Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2947 An ominous premonition! (1 update)

Ling Feng collected the wild fruits, and then tore a few strips of cloth from his tattered clothes as a temporary package, wrapped all the wild fruits, and tied it around his waist.

After doing all this, Ling Feng took off his shoes, washed them briefly in the small puddle, and began to pour water into his shoes.

"What are you...what are you doing?"

Sheng blinked curiously, not knowing what Ling Feng was doing.

"Holding water."

Ling Feng said expressionlessly: "Now we don't have any containers, and we can't open the Soul Ring, so we can only use shoes to make do. The military boots of the Xiaofeng Camp are sewn with monster skins, which are very waterproof and can be used to hold water. If the water in this puddle is left here, it will evaporate soon, and it will be difficult for us to obtain other fresh water resources."

"But...but..." Sheng was stunned, hesitating for a long time, but still couldn't say a complete sentence.

"If you dislike my shoes, you can use your own." Ling Feng shrugged. It was already this time, and they were still being picky. These young ladies from big families were really troublesome. "If you don't want to drink the water in my shoes when you are thirsty tomorrow, then use your own." Ling Feng continued. Sheng hesitated for a moment, probably still thinking that her feet might be more fragrant, so she hurriedly took off her small boots. As a genius of the God Clan and a ten-blade strongman, Sheng's boots were made of better material than Ling Feng's. She was still wearing white socks inside, but they were already stained with red blood. She had been rushing for half a day before, and the blisters on her feet were all worn out. Martial arts masters usually don't touch the ground. One move a year is a thousand feet away, so there is no need to walk so hard. Now that she has completely become a mortal, Sheng has suffered. Soon, Sheng also walked to the puddle and repeatedly washed her boots. After washing countless times, she still seemed to be a little disgusted. Ling Feng's forehead darkened, and several black lines appeared, "I asked you why you washed so many times?"


Sheng looked at Ling Feng timidly, aggrieved and about to cry.

"After washing again and again, what you finally drank was all the water in it?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes unhappily, feeling that this woman's IQ was worrying.

But he didn't dare to offend this little girl too much.

Although she looks like a harmless little girl, in fact, she is a ten-blade strongman!

In order to avoid the girl's revenge later, it is better to be as gentle as possible.

"Okay, okay, this is also for survival."

Ling Feng said patiently: "When you are so thirsty that your throat is about to smoke, you will drink water that is dirtier than this without hesitation."

Sheng lowered her head aggrievedly, calling in her heart, why did she let herself face all this.

Obviously, her two "sisters" are stronger and more powerful than herself!

"Okay, let's go back." Ling Feng tied his shoes with a cloth strip and hung them around his neck, preparing to return to the place where the dragon rested. The night on the island was very cold, almost below freezing. Only the heat from the dragon could resist the cold. Otherwise, their mortal bodies would probably be frozen into ice. Ling Feng walked in front to clear the way, but not far away, Ling Feng found that the little girl behind him was actually falling further and further behind. Ling Feng's forehead went dark, and he said speechlessly: "Can you walk faster? The sun will soon set, and we will all be frozen to death by then." Sheng nodded vigorously and speeded up to catch up, but because she was barefoot and her soles were worn out, she fell to the ground after a few steps, and she cried in pain. However, she did not speak, climbed up again, gritted her teeth and followed Ling Feng. Although the main personality of this little girl is timid and cowardly, she is unexpectedly very strong. "Hey..." Ling Feng frowned and walked to Sheng's side, helping her stand steadily. Looking down, the girl's white soles had been pierced by thorns in several places, and her ankles were covered with mud and blood. Sighing, Ling Feng was a little helpless. It was indeed difficult for such a delicate girl to walk barefoot in the jungle. And she was able to endure it until now without saying a word. This kind of stubbornness made Ling Feng admire it a little. Ling Feng thought about it, squatted down in front of Sheng, and said slowly: "Come up?" "Hmm?" Sheng widened her eyes and hesitated. "I said come up!" Ling Feng turned his back to Sheng and said impatiently: "Hurry up. Don't waste time, I'll carry you back." At Sheng's speed, I'm afraid she will be frozen to death before she can get to the dragon. In this environment, as companions, we must support each other. "But...but..."

"Why so many buts? Come up!"

Ling Feng's stern voice made the poor girl dare not refute anything. She quickly climbed onto Ling Feng's back and then lay on his back very quietly.

"Thank...thank you."

Sheng said timidly.

In the outside world, her main personality is well protected by the other two personalities. "They" have always protected her, so she basically rarely has any direct communication with outsiders, and she doesn't know what to say. .

Ling Feng didn't speak, but just quickened his pace. He could feel the temperature dropping rapidly, and even he was trembling a little.

Sheng behind him subconsciously hugged his neck tightly, obviously unable to withstand the biting cold.

"It seems to be extremely cold today!"

Ling Feng couldn't help but complain. He looked up at the sky and saw a full moon rising slowly.

"Is it a full moon night?"

Ling Feng had a bad premonition in his heart, always feeling that something would happen today.

Finally, Ling Feng brought He Sheng back to the place where the dragon rested without any danger.

The heat radiating from the dragon made them both feel much warmer.

They sat down next to the dragon, who was still sleeping.

Ling Feng put down the Sheng and rekindled the bonfire nearby.

This bonfire was built with great difficulty by Ling Feng by drilling wood. When he left, he kept the fire and only needed to ignite it.

After a while, the campfire made a "cracking" sound. Unfortunately, there were no tools for boiling water, otherwise I would still be able to drink a sip of hot water.

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