Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2939: The Man's Way! (2 more)

After running for more than half an hour, they were already very far away from Fengxie City. Only then did Yan Qiutong stop and sit down on the big rock beside the road while holding on to the road.

"Qiutong, I'm not tired yet. Let's keep walking. It won't take long for us to return to the camp."

Lu Chong reluctantly grabbed Yan Qiutong's hand, fearing that letting go would mark another eight years of separation.

Yan Qiutong took a deep breath, and there was some hesitation in his beautiful eyes, but it was eventually replaced by determination.

"I won't go back with you."

Yan Qiutong shook his head and said slowly: "Lu Chong, I shouldn't have exposed my identity in the first place, but I know that you sneaked into Fengxie City this time for the elites of the First Battalion. Their situation is not optimistic. You hurry up Bring the antidote to support."

"Qiutong,'s been so many years, why don't you go back with us?"

Lu Chong grabbed Yan Qiutong's hand tightly, and no matter how Yan Qiutong struggled to free himself, he refused to let go.

Ling Feng and Sheng stood aside. This was a matter between the two of them. They just watched quietly and couldn't interrupt.

"My mission is not completed yet."

Yan Qiutong sighed softly, and the Yuan Power on his palms circulated like a knife. Lu Chong's palm was cut directly, but he still refused to let go.

Yan Qiutong couldn't bear it, so he quickly withdrew his Yuan Power, gritted his teeth, and said, "Lu Chong, let go."

"I don't! I won't let you go again!"

Lu Chong looked deeply at Yan Qiutong, his eyes were red, he grabbed the scarf around his neck, choked up and said: "This is what you gave me back then, I have always kept it, I know, I know you have always, You always have me in your heart.”

"In my heart, there is only mission."

Yan Qiutong shook his head, "If this thing made you misunderstand something, then I will destroy it with my own hands today."

After the words fell, Yan Qiutong raised his hand and made a light stroke. The scarf around Lu Chong's neck suddenly split into two halves and fell to the ground.

At this moment, Lu Chong felt something hit him hard on his chest, and his palms subconsciously relaxed.

There had never been a moment when he felt so chilled, and everything from head to toe was just cold.

"Lu Chong, I... have never belonged to you, nor am I your lover."

Yan Qiutong turned around and smiled bitterly, "Okay, I'm leaving!"

"Wait...wait a moment."

Tears rolled down from the corners of Lu Chong's eyes. He took a deep breath and smiled sadly: "I know, I know! Obviously... you have never belonged to me for a moment, but in my heart, it seems that you have been lost. You thousands of times, haha...I am so stupid."

"Please tell me that I have always been dreaming and that you have never liked me, can you?"

Lu Chong's body was trembling slightly. In his heart, perhaps even the last glimmer of hope was completely shattered.

"Say it or not, what's the point?"

Yan Qiutong took a deep breath, smiled bitterly, as if mocking himself, and whispered, "I can't go back..."

Regardless of whether she is an undercover agent or not, whether she is able to complete the mission alive in the end, she is already a fallen protoss.

She lost her blade and her identity in the God Clan.

No matter why she became a fallen god, the world can often only see the result.

It was impossible for her to be with Lu Chong anymore. After all, Lu Chong's father was a high-ranking military commander.

He would not allow his son to be with a woman from the fallen God Clan.

Yan Qiutong left.

Lu Chong stood there like a wooden sculpture, as if with Yan Qiutong's departure, his soul also left with him.

On the other side, Sheng was holding the corner of his clothes, like a little quail, with his head lowered and his big eyes blinking, not knowing what he was thinking.


Ling Feng sighed softly, he really couldn't count on either of these two people.

"Captain Lu..."

In desperation, Ling Feng had no choice but to take a step forward, walked to Lu Lu, patted his shoulder gently, and said in a deep voice: "We should go back."

"Haha...hahahaha, go back?"

Lu Chong looked crazy and laughed, "If she wants to stay in the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm, then I won't go back. If she wants to become a fallen god, then I will also become a fallen god! She never said that she has never She didn’t say she didn’t like me! I’m going to accompany her!”


Ling Feng's forehead darkened. They all said that love can lower people's IQ, but it is rare for someone to lower their IQ so much.

"Captain Lu, I don't understand emotional matters, but can't you see that Miss Yan's concern for you is genuine?"

"So, that's why I want to stay with her. I know, I know she must have said this on purpose, to make me quit in spite of difficulties!"

Lu Chong said repeatedly: "But I will not give up, I will never give up!"

"What's the point of staying with her? Will it increase her danger and increase her risk of being exposed in the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "If you are a man, use your own way to get her out! What if one day, all the fallen gods in the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm are wiped out? Miss Yan still has Is it necessary to continue to stay in the Sea of ​​Curved Realm?”


Lu Chong was stunned. He looked deeply at Ling Feng and fell into deep thought.

"Think about it carefully, should you live and die like a loser, or should you use your own strength to clear all obstacles for the one you love?"

Ling Feng patted Lu Chong's shoulder lightly, "I know that you were once one of the candidates for the Ten Blades, but you chose to be decadent. Captain Lu, at any time, the most reliable person we can rely on is, You only have your own power!”

"I see!"

Lu Chong nodded heavily, his originally confused and sad eyes replaced by determination.

"Thank you Ling Feng!"

Lu Chong took a deep look at Ling Feng, "I understand, I want to become stronger, I want to become her support!"

"Just figure it out."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly, "Let's go back. Miss Yan has been able to hide in the Sea of ​​Qujing for so many years. She won't be exposed easily. Don't worry."

Ling Feng's mind flashed with the wretched look of the "Unpleasant Taoist". It was really hard for Yan Qiutong, a beautiful woman like a flower, to pretend to be that wretched look.

Lu Chong took a deep breath and picked up the scarf that had broken into two pieces on the ground.

He put the scarf away carefully, looked at the direction Yan Qiutong was leaving, clenched his fists, and whispered: "Qiutong, wait for me! I won't let you wait too long!"

This is his promise to Yan Qiutong and also to himself.

Only when you become stronger can you be qualified to strive for your own happiness!

"Okay, let's go back, everyone is waiting for us, and there are brothers from the first battalion who need antidote!"

Ling Feng picked up Sheng on his back, and at the same time supported Lu and rushed forward. Although the speed of the three of them was not fast, they were not far from the camp, and basically they would not encounter any other troubles.

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