Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2970 The last blade! (3 updates)

"It turns out to be the evil king of the fallen gods!"

Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng took a deep breath and understood in his heart that this was a trap designed by the fallen gods to trap top experts like them.

However, to trap them, the fallen gods would have to pay a high price.


Qin Zheng, the leader of the Haotian God Clan, sneered, "I really don't know if you fallen God Clan are smart or stupid. Eight people trapped four of us. It seems like we made a profit!"


Among the eight evil kings, one of them, a man with an unusually pale complexion and a mouth full of sharp fangs, laughed ferociously, "Jie Jie Jie... it's enough to trap you. As for the rest, you can do it yourself." Deal with the Thirteen Evil Lords!"

Upon hearing the words "Thirteen Evil Lords", Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng and the three chiefs of the clans all felt a thump in their hearts at the same time, secretly exclaiming that something was not right.


Qin Zheng shouted violently, and his whole body surged with momentum. Behind him, a huge sword dozens of feet long slowly rose up, "You can even try to trap me with your ability to break the magic circle!"

Qin Zheng struck out with his sword, and the void rumbled and shook. However, he slashed out with his sword, and even though he chopped the Evil Lord in front of him into pieces, the next moment, the Evil Lord that had been crushed into pieces actually regrouped. In mint condition.

"Stop wasting your energy."

The man with a mouth full of fangs laughed and said, "Just stay inside. Soon, you will see that the entire Zhongyuan Realm is about to completely change!"

"Damn it!"

Qin Zheng frowned deeply. The magic circle that trapped them was a seal formed by the eight evil kings, eight in one. It was impossible for any of them to break it.

He tried a few more times without giving up, but to no avail.

"Clan Chief Qin, don't waste your strength in vain."

Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng took a deep breath, sat down cross-legged, and said calmly: "Instead of consuming so much energy, it is better to calm down and maybe find the flaws. Moreover, we should try to trust those young people."

"Haha! Yes, this world belongs to young people after all."

Jiuli Clan Chief Mu Xuanxiao laughed loudly and sat down cross-legged.

From the very beginning, the key to sealing Shenshui Palace was never the four of them!

Ye Changtian, the leader of the Haotian clan, also nodded. Without saying anything, he began to gather strength. They had to calm down and summon the weakest link in the formation.

Then, with the strongest strength, he defeated the magic circle in one fell swoop!

Although Qin Zheng was a little anxious, he was not a brainless person. He clenched his fists and followed the example of other clan leaders and sat down cross-legged.

Although they are all trapped here, it is also equivalent to holding back the eight powerful evil kings on the other side.

For the rest, we can only place our hopes on the juniors.

"I'm afraid this is a trap targeting several clan leaders and Chief Sao Feng!"

The elders of the higher-level gods and the elites of Sao Feng Camp are not just a mob after all.

After the initial panic, he and Kuai calmed down.

"With the strength of several clan leaders, Mr. Souji, even if the other party's powerful evil kings send out all their troops to deal with them, it is still a delusion!"

The person who spoke was none other than a general from the Sao Feng Camp, General Wang.

There were originally three major generals in the Sao Feng Camp. General Lu had already died, and there was still one general left at the headquarters of the Sao Feng Camp.

This General Wang was the only General who came with him.

Now that Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng is away, General Wang is currently the top commander of Sao Feng Camp.

Similarly, the Jiuli Divine Clan, Tai'a Divine Clan and Haotian Divine Clan also have a deputy clan leader accompanying them.

Although the clan leader is absent, there is still a deputy clan leader who can give orders.

According to the original plan, the three major protoss and the four major camps of Sao Feng Camp decided to split up.

The search for soul-sacrifice treasures is urgent, and the fallen gods must not be allowed to get there first.

After a while, the three major divine clans all followed their own senses and looked for the sacrificial objects left by their ancestors that day. Only Xiaofeng Camp had no clue at the moment.

After all, the three major protoss rely on the induction of blood, and in the Sao Feng Camp, probably only Chief Sao Feng knows how to find the sacrificial objects in the Sao Feng Camp.

"In the past, Shenshui Palace was sealed with the power of the Ten Blades."

At the critical moment, it was Ye Weiyang who stood up and said solemnly: "Perhaps, we can use the power of the ten blades to find the location of the spirit sacrifice."

"Just give it a try."

A man with short black hair and slitted eyes said slowly.

This person is the second strongest among the Ten Blades. His name is "Silver". He carries a bright silver spear behind his back. Although he looks a bit thin, he has defeated the God King Blade and obtained the God King. A strong man recognized by the blade.

Everyone nodded, and General Wang Shen also stepped forward and said slowly: "Weiyang, it's good to have you."

Ye Weiyang's identity is not only the leader of the Ten Blades of the Sao Feng Camp, but also the Holy Son of the Haotian Divine Clan.

Originally, he could have acted together with the Haotian God Clan, but Ye Weiyang finally chose Sao Feng Camp.

Ye Weiyang nodded towards General Wang Shen, and immediately took out his God King Blade.

This is a divine weapon that is completely black, like a dark night, like a touch of night, invisible and without quality. This sword is the night god.

Then, Silver, the second among the ten blades, also took out his own magic spear.

Then there is the third of the Ten Blades, named Duanmu Bai, a very handsome man with long hair shawl, wearing a black and white gown, holding a slender narrow sword in his hand, the blade has the arc of a blossoming petal. .

His sword is called "Burial Flower."

Soon, everyone took out their own blades and stacked them together until only the last person remained.

The ten-blade warriors headed by Ye Weiyang all looked at Ling Feng.

He is the final blade.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and strode forward.


The remaining disciples from the Sao Feng Camp didn't know why Ye Weiyang and the others were looking at Ling Feng.

"What's happening here?"

"He...he doesn't also have ten blades, right?"

All the disciples were dumbfounded, Ling Feng was clearly just a newcomer!

Then, under the stunned and shocked eyes of everyone, Ling Feng slowly took out his own Destruction of All Directions.

He destroyed all directions and placed it on top of all the blades.

In an instant, the ten blades lit up brightly at the same time, and a beam of light rose into the sky.


Everyone was dumbfounded. Ling Feng was actually one of the Ten Blades!

"This guy……"

Yan Jinghong tightened his fists. Under Ling Feng's incredible speed of progress, he always felt that he was beyond his reach.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!"

Hua Yangming's eyes widened and he stared at Ling Feng's back in disbelief, "Brother Ling, it's really the Ten Blades!"

"No way……"

Jin Rulie's eyes almost popped out of his head. They joined the Sao Feng Camp at the same time and belonged to the same batch of recruits.

However, Ling Feng has actually become one of the Ten Blades?

How on earth did this guy do it?

"No wonder, even Vice Captain Xiao was defeated by Brother Ling." Fu Chaochen smiled bitterly, Ling Feng was hiding too deeply.

The recruits who were in Ling Feng's group all felt a sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, there is such a "monster" among the disciples in the same batch as them, and he is not even a disciple of the upper-level God Clan!

"This brat..."

Henry Zhang shook his head and smiled bitterly, "No wonder it has only been so long, and even I am no longer his opponent. It turns out that this kid is already one of the ten blades!"

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