Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2943 Black vortex! (3 updates)

Reinforcements have arrived!

Sheng's petite figure was like a divine weapon descending from the sky.

She flew over and struck out forcefully without saying a word.


A man holding a short dagger to the left of the animal-skin man had his head smashed by Sheng's palm before he could react. His body went limp and he collapsed directly. He could no longer die.

Then, she slid sideways and punched out again. In her palm, an invisible blade seemed to emerge. When it flowed, it directly cut another fallen protoss into two.


Two clouds of blood mist exploded. Only one of the three fallen gods came face to face, and Sheng killed two of them directly!

Behind Sheng, Hua Xiaoshuang and Pang Shiliang, the two chief commanders, followed closely behind. Seeing Sheng's attack so crisply and neatly, they couldn't help but shake their heads and smile bitterly.

Sheng has three personalities, one of which is decisive and ruthless.

The other two personalities had been suppressed by the evil king's Qixiang, and she was already simmering with anger. These fallen gods had hit the muzzle of her gun.


Seeing this scene, Ling Feng's expression couldn't help but change slightly. He didn't expect that there was someone in Sheng's personality who was so decisive in killing.

She looked completely incompatible with her appearance as a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old girl.

As expected, none of the ten-blade warriors is a fuel-efficient lamp.

Powerful is synonymous with Ten Blades!

Although Sheng's strength is far from reaching the level of Ye Weiyang who can instantly kill several ancestral realm experts with just one divine projection, in Ling Feng's view, it is already very terrifying.

Half a year!

Ling Feng clenched his fists. The wedding between Mu Qianxue and Ye Weiyang only had less than half a year left.

Can he really reach Ye Weiyang's level within half a year?

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Although his talent was strong, his training time was indeed too short.

"This this……"

The only remaining beast-skin man looked at his two companions and was instantly killed. The beast-skin man couldn't help but trembled, and stared at Sheng with a horrified look on his face.

"You... how could you possibly do that?"

The island is surrounded by a thick poisonous mist. If they forcefully pass through the poisonous mist, they will definitely be poisoned.

But now it seems that these people have obviously broken in, but they don't look poisoned at all.

Sheng did not answer the man in animal skin. His eyes were cold and he waved his palm. The man in animal skin also went to hell with his companions.

" are finally here!"

Yin Yan's face was full of excitement. The reinforcements finally arrived. Their support for so long was not in vain.

"Captain Yin, we are late!"

Hua Xiaoshuang stepped forward quickly, took out an antidote pill, and handed it to Yin Yan's hand, "This is an antidote pill. Take it quickly."

Yin Yan nodded repeatedly, "Gulu", and drank the elixir. As the power of the medicine dissolved in his body, the poisonous gas accumulated in his limbs and bones was discharged from his body bit by bit, and his whole body felt much more relaxed.

"It really works!"

Yin Yan was overjoyed, looked at Hua Xiaoshuang, gave a thumbs up and said: "Mr. Hua is worthy of being the Holy Hand Medical Immortal in Sao Feng Camp, he is indeed amazing!"

Hua Xiaoshuang shook her head. This detoxification pill was the formula that Ling Feng came up with. It was Ling Feng who risked his life to sneak into Fengxie City and bring out the Scorpion Tail Flower.

"This is all thanks to our new vice-captain. Okay, we will discuss the specific details when we get back. Where are the others?"

Hua Xiaoshuang glanced at Yin Yan and asked in a deep voice.

"I'll take you there!"

A big stone finally fell from Yin Yan's heart.

After a while, everyone gathered with the elites of the first battalion. After taking the antidote pills, they also swallowed some pills to restore their energy and blood, and basically recovered to 30 to 40%.

"Everyone has recovered, we must get out of here as soon as possible!"

Pang Shiliang looked at the group of elites under Yin Yan's command. Although there were many casualties, fortunately, the vigor and fighting spirit in his eyes had not been lost.

It has to be said that Captain Yin Yan is indeed very good, and he managed to survive with his subordinates in this desperate situation.

"I believe that the Fallen Gods will soon notice our movements, so we must leave as soon as possible!"

Hua Xiaoshuang also nodded. If he stayed for a moment longer, he would be in more danger.

Although they seem to have a lot of people here, most of them are recovering from serious injuries. If they are surrounded by the fallen gods again, even with a ten-blade strongman like Sheng, it may be difficult to break through the encirclement.


Yin Yan took a deep breath, and everyone approached the shore of the island in an orderly manner. Pang Shiliang launched the fairy ship, and everyone boarded the ship one after another.

As long as they break out of the countercurrent, it means that they will escape smoothly, and this mission will be successfully completed.

However, at this moment, a large number of evil cultivators from the fallen gods had already arrived.

In the previous battle, although Sheng tried her best to fight quickly and did not cause much noise, the ten-blade level aura she released in an instant still attracted the attention of the evil cultivators entrenched on the island.

"You go first, I'll come to the rear!"

Sheng snorted coldly and flew out of the ship.

With her strength, it is more than enough to intercept these evil cultivators.

"Ten Blades!"

The other party sent a total of forty or fifty evil cultivators, each with a ferocious look, surrounding Sheng.

Sheng's whole body flashed with a dazzling white light, and then, a pair of huge wings sprouted from behind him. When the wings flapped, his whole aura instantly became extremely terrifying.

A hint of fear flashed in the eyes of those evil cultivators. When they wanted to retreat, they were completely blocked by Sheng's aura.

I saw Sheng flapping its huge wings and intercepting it on the coast. It was astonishing that one man could hold the barrier and ten thousand men could not stop it.

After a while, Pang Shiliang's ship had completed its acceleration and blasted out like a cannonball. Pang Shiliang shouted, "Sheng, you can come back!"

At this moment, Sheng had killed more than ten people in succession, frightening the fallen protoss. Hearing Pang Shiliang's voice, Sheng was still a little unfinished, but he still flapped his wings and prepared to catch up with Pang Shiliang's ship.

However, just when her figure was about to catch up with the big ship, a huge wave unexpectedly rolled up from the depths of the dark sea, and a black whirlpool completely swept Sheng's body into it.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he quickly took action, turning the armor left behind by the Immortal King into the form of a chain. He flicked the chain blade and wrapped it tightly around Sheng's waist.

Ling Feng shouted loudly, and in an instant, all the Dragon Elephant's divine power exploded, and veins popped up all over his body. However, at the other end of the chain, it seemed that a heavy object that could not be described in words was pulled. Ling Feng groaned, His body was actually dragged by the chains.

call out!

Before the others could react, Ling Feng's body was already pulled over, and soon, he was also involved in the whirlpool.

The next moment, the black whirlpool disappeared, and the sea was calm, as if nothing had happened...

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