Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2921 Baihua Island! (1 update)

Baihua Island is located on a relatively independent island in the southwest of the Saofeng Island Group. It is surrounded by the sea on three sides, creating a relatively warm and comfortable climate. This climate environment is more conducive to the cultivation of spiritual flowers and spiritual grass. .

The entire Baihua Island is actually the island with the largest spiritual area in the Saofeng Island Group.

And it is precisely for this reason that along with the monsoon wind from the ocean, there is a fragrance that hits your nostrils even before you reach Baihua Island.

And because Baihua Island belongs to the medical camp and is essentially a logistics team, the members of the medical camp are all women.

This is almost a tradition. Although there is no explicit rule that men are not allowed to join the medical camp, because the director of the medical camp basically does not recruit any male members, over time, the entire Baihua Island has actually turned into a country of girls.

If it weren't for the personal order of the General Secretary this time, and the fact that Ling Feng had indeed cured the poisonous insect disease that had plagued Sao Feng Camp for thousands of years, the director of the medical camp would not have been willing to let Ling Feng join the medical camp, let alone be directly promoted. As the vice-captain.

At this time, a man and a woman, two figures, almost one behind the other, boarded the Flower Island.

Feeling the aroma coming towards her, Yu Junyao couldn't help but open her hands and took a few breaths of the aroma in the air, feeling much happier.

Ling Feng also showed a faint smile. As a doctor, he was naturally very satisfied with this natural elixir garden.

At first glance, the mountain is full of colorful flowers, which is dazzling, but also peaceful. It is truly worthy of being called a hundred flowers!

It is also a good choice to cultivate your body and mind here.

However, among these aromas, there seems to be some...

Ling Feng expanded his horizons and looked around, and suddenly discovered that there was a natural lake about a few miles away from the entrance to Baihua Island. On the lake, hundreds of flowers were falling, and the red patch was really beautiful.

And above the lake, actually...

The next moment, Ling Feng almost spat out a few nosebleeds. On the lake, there were actually a dozen beautiful women taking a bath!

Could this lake be the daily bathing pool of these women?

Ling Feng quickly withdrew his infinite vision. He had no such bad taste in spying on others bathing.

However, his expression was still somewhat unnatural. Although he had seen everything when treating people, but seeing so many naked bodies at once, Ling Feng was still a strong-blooded person after all. The young man!

"Hey, brat, why are you blushing like a monkey's butt?"

Yu Junyao turned around and saw the embarrassment on Ling Feng's face. She couldn't help but become suspicious and stared at Ling Feng with a puzzled expression.


Ling Feng coughed a few times and said, "It's nothing. It's a bit hot on this island."

"whispering sound!"

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, not doubting that he was there, but said with a smile: "How about it, not bad. If I hadn't led the way, you would have found Baihua Island so early!"


Ling Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes. It was true that he was a road addict, but Yu Junyao was not much better. Basically, he was just a blind cat who met a dead mouse and found this place by mistake.

Moreover, it was not a normal entrance, but a distance from the sea before swimming over.

"What's your expression!"

Yu Junyao gouged out Ling Feng, and just when she was about to "raise the troops to investigate the crime," she heard an angry voice coming from behind her, "Who are you!"

After a while, four or five figures flew out from behind one after another. The woman at the head was wearing a long aqua dress. She had a delicate appearance and a sense of being free from dust. However, at this moment, her phoenix eyes were filled with anger. With a hint of cold evil aura.

Especially when he saw Ling Feng, his brows furrowed even more.

"Who else could it be!"

Another woman in red next to the leading woman snorted coldly, "Mengli, who else could it be? These damn stinky men sneaked in from here, what else could they have planned?"

Because they did not land from the normal entrance to the island, the place where they landed was close to the bathing place of these female disciples. No wonder they misunderstood.


Ling Feng waved his hands quickly and said: "Girls, I was sent to the medical camp by the General Secretary as the deputy captain. My name is Ling Feng!"

"it's so funny!"

The woman in red said coldly: "I did the shameless thing of peeping, and I also want to put the shit basin on the head of the new vice-captain!"

The woman in red asked loudly: "We have sisters who have gone to pick up Ling Feng a long time ago. You said you are Ling Feng, but where are the sisters sent by us on the island!"


Ling Feng's head darkened, and he glanced at Yu Junyao with a speechless expression. Originally, he had been content to wait for someone to pick him up, but nothing would happen.

It's a good thing now, I'm actually being treated as a peeping pervert!

"Catch this pervert and hand him over to the chief executive for punishment!"

"Just castrate him first and then talk!"

Those women all looked fierce and stared at Ling Feng with evil intentions. Ling Feng's scalp felt numb. This woman was really scary when she was so fierce.

"Miss Jade, say something! Please help me explain!"

Ling Feng's head went dark, he was really tricked by Yu Junyao this time.

Yu Junyao spread his hands and said loudly: "Sisters, I am not familiar with him either. Only now do I understand that he is this kind of person. It's all because I misjudged him before. You can do whatever you want with him." I have nothing to do with it!”

Then, he actually stood aside and looked like he was watching the fun.

She is a woman after all, and no matter what, the charge of voyeurism cannot be placed on her head.


The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched. This woman was trying to trick herself into death.

"You brat, you are still a man!"

The woman in red had a fiery temper. She roared and drew out the soft sword from her waist, "Sisters, come on!"

Ling Feng had two heads above him, but Yu Junyao didn't think it was a big deal and deliberately made trouble for herself. Except for the leader named Meng Li, the other four women had already gathered around.

Although they are all disciples of the medical camp and are not good at fighting, they are able to join the Sao Feng camp. Which one of them is not a master among masters and a genius among geniuses.

They had joined Sao Feng Camp for many years and had a tacit understanding with each other. Even Ling Feng felt a headache when they joined forces.

"excuse me!"

Ling Feng sighed softly, and had to show some real skills. He stopped the woman in red first, grabbed her wrist tightly, and said in a deep voice: "I am really Ling Feng, and I really didn't steal anything." Look!”

"Damn pervert, let me go!"

The woman in red was sure that Ling Feng was a pervert. No matter how he explained it, it was useless. Ling Feng grabbed her wrist, and she hit Ling Feng's chin with her head. Fortunately, Ling Feng hid quickly, otherwise he would have been killed. Disaster.

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