Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2960 Bringing humiliation to oneself! (2 updates)

"Isn't there anyone left alive?"

Seeing the corpses on the ground, Mu Qianyang couldn't help but frown.

There are no survivors, which means that their clues may be cut off.

"The valuable information is all in my head."

Ling Feng pointed at his head. He really didn't have much favorable impression of Mu Qianyang.

In comparison, although they are also the "second generation" of the Jiuli Divine Clan, Jin Rulie is much more pleasing to the eye.

"Where's Captain Lu?"

Mu Qianyang ignored Ling Feng, but said a little strangely: "Why, when did a mere big-headed soldier become so humble that he could interrupt at will?"

Henry Zhang frowned and glared at Mu Qianyang fiercely, "Captain Lu left beforehand. This Ling Feng is also at the level of deputy captain. Why, isn't he qualified to speak?"

Judging from the rank, the deputy captain of Sao Feng Camp is actually at the same level as the partial general of the Divine Fire Legion.

However, due to the difference in overall numbers, Mu Qianyang, as a partial general, can command thousands of troops under his command.

As for Ling Feng, the deputy captain, his men were relatively poor. There were only less than thirty people, and all of them were women with not very outstanding fighting ability.

After all, he is just the deputy captain of the medical battalion.

"vice captain?"

Mu Qianyang couldn't help but laugh, "Haha, it looks like your deputy captain of Saofeng Camp is nothing more than that."

"Damn it, I've been putting up with you for a long time!"

Henry Zhang couldn't hold back his bad temper. It was okay if Lu Chong blocked him before, but now that Lu Chong is gone, in terms of rank, he is the one who calls the shots here!

He was itching with hatred and gritted his teeth and said: "You self-righteous second generation ancestors, if we, Saofeng Camp, hadn't intercepted the fallen gods in the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm, would it be your turn to dominate here?"

Mu Qianyang shrugged and said with a disdainful smile: "The Fallen Gods are just a bunch of rabble. For so long, you have been unable to eliminate the Fallen Gods. If it had been our Divine Fire Legion, the result would have been different! "

"Fuck your stinky bitch!"

Xiao Yang finally broke out, and Mu Qianyang said that he couldn't do it, but how many companions had Saofeng Camp sacrificed and how many comrades were killed or injured in order to fight against the fallen gods for so many years?

And all of this, in the eyes of Mu Qianyang, is actually not worth mentioning?

Not only Henry Zhang, but also Ji Ruye's eyes clearly flashed with a chill.

"Why, it's just because you have practiced for decades more than me. When this general reaches your age, I will be able to suppress you with one hand!"

Under the pressure of Xiao Yang and Ji Ruye's momentum, Mu Qianyang couldn't help but take two steps back, took a deep breath, and said with a serious expression.

"In that case, let me learn from Young Master Mu's clever tricks."

Ling Feng took a step forward, and his patience with Mu Qianyang finally reached its limit.

This guy has really never seen a ghost before going out. This time, let him see it!

"My age is no more than thirty, so I shouldn't be bullying you, right?" Ling Feng stared at Mu Qianyang and said calmly.

"No more than thirty?"

Mu Qianyang's eyelids twitched slightly. His age was already over sixty years old, and Jin Rulie was about the same age as him.

In fact, the geniuses who can reach the peak of the holy level and the extreme realm are all around sixty or seventy years old.

This is still a high-level protoss. If it were an ordinary protoss, it would probably be one or two hundred years old.

For a saint-level powerhouse with a lifespan of more than three thousand years, one or two hundred years old is also a very young age.

"Hmph, boy, I'm really bullying the younger one by trying to fight with you, but..."

Mu Qianyang narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Since you are not afraid of humiliating yourself, I will help you!"

As soon as these words came out, whether it was Henry Zhang, Ji Ruye, or other members of the Sao Feng Camp, they all snickered secretly.

This Mu Qianyang has hit the wall this time.

Because Ling Feng is now stronger than Henry Zhang!

Mu Qianyang didn't even dare to fight Xiao Yang head-on. If he faced Ling Feng, I'm afraid he would be the one to bring humiliation to himself!


In an instant, the Jiuli Divine Fire around Mu Qianyang burst into flames.

As the main line of the Jiuli Divine Clan, the Mu family controls the Jiuli Divine Fire, which is naturally purer than the divine fire of other lines.

Although Jin Rulie and Yu Junyao are both from the Jiuli Divine Clan, their Jiuli Divine Fire is far inferior to that of Mu Qianyang.

However, what made Mu Qianyang dumbfounded was that his Jiuli Divine Fire instantly enveloped Ling Feng. He originally thought he could defeat this person instantly, but the next moment, he discovered that he had lost control of his original Divine Fire. .

Ling Feng's palm was slightly raised, and the flames wrapped around Ling Feng's body were actually put away by Ling Feng, and condensed into a ball of beating flames in the palm of his hand.

" is that possible?"

Mu Qianyang's eyes widened. His original divine fire was actually controlled by an "inferior god"?

"With your little ability, you can't help but point fingers at me, the Sao Feng Camp?"

Ling Feng snorted coldly and waved his hand, returning Mu Qianyang's original flames.


Flames erupted, and Mu Qianyang wanted to regain control of the Jiuli Divine Fire, but found that he was completely unable to do so.

In just a moment, the flames exploded in his chest, sending him flying out and his whole body was scorched black.

If he hadn't been a member of the Jiuli God Clan and had a certain degree of immunity to flames, he would have been forced to lie in bed for a month.

"Okay! Well done!"

Henry Zhang clapped his hands and cheered, feeling relieved in his heart.

Ling Feng's instant kill earned Saofeng Camp enough face.

"As expected of Brother Ling!"

"Brother Ling is still fierce!"

The rest of the members of the Sao Feng Camp admired Ling Feng to the extreme. The differences between the upper-level gods and the upper-level gods, and the age gap, were completely meaningless in front of Ling Feng, a freak.

Perhaps, only those strong men at the ten-blade level can surely defeat Ling Feng.

"Cough cough cough..."

Mu Qianyang exhaled a puff of black smoke and stared at Ling Feng with wide eyes, "How can you control the Jiuli Divine Fire?"

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

Ling Feng shrugged, too lazy to talk to Mu Qianyang.


The soldiers of the Divine Fire Legion hurriedly stepped forward to help Mu Qianyang up, all of them looking tense.

After all, this is the Jiuli Divine Domain and the homeland of the Jiuli Divine Clan.

The Divine Fire Legion is the overlord here.

With just one word from Mu Qianyang, he can easily mobilize thousands of troops!


Mu Qianyang climbed up with the help of his subordinates. He glanced at Ling Feng with a complicated expression. He actually changed his previous arrogant attitude and just gritted his teeth and said: "I was arrogant before. Vice-captain of Saofeng Camp, indeed Very powerful.”

Ling Feng raised his head and looked at Mu Qianyang. Although this guy was a little self-righteous, he could still afford to lose.

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