Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2937 Undercover! (3 updates)

"Take your sword and run!"

A roar came from Lu Chong, who used all his energy to attack directly and stabbed Chimei with his sword.

In the scene, Sheng's strength was almost negligible, and the strongest person became Lu Chong.


A sword thrust out, and Na Lu Chong's sword, although it was unexpected, was pinched by the two fingers of the red eyebrows, and they were easily pinched tightly. No matter how hard Lu Chong tried, he couldn't penetrate even half an inch.

And when he heard Lu Chong's roar, Ling Feng frowned and gritted his teeth. After all, he still couldn't do such a thing as abandoning his companions.

As for Hong Yu, she had been standing with Lu Chong. The moment Lu Chong took action, everyone's attention was focused on Lu Chong. She found the opportunity and left without looking back.

"I will bring reinforcements for you!"

Hong Yu roared, and immediately used his fastest speed, and in the blink of an eye, he ran away.

The Evil King frowned and shouted, "What are you still doing? Chase me!"

"What are you chasing?"

Red Eyebrow laughed loudly, "Let her run away. If those people from Sao Feng Camp dare to come, they will fall into a trap!"

Only then did the Heavenly Evil King react, nodded, and laughed loudly: "Yes, yes, Lord Red Eyebrow is really smart!"

"Hmph, as for these people!"

Red Eyebrow exerted force with two fingers, and there was a "click" sound, and the sword blade in Lu Chong's hand was broken into seven or eight pieces. A huge force surged in, directly knocking Lu Chong away, and he spurted out a mouthful. blood.

"Captain Lu!"

Ling Feng hurriedly stepped forward to hold Lu Chong's back, but the force transmitted from Lu Chong actually made him take a dozen steps back. Only then did the two of them stabilize their bodies.



Ling Feng and Lu Chong spurted blood at the same time, and the red-browed palm was so terrifying.

"Is this the power of ten blades?"

Ling Feng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Sheng could not be counted on now, and Lu Chong was far from Chimei's opponent. Of the three of them, two were injured, and one, although not injured, looked like a frightened bird. Like a little bunny.

Such a combination, in the hands of a strong person like Chimei, I'm afraid...

"I asked you to take Sheng and leave just now, why don't you leave!"

Lu Chong turned around and glared at Ling Feng, "Do you know how many lives are at stake in your body?"

Ling Feng had a scorpion tail flower on his body, and the scorpion tail flower was related to dozens of lives in a battalion!

"No matter what, I, Ling Feng, cannot do anything but abandon my companions."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, simply removed his disguise and restored his original appearance.

"You! Hey..."

Lu Chong sighed softly. Now, he could only hope that Hong Yu, who had escaped, could call reinforcements as soon as possible.

But at the same time, he was a little worried. If reinforcements came, they might fall into the trap of the fallen gods.

Unexpectedly, what could have been a very careful plan ended up in such a situation.

Lu Chong took a deep breath and said slowly: "I can continue to fight. Ling Feng, you are a smart man. I believe you should know what is more important, sacrificing one person or annihilating the entire army! I will think The method will create opportunities for you, you must escape!"

"I know."

Ling Feng sweated slightly on his forehead, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "But we have to escape together!"


Lu Chong clenched his fists and looked at Ling Feng, not knowing whether to scold or be moved.

"Haha, it turns out to be a little guy!"

The red-browed eyebrow laughed ferociously, "The art of disguise is really powerful. I almost let you escape just now, but it's a pity that you seem to have encountered a group of pig teammates."

Ling Feng slowly drew out the Ten Directions Destruction. Even though the opponent may be an opponent that he could not defeat at all, he never lacked the courage to draw his sword.

"Remember your mission! As a superior, I order you to find an opportunity to escape with Sheng! This is an order!"

Lu Chong gritted his teeth and sent a message to Ling Feng. The next moment, his figure broke out again and sprinted out.

In an instant, Lu Chong actually transformed into eighteen afterimages, shooting out from eighteen different directions, aiming directly at Chimei's vital points.

However, the gap between him and Chimei was still too big.

Red Eyebrow didn't even identify it carefully. With one move, all seventeen afterimages were scattered, and the last punch landed on Lu Chong's chest with incomparable accuracy.


This punch made his chest dent, his face was covered with blood stains, his eyes were red, and everything he looked at seemed to be stained red with blood.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Red Eyebrow smiled disdainfully, unless he was a strong man with ten blades, he would still be able to take him seriously, and Lu Chong, to put it bluntly, was just a small captain.


At this moment, a figure flew out and caught the falling road.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and the person who came was surprisingly Taoist Bu Xing!

Taoist Bu Xing hugged Lu Chong's body and slowly landed on the ground. However, his demeanor changed from the previous cynicism, madness and laziness. When he looked at Lu Chong, there was a special...


Yes, it is actually a gentle look!

"Don't you like the old thief?"

King Tianxie stared at Taoist Bu Xing and said coldly: "Don't tell me that you are also an undercover agent of Saofeng Camp?"

He has known Taoist Bu Xing for decades. If Tao Bu Xing is really an undercover agent, he has been undercover for a long time.

Moreover, he is indeed a fallen protoss, and his divine patterns can devour other people's divine patterns.

This was also witnessed by King Tianxie with his own eyes.

Lu Chong fell into Taoist Bu Xing's arms. Although his face looked extremely wretched, Lu Chong actually grabbed his hand and cried with tears, "Qiu Tong! It's you, really It's you, I can feel it, it's your aura! My father told me that you have rebelled and turned to the Fallen Gods, but I don't believe it, you will never betray!"


Taoist Bu Xing's eyes were slightly red and swollen, and his voice actually turned into a female voice!

The next moment, Taoist Bu Xing's face changed, and finally, he turned into a young and beautiful woman!

I can't say how stunning she is, but she is definitely a rare and stunning woman!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, unable to combine such a woman with Taoist Bu Xing's wretched appearance.

However, it’s no wonder that Taoist Bu Xing is not a womanizer at all. It turns out that she is a woman herself.

Moreover, it seemed that Lu Chong had known her for a long time, and the reason why his relationship with his father, General Lu, was so tense was because of this woman.

Ling Feng also noticed that although Sheng had been shrinking aside timidly, when she saw the "Buxing Taoist" who had turned into a woman, she clearly showed a familiar look.

She also knows this woman!

"No...not happy that the old thief is actually a woman?"

The Evil King was completely stunned. Why was this completely inconsistent with his memory?

In fact, the real Taoist Bu Xing died eight years ago, and was replaced by this woman named Qiutong.

As an undercover agent of Saofeng Camp, she completely replaced Taoist Bu Xing, and even learned all of Taoist Bu Xing's habits perfectly.

And when she discovered Ling Feng, she immediately realized that Ling Feng was one of the Ten Blades!

There is actually a special way of identifying among the Ten Blades of the Gotei, but Ling Feng doesn't know it...

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