Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2971 Stay at your position! (1 update)

Above the ten blades, a glow burst out and turned into a pillar of light, rising into the sky.

All the members of Sao Feng Camp looked up at the beam of light, with awe and admiration in their eyes.

The Ten Blades can be said to be the goal pursued diligently by every member of the Sao Feng Camp. As the saying goes, a soldier who does not want to become a general is not a good soldier.

The members who can join the Sao Feng Camp are undoubtedly talented warriors from the major protoss races, and there are also geniuses from the upper protoss races.

These people naturally have the ambition to stand in the center of the stage and become the center of attention.

It's a pity that now, the focus of the audience is undoubtedly the ten-blade strongman headed by Ye Weiyang!

Ling Feng is also one of them.

Yu Junyao's eyes were always fixed on Ling Feng, and she was secretly excited in her heart: Unexpectedly, this brat, so cold-blooded, actually became one of the Ten Blades.

Even she didn't hear anything about it beforehand.

Mu Qianxue also showed a hint of surprise. Three years ago, when he was in the Eastern Spiritual Territory, Ling Feng was not even the Human Emperor. A mere Canglong Demon Emperor almost pushed Ling Feng to a desperate situation.

And just three years later, Ling Feng has actually reached such a state!

He is already a strong man who can stand together with the other Ten Blades and fight side by side.

Mu Qianxue took a deep breath. Only with the power of seven generations of inheritance could she make such rapid progress, and Ling Feng...

He must have suffered a lot to be able to reach this level and reach this level of strength...

Thinking of this, Mu Qianxue couldn't help but feel a little sad in her heart. If she could, she really wished that she had been by Ling Feng's side all these years, sharing hardships and struggles with him.

Even if you just look at his back silently, that's fine.

The light of the ten blades lasted for about thirty breaths, and then, a rather strong feeling was clearly produced in the minds of all the strong men with the ten blades.

"over there!"

Everyone's eyes turned to the southeast.

Ye Weiyang nodded and said in a deep voice: "It seems that the sacrificial object used by our Sao Feng camp to seal the Shenshui Palace was in the southeast."

General Wang Shen on the side also walked forward excitedly, "Okay, now that we have determined the direction, let's start taking action!"

After thinking for a while, General Wang Shen said in a deep voice: "Members of the medical battalion, stay where they are. Where is the captain of the third battalion and the first team and the second team?"

"My subordinate is here!"

The captains of the two teams immediately stepped forward and gave a standard military salute to General Wang.

"You lead your disciples and are responsible for protecting the members of the medical camp!"

General Wang Shen said solemnly: "Your mission is very important. The medical camp is also the logistics support for us and the other three major protoss. Once there are wounded, they will be sent back as soon as possible. Therefore, no matter what, we must hold on to the logistics position. Understand "?"

The reason why General Wang Shen arranged this was mainly because most of the members of the third battalion were new recruits. Although they were all talented warriors, relatively speaking, they still had less combat experience.

It is relatively more appropriate for them to stay at the position.


The two captains shouted loudly.

"As for you..."

General Wang looked at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng is also a member of the medical camp, and he is also one of the Ten Blades.

If he were allowed to stay where he was, Zong Yan and Liu Xu, who had previously received orders from Chief Sao Feng, must personally protect Ling Feng, so it would be equivalent to leaving two top combat forces behind at once.

This is really a waste.

However, Ling Feng is only a preliminary member of the Ten Blades after all, and has not really grown up yet.

In order to seal the Shenshui Palace in the end, we must rely on Ling Feng's power, so he must not be allowed to be in danger.

For a moment, Wang Shenjiang was in trouble.

"Brother Ling, just stay and defend your position."

At this time, it was Ye Weiyang who spoke. As the leader of the Ten Blades, although he was nominally one level lower than General Wang Shen, his right to speak was somewhat more powerful than General Wang Shen.

Ling Feng smiled helplessly and nodded.

After all, I was still underestimated!

However, it is true that there are many dangers in the ruins of Shenshui Palace, but who knows whether those people from the fallen protoss will secretly attack the members of the medical camp after all the experts have left.

In this logistics position, it is indeed necessary to arrange for strong men at the ten-blade level to guard it.

Liu Xu and Zong Yan are both very suitable candidates.

"Then, let's go."

Ye Weiyang's face turned solemn. Except for Ye Weiyang himself who was in a group, the remaining ten-blade warriors were divided into two groups, and then each led a group of elites from the Sao Feng Camp to search for spiritual sacrifices.

"Brother Ling, hold on to your position. Logistics tasks are equally important!"

Yun Fu patted Ling Feng on the shoulder and said a few words of comfort to Ling Feng. After all, based on his understanding of Ling Feng, Ling Feng was considered a fighting maniac. If he was not allowed to go out to perform the mission, he would probably feel uncomfortable all over.

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded. Among the ten blades, his friendship with Yun Fu was relatively deep. Yun Fu was indeed a good friend.

Sheng glanced at Ling Feng with a somewhat complicated look, wanting to say something, but the next moment, his expression changed, and he snorted, turning into a cold expression.

Obviously, she has entered a fighting state and directly switched to the "killing personality" side.

After a while, the remaining ten-blade warriors were grouped into groups, and each set off to find something to offer sacrifices to the spirit.

In the logistics position, a group of disciples also began to set up camp under the command of the medical battalion chief Hua Xiaoshuang and team leader Jiang Mengli.

As for the members of the third battalion, first team and second team, they began to set up defenses around them and set up defensive formations.

Liu Xu and Zong Yan were guarding the two corners of the camp, one behind the other, and their spiritual thoughts were always locked on Ling Feng.

Their first mission is always to protect Ling Feng's Zhou Quan.

At this moment, Ling Feng was helping the female soldiers in the medical camp set up tents.

These tents were set up first, mainly so that if there were any wounded, they could be directly brought into the tent for treatment.

Although this kind of "work" is really boring for Ling Feng, Ling Feng is also a doctor after all.

He is very important. Killing the enemy on the front line is important, but logistics and medical care are also very important.

Seeing that the two captains and vice-captains, Jiang Mengli and Ling Feng, were doing their part, the girls in the medical camp also worked harder.

Not far away, Mu Qianxue and Yu Junyao were busy helping the female disciples in the medical camp.

Although Mu Qianxue is now a saint of the Jiuli Divine Clan, she does not have that aloof aura about her. She is still as pitiful as she was in the Tianwei Academy.

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