Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2948 A strange beast from the wild? (2 updates)

Just then... Goo!

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, and then heard another sound... Gu!

He sat up and looked at Sheng next to him with a half-smile.

"I'm sorry, my... my stomach."

The bonfire nearby made Sheng's face glow red. Sheng covered his stomach in embarrassment and said timidly: "My stomach is growling with hunger."

"me too."

Ling Feng smiled helplessly and couldn't help but look back at the giant dragon behind him.

Such a big dragon is almost ready-made food.

If you cut off a piece of meat, it would be enough to fill their stomachs.

Ling Feng's eyes scanned the body of the giant dragon, and he felt like he was almost hallucinating from hunger. The dragon in front of him was like a piece of fragrant barbecue. Ling Feng almost shed tears of dissatisfaction.

But after thinking about it, Ling Feng still resisted his urge to eat the dragon.

Not to mention whether he has this ability now, this dragon finally broke his brain and thought that he was its master, and a little trust was established between them.

If you really cut off a piece of its flesh, the dragon probably won't trust you anymore.

The more critical reason is that their only hope of leaving the island is that the dragon can recover quickly.


Ling Feng sighed, took out some wild fruits he had picked before, opened them in the open space between the two of them, and said in a deep voice: "Eat them alive."

Apart from them, there are no other creatures on the island.

Ling Feng tried digging for earthworms and looking for insects, but to no avail. He even dared to go into the sea to catch fish, but he didn't even see a hair. In the end, he was washed back by the sea water and choked several times.

Sheng didn't care about anything else, grabbed a green fruit and stuffed it into his mouth.

The fruit was very sour, astringent, and unpalatable. Sheng frowned because of the sourness and almost shed tears.

However, Ling Feng looked calm, as if nothing had happened.

For a ruthless person like Ling Feng who had planted the Qi-forging Hunyuan Lock countless times in succession, he could bear the pain of having his bones broken one by one. This sourness was nothing.

As the night got darker and darker, Sheng bit the bullet and ate a few fruits, but in the end he couldn't eat any more. He could only start to fantasize about all kinds of delicious food, and began to force himself to sleep like a self-hypnosis.

When you fall asleep, you are no longer hungry.

Ling Feng sat cross-legged and closed his eyes to rest.

Although he is unable to practice without Yuanli, his habits over the years will not change.

Sleep is such a luxury for him.

The full moon hangs high.

At this moment, a terrifying muffled sound came from the depths of the island, seemingly from the extremely deep underground.

Immediately afterwards, the ground shook, and Ling Feng suddenly opened his eyes, and the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense.

Sheng on the side was also frightened and woke up, trembling all over, like a frightened little rabbit. He didn't care about the relationship between men and women, and directly shrank into Ling Feng's arms, hugging Ling Feng tightly. Tiger waist.

Roar! ——

Another terrifying roar came, as if it came from hell. It was extremely dull, but it hit people's hearts hard!


Ling Feng frowned. He had already sensed that something was wrong with this island, but he didn't expect that this day would come so quickly!

"Fa...what happened?"

Sheng turned pale with fright. The only person she could rely on now was Ling Feng.

"I don't know, but tonight, I'm afraid it will be a turning point."

Ling Feng clenched his fists. No matter what, there was a terrifying existence on this island.

It might kill them, but there's another possibility.

If it is smart enough, maybe it can communicate with him.

Amid the terrifying shaking, even the surrounding seawater roared, and waves arose on the sea.

And at this moment, the sleeping dragon not far away seemed to be awakened by the roar!

The sleeping dragon has woken up, but...

Clearly, both Sheng and Ling Feng heard the giant dragon let out a mournful cry!

There was actually a deep fear in the dragon's cry!

It was completely panicked, as if it had remembered something, and it flapped the wings on its back crazily, not caring about the injuries on its body, as if it wanted to escape from this ghost place.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, he put one hand around Sheng's slender waist, and then jumped out towards the giant dragon with a triple jump.


Like a fierce tiger, Ling Feng rushed to the side of the giant dragon, grabbed the dragon's scales with one hand, and climbed up along the scales.

Sheng was completely frightened and could only hug Ling Feng tightly. Her life was left in Ling Feng's hands.

The giant dragon didn't seem to care that Ling Feng and Sheng were hanging on him.

To its huge body, Ling Feng and Sheng are just like two tiny ants.

The giant dragon flapped its wings crazily, and Ling Feng felt like the wind was filling his eyes and ears. He gritted his teeth and kept climbing up. Only by riding this giant dragon could they have a chance to leave here.


The roar sounded again, and Ling Feng felt as if his eardrums had been penetrated, and the giant dragon was so frightened that it urinated as it continued to rise high into the sky with the flapping of its wings.

However, at this moment, a huge bloody mouth suddenly burst out of the dark sea.

The giant dragon's huge body is like a meatball at best compared to its bloody mouth!

A strong fishy smell hit his nostrils, and Ling Feng couldn't even open his eyes, and the giant dragon was so frightened that he let out a panicked roar.

Immediately afterwards, no matter how much the dragon flapped its wings, it could not escape at all. It watched the bloody mouth open and close, and it was about to swallow the dragon whole into its belly.

"Damn it!"

Ling Feng cursed loudly. His mouth was dozens of feet wide. How big must this monster under the sea be?

Could it be that this is the legendary beast from ancient times?

Ling Feng quickly released his palm, kicked the giant dragon hard, and quickly moved away from the dragon's body.

Unfortunately, a terrible suction force had locked his body, and Ling Feng's heart "thumped".

It’s over!

Once swallowed into the belly of a wild beast, it won't take long for him to turn into a golden thing.

Sheng was so frightened that he fainted, but he held Ling Feng's waist tightly with both hands, as if he had hit a deadlock, and Ling Feng couldn't break it open even if he wanted to.

Originally, Ling Feng wanted to try to throw Sheng away, maybe there would be a chance of survival, but now I'm afraid he can only hold her together until death.

Along with the smelly wind, Ling Feng felt as if he had entered the esophagus along with the giant dragon. His consciousness became increasingly blurred and his body became weaker.

Finally, Ling Feng's will could not resist anymore and he fainted completely.

What kind of fate awaits him is beyond his control.

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