Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2938 Shadow of Night God! (1 update)

"It turns out that you are also one of the Ten Blades. You disguised yourself as a Taoist Bu Xing and lurked in the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm for so many years. You are really awesome! Even I can't help but admire you!"

Red Eyebrow stared at Yan Qiutong coldly, "If I guess correctly, you are the fourth of the Ten Blades, the Blade of Thousand Illusions, Yan Qiutong!"

Yan Qiutong did not answer, but judging from her eyes, it should be regarded as acquiescence.

The fourth of the ten blades?

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. When he was in the Divine King's Court, he had already met nine other strong men with ten blades, and according to Yun Fu, there was already a missing position among the ten blades.

In other words, the current Yan Qiutong is no longer the Ten Blades. Otherwise, the top management of Saofeng Camp would not select a replacement to inherit the Ten Blades.

And since Yan Qiutong is still alive and only undercover in the Sea of ​​Qujing, why...

Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he suddenly realized.


Yan Qiutong has truly become a fallen protoss. Only by truly becoming a fallen protoss can it be possible to lurk in the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm for so many years without being exposed.

In other words, in order to perform her mission, she actually gave up her identity and became a fallen god!

It has to be said that her sacrifice was indeed big enough. Even Yun Fu, Sheng and others who were the Ten Blades didn't seem to know about it.

And today, if Lu Chong and the others hadn't been in trouble, she wouldn't have exposed her identity.

"The fourth of the Ten Blades is indeed very strong."

The red eyebrow smiled, "It's a pity, you do have the aura of the fallen gods in your body. Your blade has probably left you. Can a ten-blade without a blade still be called a ten-blade?" ?Hahaha!"

Yan Qiutong clenched his fists.

Indeed, the moment she chose to completely transform into a fallen protoss for the mission, she was destined to be unable to control her own blade.

Without the blade, her strength is naturally greatly reduced.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, walked to Yan Qiutong's side, stood side by side with her, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "I'm sorry, I didn't know your identity before, so I wasn't too polite to you."

Yan Qiutong just shook his head and smiled. Her temperament was not as chatty as the unhappy Taoist she pretended to be, and she was even a little silent.

"It's a pity, it's a pity. I didn't expect that Saofeng Camp would carefully place a secret chess piece like yours in the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm. However, today, you are completely exposed."

Chimei snorted coldly, and a murderous aura surged around her body.

Today, he has achieved great success.

"As long as I kill you all, how can I expose you?"

Yan Qiutong's eyes were fixed on the red eyebrow opposite him, and he said coldly: "Even if the blade is gone, do you think I can't do anything to you?"


As if she had heard the funniest joke in the world, Chimei burst out laughing, "What did I hear? If you were still the Thousand Illusion Blades before, I would still be afraid of you, but now, you You can only kneel down at my feet and beg for mercy!”

Behind Chimei, a crimson flame suddenly ignited, burning fiercely, turning into an evil magic figure, and the momentum of his whole body suddenly increased.

For a moment, Ling Feng felt as if his heart was being grasped by someone. Under that terrifying aura, he stepped back several steps, his face turned pale, and his forehead was already covered with cold sweat. .

So strong!

Ling Feng took a breath, this red eyebrow was definitely not something he could resist now.

Yan Qiutong took a deep breath, slowly took out a bronze mirror from his arms, and muttered a few words. Then, in the bronze mirror, a handsome man's face with eyes like stars appeared.

And the person in the mirror is surprisingly the leader of the Ten Blades, Ye Shen, Ye Weiyang!

"Yakami, I encountered some trouble in my mission."

Yan Qiutong sighed and said slowly: "In order not to reveal their identities, these people must be eliminated."

"My Haotian Eyes have seen everything."

Ye Weiyang in the mirror nodded, and then, with a flash of light in his eyes, an illusory shadow suddenly appeared in front of Yan Qiutong.

It was an illusory Ye Weiyang, more than three feet tall, like a god.

He looked down at the surroundings with a stern look, and then, a terrifying light burst out from Ye Weiyang's eyes.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, more than a dozen explosions were heard from all directions, and the dozen subordinates brought by the evil king that day were all turned into a blood mist, and they could no longer die.


The Tianxie King's eyelids twitched, and he turned around and tried to escape. However, he did not escape the fate of being blown into a bloody mist.


With a scream, even a powerful man like Tianxie King died without a complete body.

The red-browed eyelids twitched suddenly, and she exclaimed, "Head of the Ten Blades...Yakami!"

He roared wildly and used all his strength to try to fight against Ye Weiyang's gaze.

However, in just a moment, the protective aura on his body collapsed. After resisting for less than three breaths, he was blown into a cloud of blood mist.

Three breaths have passed, and all the evil cultivators of the fallen gods in the audience died on the spot!

"What power is this?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. The shock that Ye Weiyang brought to him was almost shocking to his soul.

It's too strong!

This is just a projection of Ye Weiyang!

No wonder Yun Fu has always emphasized that even among the ten blades, the gap in strength is very obvious.

This is not only obvious, it is simply a world of difference!

It is true that those ten-blade level warriors in Yunfu are also very strong, but compared with Ye Weiyang, they are not on the same level at all.

"Thank you God..."

After dealing with those people in Chimei, Yan Qiutong thanked Ye Weiyang and put away the bronze mirror. This was her trump card to save her life. Although it seemed that she was relying on Ye Weiyang's power, in fact, she also needed With her as the carrier, every time she uses the power of this bronze mirror, it is also a huge load.

"It's not a good place to stay for a long time."

Yan Qiutong looked back at Ling Feng and said solemnly: "The power of Ye Shen just now may have alarmed the masters in Fengxie City. We must leave here quickly!"


Ling Feng nodded and carried Sheng, who was still worried and trembling, on his back.

This woman's other two personalities have been suppressed, and she doesn't know when she will recover. With her current timid appearance, we basically can't expect any help from her.

On the other side, Yan Qiutong helped the seriously injured Lu Chong, put his arm on his shoulders, and helped him leave the scene quickly.

Although Lu Chong was seriously injured, he met the woman he had longed for again and received such care from her, and his face was filled with great happiness.

Yan Qiutong felt Lu Chong's eyes, which were staring at her sternly, and couldn't help but frown, and said in a deep voice: "Lu Chong, if you keep staring at me like this, I will throw you aside and ignore you! "


Lu Chong then moved his eyes away and said with a smile: "You are still so beautiful, I couldn't help it, so I took a few more glances."

Yan Qiutong remained silent and stopped talking. The four of them left the scene as quickly as possible.

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