Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2922 Jiang Mengli! (2 updates)


Ling Feng pushed away the woman in red and took out his identity token, "I am really Ling Feng!"

Although the woman in red was extremely angry, she still glanced at Ling Feng's token.

Every member of the Sao Feng Camp has one of these identity tokens, and they are all unique and cannot be copied.

The token in Ling Feng's hand recorded all his information in a special way. The woman in red took a closer look. Although she confirmed Ling Feng's identity, she still said reluctantly: "Even if you are a new recruit, The deputy captain can’t peek either!”


Ling Feng was speechless, looked back at Yu Junyao, and said helplessly: "Miss Yu, you've done enough watching the fun, it's time to come out and talk to others!"

"Hehe..." Yu Junyao narrowed her eyes and smiled, and then said: "I was just teasing a few sisters. Anyway, this guy is rough and thick-skinned. It's not a big deal if he gets a beating from the sisters. ”


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, but thinking about it carefully, he did catch such a glance unintentionally. Fortunately, these women could not detect the infinite vision, otherwise he would be in trouble.

At this moment, two figures came flying towards them. They were the two women who had gone to pick up Ling Feng from the second team of the third battalion.

When the two women saw that Ling Feng was already confronting the female disciples from the medical camp, they quickly stepped forward to explain.

"It turned out to be just a misunderstanding."

The woman named Mengli glanced at Ling Feng, showed a hint of apology, and said, "I am the captain of the medical camp, Jiang Mengli, and this is Junior Sister Hongyu..."

Jiang Mengli introduced the other women to Ling Feng respectively, and the misunderstanding was finally resolved.

Ling Feng smiled helplessly. As the instigator, Yu Junyao looked cheerful, obviously very proud that she had tricked Ling Feng.

The attitude of other women towards Ling Feng has also changed a lot, but the woman named Hong Yu has been staring at Ling Feng, looking a little unconvinced.

"Vice Captain Ling, please come with me."

Jiang Mengli glanced at Ling Feng and said slowly: "The President is currently on a mission to support the Second Battalion with some elites from the medical camp, so you can't see her yet. I'll take you to settle down first."

"Thank you very much."

Ling Feng bowed his hands to Jiang Mengli and said, "As the vice-captain, I really don't deserve my name. Everyone can just call me Ling Feng."

Jiang Mengli smiled softly, "I came to Saofeng Camp earlier, so I just called you Junior Brother Ling."

Ling Feng nodded, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Hong Yu, who was on the side, snorted softly: "You just know that you are not worthy of your name!"

"Hong Yu..." Jiang Mengli glanced at Hong Yu, sighed, and said calmly: "I'm sorry, Junior Brother Ling, this Hong Yu has always been so outspoken, don't mind."


After a while, Jiang Mengli brought Ling Feng to his residence. Even though he was the deputy captain, he actually lived in a very simple bamboo building.

Because Baihua Island is full of women, every house has a strong feminine style.

"Because there are no men on the island, junior brother Ling, don't mind."

Jiang Mengli said softly. Her temperament was very gentle, which was completely opposite to that of Hong Yu.


Ling Feng smiled and said, "It's very nice here."

"This is a relatively large bamboo building here. It's more than enough for the two of you to live in."

Jiang Mengli smiled softly and mistook Ling Feng and Yu Junyao for being a couple, so she directly arranged for them to live together.

Suddenly, both Ling Feng and Yu Junyao's faces turned red. Ling Feng smiled bitterly and said, "Senior Sister Jiang, we are not..."


Jiang Mengli was stunned for a moment, thinking that these young people might be a little reserved and a little shy, so she smiled and said: "Sorry, sorry, then I will arrange a place for Xiaoyu to live."

Yu Junyao bit her silver teeth and said with a blush, "Thank you, Sister Mengli."

Jiang Mengli smiled and took Yu Junyao to settle down in person. She seemed to have decided that Ling Feng and Yu Junyao had a close relationship, so Jiang Mengli arranged a residence for Yu Junyao near Ling Feng.


After arranging everything, Jiang Mengli said again: "Junior brother Ling, I hope you don't take Hong Yu's matter to heart. Originally, she had the best chance of becoming the vice-captain..."

"I see……"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. No wonder Hong Yu had such a bad attitude towards him.

"As far as I know, a battalion should have three deputy captains. Besides me, don't there need to be two more places?"

"Things are different at the medical camp."

Jiang Mengli explained very patiently: "Our medical camp has always had only one captain and one deputy captain. The deputy captain before you was injured on a mission and could no longer serve as the deputy captain. Hong Yu was originally supposed to take over. , I didn’t expect to get the order from the Chief Secretary.”

"So that's it." Ling Feng thought for a while and then said: "How is the injured vice-captain doing now?"

Going home during the Qingming Festival, two updates today.

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