Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2942 Desperate situation! (2 updates)

"Everyone cheer up and try to avoid more consumption!"

Yin Yan took a deep breath and said slowly: "No matter how difficult the situation is, no matter how desperate the situation is, I have survived it. This time it is just a small battle! Each one of them showed some kind of humanity to me. Don't encounter it." When it comes to the smallest things, he looks like he is on the verge of death!”

Yin Yan's words undoubtedly inspired everyone, but Yin Yan himself was not sure whether reinforcements could come and whether they could find a way to detoxify.

Although the saint's power of a saint-level powerhouse can suppress the spread of this poison to a certain extent, if this continues, within two days at most, his team may completely lose its combat capability.

Although in theory, they can last for about fifteen days, the actual situation is that in this desperate environment, even the iron will will eventually be defeated.

Once a person's will is destroyed, his body will naturally be captured.

All he can do is use his own method, even if it is deception, to not make everyone lose their fighting spirit.

Yin Yan stood up with difficulty. Although the place where they were currently hiding was concealed enough, it was impossible to say they were absolutely safe.

The Sea of ​​Crooked Realm is the territory of the fallen gods. No inch of land can be called absolute safety.

In order to reduce the chance of being discovered, all of them were hidden in such a small cave. The dark and damp environment gave people a feeling of despair.

"I'll go look for some food nearby."

Yin Yan took a deep breath. One day ago, all the food they brought with them had been consumed.

Although monks who have reached their level basically no longer need to eat, in the Sea of ​​Curved Realm, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extremely thin and can almost be ignored.

Eating is also a way to restore vitality.

Especially in their current state, even one more mouthful of food may mean they can live one moment longer.

This is why during the confrontation training of new recruits, an environment in which the original strength cannot be restored is deliberately simulated.

Because this environment is the current situation of the Sea of ​​Curved Realm.

The elites of Sao Feng Camp have been fighting against the fallen gods in the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm for a long time, so they must adapt to this environment more often than not.

"Captain, I'll go with you!"

The young man next to him took a deep breath and gritted his teeth.

"No, save your strength!"

Yin Yan glanced at the young man, got up and crawled out of the cave.

Yin Yan was lucky. It didn't take long for him to find a giant wolf that was as tall as a person. Although it was somewhat reluctant to share the food with dozens of people, it was still valuable food.

He took a deep breath. He had to fight quickly, otherwise he would be easily discovered by the fallen gods.

As a strong man in the ancestral realm, it is naturally easy to deal with a demonic wolf.

After a while, he killed the demon wolf, but trouble followed.


A burst of ferocious laughter came, and the next moment, three figures flew out from the depths of the dense forest.

"Sure enough, I took the bait!"

In the middle, a middle-aged man wearing animal skins sneered, "Captain Yin, we meet again!"

They were sure that the people from Saofeng Camp would definitely come out to look for food in this environment.

And the demon wolf just now was actually the bait they released.

Unexpectedly, Yin Yan actually took the bait.

This is not to say that Yin Yan is too stupid or reckless, but because of their current situation, they need some food to replenish their physical strength and energy.

Yin Yan frowned. The strength of these three people was not strong. If it were before the poison, he would have absolutely no problem even if he fought one against three.

But now, not to mention the poison in his body, there is not much energy left in his body.

To deal with these three fallen gods, I am afraid that I have more than enough ambition but not enough power.

"Captain Yin, tell me where the rest of you are hiding, and I might consider giving you a treat."

The man in animal skin sneered, "Otherwise, you will experience the most horrific torture in the world!"

Yin Yan closed his eyes, exhaled slowly, then opened his eyes again, and said with a faint smile: "Do you want me to betray my companions? It's a pity, I can't do it! But even if I die, at least I can If I can replace one of you, let’s put it together first, who would be more cost-effective to die?”

The expressions of the three people changed slightly, and they obviously all had their own thoughts, and no one wanted to be the one who was replaced.

For a while, the two sides were in a stalemate, and the three men were not in a hurry to attack, but just surrounded Yin Yan.

The man in the animal skin sneered: "Captain Yin, we have plenty of time to waste with you, but if you and your subordinates are poisoned, we will have to wait for death slowly."

"It doesn't matter. From the first day you join Sao Feng Camp, you need to be prepared to die."

Yin Yan shrugged, actually lit a fire on the spot and started grilling meat.

It's all death anyway, and it's better to be a well-fed ghost than a starving ghost.

"You are quite leisurely."

The beast-skin man's eyes were fixed on Yin Yan. The skinny camel was bigger than a horse, and the beast-skin man knew Yin Yan's strength well.

Therefore, even if Yin Yan was at the end of his strength, they did not dare to force himself.

As the saying goes, a trapped beast still fights. If Yin Yan fights to the death, one of them will die.

However, they are not in a hurry. The poison in Yin Yan's body will completely defeat him in a short time.

After a while, it was hot, and the aroma of barbecue wafted. Yin Yan ate happily and regained some strength.

In his current situation, although the other party did not dare to attack for a while, he was also unable to leave at all.

He can't go back. I'm afraid the last hope and last ray of will of his subordinates will be completely crushed by the desperate situation.

He clenched his fists. Are they really going to be wiped out?

"Captain Yin, I advise you not to have any other ideas. We really don't want to be replaced by you, but you can't get away either."

The man in animal skin stared at Yin Yan, "Of course, you should also understand that if you tell me the hiding place of other people now, maybe you can still save a life! We, the fallen protoss, will never reject others. Abandon darkness and embrace light!”

"What a man who turned from darkness to light!"

Yin Yan sneered, not bothering to argue with the man in animal skin.

Thoughts were racing in his mind, but he couldn't think of a way to break the deadlock.

Even if he tried his best to escape, so what, would he take these three people to find other companions, and then watch his companions be slaughtered by these people?

This is obviously not the way to go.

Reinforcements, reinforcements, when will you arrive?

At this moment, suddenly, several figures flew over. The first to bear the brunt was a girl with white hair and a white dress. She had an expressionless face and an indifferent look. She ran towards her for thousands of miles. Wherever she passed, a terrifying wave of waves rolled up. Gangfeng.

And this person, whom Yin Yan knew, was surprisingly the sixth of the Ten Blades, the Triple Sheng!

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