Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2920 Taking office! (3 updates)

Finally, a blurry shadow appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Everyone emerges from the island in this way.

Ling Feng finally came out.

Coming out with Ling Feng was Yun Fu's clone.

Yun Fu leaned into the white-haired general's ear and whispered a few words. He saw the white-haired general's expression change slightly, then nodded again, and gave Ling Feng a meaningful look.

Although the matter about the God King Blade cannot be publicized to the whole camp, as one of the three major generals, the white-haired old man is naturally qualified to know everything.

"The result is already known."

The general with white hair and beard stroked his long beard and said calmly: "The recruits who won the top three in the end are Ling Feng, Hua Yangming, and Fu Chaochen! The three of you will receive the top three recruit medals respectively. , in addition, there are additional contribution point rewards.”

Ling Feng and the others hurriedly stepped forward to thank the general. Hua Yangming and Fu Chaochen were geniuses from the Tai'a God Clan and Haotian God Clan respectively. It was not surprising that they were among the top three.

As for Ling Feng, he was not a high-ranking god, but he surpassed Hua Yangming and Fu Chaochen and directly became the champion!

It has to be said that Ling Feng, a little-known "little man", once again created a miracle.

Of course, they didn't know that the miracles Ling Feng created were more than that.

He even defeated the God King Blade Spirit and qualified to become the leader of the next generation of Ten Blades. His name will eventually be recorded in the history of Sao Feng Camp and become a legend of Sao Feng Camp!

Soon, the news that Ling Feng won the recruit combat training championship spread throughout the Saofeng camp as if it had wings.

At this time, outside the wooden house where Ling Feng lived, some recruits who had a good relationship with Ling Feng came to Ling Feng's door to congratulate and toast.

Even Zhang Yang, Ji Ruye and other instructors came to visit in person, and Xiao Yang even brought his own wine. Of course, this was the Yuyangchun wine he had won from a bet with Director Pang.

Anyway, it was only because of Ling Feng that he won it back, so he simply brought it and "had fun with the people".

"Good boy, I really saw you right!"

With a smile on his face, Henry Zhang picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, "I knew you were a character from the first time I saw you!"


Ling Feng smiled. The first time he met Henry Zhang, he was still pretending to be a fallen god to plot against Ji Ruye.

"It's a pity that you were transferred to the medical camp by Mr. General Secretary. Otherwise, if you stayed in our third battalion and second team, I would definitely not treat you badly."

Ling Feng pursed his lips. Although he has not officially reported to the medical camp yet, he still holds the position of deputy captain.

In total, he is on the same level as Henry Zhang.

"Although I can no longer stay in the 3rd Battalion and 2nd Team in the future, I still want to thank Captain Xiao for your care during this period."

Ling Feng also raised his wine glass, and everyone toasted together. It was so lively and enjoyable.

"After today, Boss Ling will go to the medical camp. Don't forget us brothers in the future!"

"Hahaha! Boss Ling will definitely not do that!" Chu Zhongtian laughed and said: "No matter where we go, we were once good brothers in the same battalion. Come on, let me toast you all brothers first!"

"Good brother, cheers!"


That night, Ling Feng didn't know how much he drank, so that when he woke up the next day, his head was still a little groggy.

Take a deep breath, circulate your energy, and adjust your breath, all kinds of uncomfortable conditions will disappear, and you will feel refreshed.

"Today, I have to report to the medical camp."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. Yesterday, the commander-in-chief of the third battalion personally handed out the recruit medals and 100,000 contribution points. He also passed on the commander-in-chief's order to report to the medical camp in the near future.

After all, although the vice-captain is not big, it is still a very important position.

Ling Feng now has an official position, and there are a lot of people under him who want him to manage, so he must take office as soon as possible.

However, as soon as Ling Feng walked out of the door, he found Yu Junyao standing in front of his door. She narrowed her eyes and said with a smile: "You little brat, you just got up!"

Yu Junyao rarely got up earlier than Ling Feng, so she naturally wanted to seize the opportunity to mock Ling Feng.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "Why are you here?"

Yu Junyao pouted, "Why? I want to go to the medical camp with you to take up the post!"


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, "You?"

"No!" Yu Junyao snorted, "I can apply to go to the medical camp, can't I?"

"Haha, okay, of course..."

Ling Feng couldn't help but murmur in his heart: Those with connections are the best!

Although in Sao Feng Camp, no matter who is a high-ranking protoss or not, everything is only based on strength and military exploits, but after all, most of the high-level decision-makers are high-ranking protoss, and being a high-ranking protoss still has some conveniences.

For example, Yu Junyao, a well-connected person, could easily be transferred to any battalion just by saying a word.

"Let's go!"

Yu Junyao narrowed her eyes and smiled, took out a map from the Naling Ring, and said with a proud look on her face: "I have already obtained the overall map of the Sao Feng Island Group. If it weren't for me, you might not even be able to do it." No way can be found."


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, "What... I heard from the president, it seems that someone will come to pick me up and take me to the medical camp."

Yu Junyao's face stiffened, she gritted her silver teeth, and glared at Ling Feng angrily, "Humph, I just want to go there by myself, can't I?"


Seeing Yu Junyao looking like she was ready to explode at any moment, Ling Feng had no choice but to smile bitterly, "Okay, okay, just go there by yourself."

With a helpless sigh, Ling Feng had no choice but to follow Yu Junyao and follow the map to Baihua Island where the medical camp was located.

As soon as I hear the name of this island, I feel that there are many women.

Ling Feng sighed, feeling a little uncertain about his future.

After Ling Feng and Yu Junyao left, about half an hour later, Henry Zhang came to Ling Feng's door with two women from the medical camp.

"Boy Ling Feng, the person to pick you up is here. Are you still drunk?"

Henry Zhang banged in front of Ling Feng's door a few times, but no one responded. He pushed the door open with gentle force, but there was no one inside.

"It's weird."

Henry Zhang touched the top of his bare head and murmured in a low voice: "Why is this boy missing? Could it be that he went to Baihua Island first?"


When the two women from the medical camp nearby heard this, their expressions suddenly changed, as if they remembered something, and they hurriedly rushed out the door.

"what's the situation?"

Henry Zhang was a little confused, and when he was about to ask a question, he saw that the two figures had disappeared from his sight, and not even a shadow could be seen.

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with me."

Henry Zhang shrugged and turned to leave. He originally thought that he could go to Baihua Island for a stroll or something, but it looked like there was no chance...

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