his body and sent directly into the light curtain.

And Ling Feng's body was like a wooden sculpture, standing firmly in place.

This test will unfold in a spiritual realm.

Yun Fu looked at the light curtain in front of him, stood with his hands behind his back, and murmured to himself: "In each era, there are only three God King Blades. Now the top three of the ten blades each have a God King Blade. If you really succeed, , which means that you will start a new era!"

"And you will be the new leader of the Ten Blades!"

Yun Fu narrowed his eyes. Although this meant that their Ten Blades this time would withdraw from the stage of history, he still hoped that Ling Feng could succeed.

The replacement of old and new eras is the general trend, like a rolling wheel, moving forward unstoppably.

Things changed before his eyes, and when Ling Feng felt that he was grounded again, his eyes quickly looked around.

This is a bamboo forest. The breeze blows and the bamboo leaves are swaying.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, collected his mind, and remained absolutely calm.

On the opposite side, a figure slowly walked over. Although his appearance could not be clearly seen, judging from his plain aura, he was the guardian of the God King Blade.

If you want to get your own God King Blade, you must first defeat him.

In the Divine King's Court, there were ten discs surrounding the ancient bronze pillar. After Ling Feng was teleported into the light curtain, those discs began to shine with various colors of light, and then, silhouettes condensed.

Among them, Sheng, who has three personalities, was also included.

However, these figures are not their true bodies, they are just incarnations of divine consciousness that remain in the palace of the God King.

Every ten-blade strongman, after being recognized by the "blade", will leave a ray of spiritual thought here. As long as there is any abnormality in the God King's Court, he can immediately sense it even though he is thousands of miles away.

"Yunfu, someone challenged the blade?"

The person who spoke was a burly and muscular man, about two meters tall, with muscles all over his body. He held a dark heavy hammer in his hand.

Each of the Gotei Ten Blades is different. It can be a sword or a sword, depending on the owner.

"The challenge is actually the God King Blade?"

Next to the burly man, there was a beautiful woman wearing purple clothes with a graceful figure. There was a hint of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

"Zong Yan, Liu Xu, don't you feel a little disappointed when someone else does what you dare not do?"

Yunfu laughed lightly.

"As if you dare."

The purple-clothed woman named Liuxu put her hands on her hips and glared at Yun Fu. Most of the time, these ten-blade warriors were performing tasks separately, but they rarely got together like today.

"It's him."

Directly in front of the bronze pillar, there was a handsome young man in black, with a strange color flashing in his eyes.

He raised his hand and gently placed it on his right eye, his eyes flashing with light as he recalled everything before.

"Uh..." Yun Fu was slightly startled, "Yeshen, do you know him?"

Because Ye Weiyang is the leader of the Ten Blades, and his title is "Ye God", and his surname is also Ye, he is respectfully called "Ye God" by others.

"We have met several times."

Ye Weiyang nodded. Strictly speaking, it was a distraction from him. He had seen Ling Feng several times.

Speaking of which, he also has a close relationship with his fiancée.

However, Ling Feng at that time was just like an ant to Ye Weiyang. There was such a big difference between them that he did not take Ling Feng to heart at all.

But now, he has actually come here.

This was something Ye Weiyang didn't expect.

However, no matter what happened in the past, this person actually dared to challenge the God King Blade, so he deserves his respect.

In the bamboo forest, the ordinary-looking man walked over slowly, his eyes calm.

He is the guardian of the Patron Saint King Blade, also known as the Blade Spirit.

God King Blade Spirit.

When he was about thirty steps away, the God King Blade Spirit stopped, staring at Ling Feng with his dull eyes and saying nothing.

The blade spirit itself should be just a ray of consciousness left by a strong man who once wielded the God King Blade. It has no independent consciousness of its own and only has a strong fighting instinct.



Almost at the same time, two iron swords fell from the sky and were inserted at the feet of Ling Feng and God King Blade Spirit respectively. The sword blades were half a foot into the ground, and the hilts were still shaking.

In an instant, God King Blade Spirit and Ling Feng drew out their iron swords respectively and looked at each other quietly. Neither of them made a move first. They seemed to be observing the other's details and waiting for the opportunity to take action.


At this moment, a gust of wind blew by, rolling up countless bamboo leaves on the ground, each one like a flying sword.


The sword chant sounded, and the two men faced each other like lightning, and the iron swords swung out.

"So fast!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. He could feel that the speed of the God King Blade Spirit was at least three times faster than his own!

In fact, if Ling Feng hadn't been able to use his infinite vision, he wouldn't have been able to catch the other party's figure at all.

Ling Feng took a deep breath. No wonder even a strong man like Ye Weiyang had his arm cut off by the three swords of God King Blade Spirit.

If you can't find the opponent's flaw, or effectively limit the opponent's terrifying speed, then the only consequence is that you will be instantly killed by the opponent!

In fact, he didn't even have a chance to take action.

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