Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2959 Shenshui Palace! (1 update)

"Okay, stop being poor."

Lu Chong shook his head, looked at Ling Feng, and said solemnly: "Ling Feng, how much valuable information did you get?"

Ling Feng shrugged and smiled lightly: "It's quite a lot."

"About the other two strongholds of Nether Palace, is this news valuable?"


Lu Chong's eyes suddenly lit up as they saw that this was not only valuable, it was simply too valuable.

"Is this information valuable about which protoss is secretly providing cover for them?"

"good very good!"

Before Lu Chong could speak, Henry Zhang burst out laughing and slapped Ling Feng firmly on the shoulder, "You are quite capable, how can you even pull this off? You can't really... ahem... ...What, sacrificing color?”


Ling Feng's head went dark. Indeed, these evil cultivators have always been soft-spoken. It would be even more difficult to get words out of their mouths.

However, Ling Feng can directly use the memory reading method, which is naturally much easier.

"It's just some small tricks, not worth mentioning."

Ling Feng laughed and changed the subject: "Besides, I also got some interesting news."

"what news!"

One after another, all eyes looked towards Ling Feng.

"The reason why the fallen protoss took the risk of being exposed this time and purchased a large amount of supplies from the Nether Palace was to go to an overseas ruins, what is it called..."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment and then slowly said: "Shenshui Palace!"

"What, Shenshui Palace!"

Lu Chong's eyelids twitched suddenly, as if he remembered something terrible. He stared at Ling Feng and asked in a deep voice: "Ling Feng, do you really mean what you said?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, nodded and said: "It's absolutely true."

This is the information he plundered from the memory of a masked woman, so it cannot be false.

It's a pity that the people from the Netherworld Palace came over too quickly, and he didn't have time to seize more memories. Otherwise, he could get more information about the Shenshui Palace.

"If it is really the ruins of Shenshui Palace, this matter is of great importance and must be reported to the General Secretary as soon as possible!"

Lu Chong's face was extremely serious, and he glanced at Ling Feng with a complicated expression, pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "Zhang Yang, Ji Ruye, you and Ling Feng will stay here first, and cooperate with the people from the Divine Fire Legion to take care of the aftermath. I must Return to Saofeng Camp as soon as possible, I hope it’s not too late!”

After saying that, Lu Chong flew directly through the air and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and seeing Lu Chong's hurried appearance, he couldn't help but feel a little strange, turned to look at Henry Zhang, and asked: "Vice Captain Xiao, what is going on in this Shenshui Palace. "

"You don't even know about Shenshui Palace. You are really ignorant."

Xiao Yang sighed softly, a look of fear flashed in his eyes, and after a long while, he said: "Shenshui Palace, it is really our Sao Feng Camp back then, no... Shenshui Palace, it should be the most important place in the entire history of Yuanshen Temple. The huge shadow is also a piece of history that people don’t want to mention.”

"When talking about Shenshui Palace, we have to mention Shenshui Yinji."

Henry Zhang said slowly.

"Shenshui Yinji, I've heard of it too!"

Jin Rulie couldn't help but interject: "I heard that this person was a proud woman of heaven who was more than three thousand years ago. She was not only outstanding in appearance, but also had talents that surpassed all the geniuses of the three high-level gods of the same era. , Even our contemporary saints from the Jiuli Divine Clan are inferior."

"How could such a talented person become a shadow in the history of Yuan Temple?"

Ling Feng was a little curious.

"Because she eventually became a fallen god."

Henry Zhang sighed: "In other words, it is precisely because of her appearance that the Fallen God Clan has grown to such an extent! In fact, before her, the Fallen God Clan was almost completely annihilated. It was precisely because of her The appearance of the fallen gods has kept the fallen gods alive for three thousand years, and they have not been able to get rid of it to this day.”

"Moreover, she established the so-called Shenshui Palace to single-handedly compete with the entire Yuan Temple Alliance."

Henry Zhang took a deep breath, shook his head, and said with a wry smile: "So, even though she is a fallen god and is born as a girl, I still admire her a little bit."

"Such a character..."

Ling Feng asked himself, indeed, no matter what kind of person she was, her terrifying strength alone was enough to be admired.

"Fortunately, the appearance of Shenshui Yinji was like a flash in the pan. Although it brought the fallen gods to an unprecedented height, she soon disappeared."

Xiao Yang continued: "With the disappearance of Shenshui Yinji, Shenshui Palace will naturally decline. But..."

"But what?" Ling Feng blurted out and asked.

"It seems that you really don't understand the situation at all!" Xiao Yang paused, and then said: "The three high-ranking patriarchs of the gods at that time, as well as the contemporary general director of Xiaofeng Camp, disappeared in Shenshui Yinji After that, they worked together to explore the Shenshui Palace. Unfortunately, nothing was gained in the end, but at that time, they felt that there seemed to be some terrible power hidden in the Shenshui Palace. "

"Just in case, the three chief clan leaders and the contemporary general secretary jointly used the sealing technique to completely seal the ruins of Shenshui Palace. Now, three thousand years later, those fallen gods actually want to go to the ruins of Shenshui Palace. This I’m afraid it means that the seal of Shenshui Palace has been loosened!”

"It's loose, so what?"

Jin Rulie asked very straightforwardly.

"If I'm not wrong, within the ruins of Shenshui Palace, there is a power that even the former clan leaders and the current president are afraid of. Now that the seal is loose, I'm afraid..."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and analyzed in a deep voice.


When Ling Feng explained this, Jin Rulie immediately reacted, "Oh no, doesn't that mean a huge catastrophe?"

Everyone looked at Jin Rulie with idiot-like eyes, meaning: You just reacted!

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. Shenshui Palace actually hid such secrets. No wonder Lu Chong looked so panicked.

If the fallen gods were allowed to get there first and obtain the power that made the Divine Water Yin Ji powerful in the first place, wouldn't it mean that the world would be in chaos!

When the time comes, the fallen gods fight their way out of the Sea of ​​Curved Realm, and the entire Zhongyuan Domain will probably be in trouble from now on.

At this moment, Mu Qianyang of the Jiuli Divine Clan seemed to have noticed that the situation in the inn was a little abnormal, and came in with a dozen elite members of the Divine Fire Legion.

However, when they saw the corpses on the ground, they knew that the battle inside seemed to be over.

When Na Mu Qianyang saw Ling Feng, he couldn't help but be a little surprised. This kid was actually unscathed?

It seemed that this kid was lucky enough to be rescued by people from Sao Feng Camp.

Little did he know that this stronghold was completely taken over by Ling Feng alone.

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