Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2916 Zhou Tian Chaos Sword! (2 updates)

At this time, Ling Feng's powerful soul source played a key role.

Relying on his infinite vision to barely capture the opponent's movements, Ling Feng predicted the moves of the God King Blade Spirit and already dodged before the opponent's sword edge was cut down.

This kind of prediction, to a certain extent, made up for Ling Feng's lack of speed.

However, this is obviously not a long-term solution.

The opponent is a master, a real master.

Ling Feng's little trick was enough to cope with it for a while, but soon, the opponent's sword skills became more complicated. Even if Ling Feng activated the Eye of the Emperor to the extreme, he could understand the opponent's sword moves, and gradually began to appear. deviation.

And as long as there is just a slight deviation, the opponent's sword is enough to cut Ling Feng in two.

"Sword Domain!"

Ling Feng's thoughts moved, and the Reincarnation Sword Intention and the Killing Sword Intent erupted at the same time. The two sword intentions instantly transformed into sword fields and superimposed on Ling Feng's body.

Within the sword domain, Ling Feng is the master.

Although the God King Blade Spirit was fast, it was suppressed to a considerable extent in Ling Feng's sword domain.

Ling Feng was finally able to keep up with the speed of God King Blade Spirit.


Two iron swords collided together, and sparks flew away. Some bamboo leaves were contaminated by the sparks and immediately burned, like burning moths, hovering in the air.

With the powerful force of the shock, Ling Feng flew backwards. The next moment, as soon as the soles of his feet landed, he stepped on the ground violently, leaving a deep footprint, and then rushed forward at a faster speed than before. The iron sword stabs.

Under the increase of Sword Domain, Ling Feng finally took the initiative to counterattack for the first time.

God King Blade Spirit's reaction speed was no slower than Ling Feng's. He swayed slightly to avoid Ling Feng's electric sword, and the iron sword swung straight towards Ling Feng's face.


A strand of black hair was cut off. At the critical moment, Ling Feng tilted his head and the iron sword grazed his cheek.

"Sword Domain?"

In the God King's Court, nine ten-blade level experts were watching the battle between Ling Feng and God King Blade Spirit. So far, although Ling Feng was still at a disadvantage, God King Blade Spirit had not even hit a single sword. Ling Feng.

In a sense, Ling Feng's performance was already better than that of Ye Weiyang.

"The most critical reason is the origin of his soul."

One of the men in green clothes with twin eyes said lightly that he was the strongest among the ten blades who was the best at the Soul Path. He was named "Dream Soul" and used the soul as a blade.

"Although he has not been completely exposed, the origin of his soul may have reached the level of a colorful fighting spirit."

Menghun said in a deep voice.

"The colorful fighting spirit does have some advantages in the test with the God King Blade, but if you want to defeat the God King Blade Spirit, you still need his understanding of the blade."

Ye Weiyang said lightly, seeming to recall the situation when he defeated the God King Blade Spirit.

That battle was full of dangers. If it happened again, he was not sure whether he would be able to pass it smoothly.

The perception of the blade itself is an illusory thing.

"It's still not enough!"

In the bamboo forest, Ling Feng frowned. Even if he could barely keep up with the speed of the God King Blade Spirit with the increase of his dual sword domain, it was almost impossible to defeat the God King Blade Spirit. .

Fortunately, he had acquired ninety-nine sword techniques and understood the essence of each sword technique. Otherwise, even if he could keep up with the speed, he would not be able to dodge the opponent's attack.

Being able to become the guardian of the God King Blade, the God King Blade Spirit, with his attainments in swordsmanship, is probably the strongest opponent Ling Feng has encountered so far.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

In the blink of an eye, Ling Feng and the God King Blade Spirit had fought hundreds of swords. Although they were just ordinary iron swords, they carried the terrifying power of both sides, and the iron swords did not break.

On the contrary, the force transmitted from the blade of the sword caused Ling Feng's jaw to crack and his entire arm and bones to feel numb.

This was because Ling Feng had activated the Eye of the Emperor to the extreme, avoiding the vital points in time every time. Otherwise, he would have been killed by the God King Blade Spirit long ago.

Despite this, Ling Feng still felt that he had gradually fallen into a disadvantage, and his eyes were burning. This was the result of excessive activation of the Eye of the Emperor and overload.

Originally, with Ling Feng's current state, even if he used the Eye of the Emperor for several days and nights, it would not exceed the load. However, the speed and sword moves of the God King Blade Spirit were too perfect, with almost no flaws.

The Emperor's Eye just saw his trajectory clearly, and the consumption was already more than ten times higher than usual.

"We must fight quickly!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. He knew that once his Emperor's Eye failed, his situation would be even worse.

Gritting his teeth, Ling Feng calmed down and stepped on his feet. A six-pointed star array appeared under his feet.

Zhou Tian Chaos Formation!

This is a secret technique inherited from the temple of the witch clan. It was created by the witch ancestors and turned into small chaos with the power of Zhou Tian. It can exert a certain restraint effect on witchcraft of various attributes.

After the Zhoutian Chaos Formation is completed, you can understand the more powerful Zhoutian Chaos Sword!

After leaving the Southern Witch Territory, Ling Feng did not stop studying the Zhoutian Chaos Formation, and not long ago, he finally made some breakthroughs.

He can already control the Zhoutian Chaos Sword initially, but it is only preliminary.

With the speed and power of Zhou Tian's Chaos Sword, he might be able to defeat the blade spirit in front of him by surprise.

The six-pointed star array under his feet was filled with brilliance. Ling Feng made a hand gesture and threw the iron sword high in his hand.

Whoosh whoosh!

Rays of light merged with the iron sword. Under the blessing of Zhou Tian's power, the iron sword "swish" and spun around Ling Feng.

Moreover, just like Ling Feng's third hand, the sword can be turned as he pleases.

In fact, under the pressure of Ling Feng's sword domain, the speed of Zhoutian Chaos Sword was even faster than that of the God King Blade Spirit.


The sword of Zhou Tian, ​​under the control of Ling Feng's thoughts, was divided into ten parts, and the ten parts were white. Like a rain of arrows, they all shot towards the God King Blade Spirit.

Tsk tsk tsk!

I saw the momentum of the God King Blade Spirit swaying around him, and the surrounding bamboo forest began to sway. Bamboo leaves shot out like flying swords. Each bamboo leaf was able to intercept Ling Feng's Zhoutian Sword, and flew out in the air. , bursting into brilliant sparks.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. God King Blade Spirit's swordsmanship level has actually reached the level where all things can be turned into swords.

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Although his first attack of the Zhoutian Chaos Sword was successfully intercepted by the God King Blade Spirit, this was only because his mastery of the Zhoutian Chaos Sword was not good enough.

He needs faster speed and more destructive power!

Without giving up using the Zhoutian Chaos Formation, Ling Feng continued to activate the sword formation, turning into thousands of Zhoutian Swords and attacking the God King Blade Spirit.

As for the real body, he shuttles through the sky full of Zhoutian Blades and Rain of Bamboo Leaves. He wants to use this extremely harsh environment to find a breakthrough in the battle.

His Zhoutian Chaos Sword is only an entry-level sword. If he can break through to Dacheng in one fell swoop, he can definitely defeat this God King Blade Spirit.

However, because the Eye of the Emperor is about to reach its limit, there is not much time left for Ling Feng.

In the court of the God King.

The strong men with ten blades all showed surprised expressions.

Ling Feng can be called a monster for being able to persist under the sword of God King Blade Spirit for so long.

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