Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2972 ​​Black Smoke Evil Ancestor! (2 updates)

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, there were fewer and fewer people in the tent, and Yu Junyao pushed Mu Qianxue to Ling Feng's side.

The two of them were getting closer and closer, but they pretended not to look at the other.

In the end, it was Yu Junyao who gently bumped Mu Qianxue, knocking Mu Qianxue into Ling Feng's side, and then said with a smile: "Cousin, I think it is necessary to explain your matter face to face. OK."

Mu Qianxue's face turned red, she gritted her silver teeth and did not walk away, which seemed to be her acquiescence to Yu Junyao's approach.

Ling Feng coughed awkwardly, glanced at Mu Qianxue, shook his head and smiled, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Ye Shen is a very good person, Miss Mu, congratulations."

"You brat, what are you talking about!"

Yu Junyao's eyes widened, she never expected that Ling Feng would say such a sentence.

Mu Qianxue gritted her silver teeth, glanced at Ling Feng, took a deep breath, forced out a smile, and smiled at Ling Feng, "Thank you."

"On your wedding day, don't forget to ask me for a glass of wedding wine."

Ling Feng clenched his fists, and after finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out of the tent.

Since everything is a foregone conclusion, then why bother?

"You brat, you..."

Yu Junyao looked at Ling Feng's back, then looked back at Mu Qianxue. She originally wanted to create a chance for Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue to be alone, but who could have imagined that it would end up like this.

"Yao'er, thank you for your kindness, but..."

Mu Qianxue smiled bitterly, "Brother Ling and I are just destined to be together."

After walking out of the tent, Ling Feng found a relatively quiet environment and sat down on a boulder.

My mind was a little messy, but after asking myself, Mu Qianxue was definitely the first woman to enter my heart.

Therefore, when he saw Mu Qianxue and Ye Weiyang acting very "intimate", he was somewhat disgusted.

But he knew better that Ye Weiyang was more suitable for her than him.

Since this was Mu Qianxue's own choice, maybe she should let go of everything calmly.

Shaking his head and smiling, Ling Feng took a deep breath, trying to calm down completely.

Suddenly, two sounds of wind roared, but it was Zong Yan and Liu Xu, one on the left and one on the right, already speeding towards him.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he suddenly looked around. Only then did he realize that in front of him, less than a hundred feet away, a black coffin was beating up and down.

After taking a closer look, he discovered that there were dark shadows jumping around the coffin, carrying the black coffin and approaching him.

Directly in front of the coffin, there is a black shadow, which seems to be directing the black shadow behind it.

These black shadows are all evil spirits!

"Five ghosts carrying the coffin?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. At this time, Liu Xu and Zong Yan had already arrived.

"Sure enough, it's still here!"

Zong Yan roared and sneered. His muscles suddenly swelled, and his body shape also increased a lot, reaching a height of two and a half meters.

Facing the enemy attack, Zong Yan seemed a little excited.

After all, it was a bit boring for him to just guard Ling Feng without fighting.

"Ling Feng, your reaction is a bit slow!"

Liu Xu frowned and glanced at Ling Feng. When the black coffin approached, Ling Feng showed no reaction at all.

If they hadn't noticed in time, Ling Feng might have been attacked by surprise.

"I was just thinking about something..."

Ling Feng smiled helplessly. In such a dangerous environment, it was really ridiculous that he was still thinking about the love between his children.

"This black coffin is a little weird!"

Liuxu looked serious and said a little solemnly: "Silly man, be careful!"

"Hmph, it's just a few evil spirits!"

Zong Yan sneered, "Don't forget, the blades in our hands have a certain inherent restraint effect on evil spirits. Especially this kid, what he has in his hands is the God King Blade!"

At this time, the five black evil spirits had stopped. Within the black light, a thick black smoke rushed towards the face. This black smoke was cold and evil, full of resentment and evil aura. In this black light, Under the impact of the smoke, ice slag formed on the ground and walls, and black smoke rose from the ice shards. The black smoke was as real as the substance, and from time to time it turned into phantoms of struggling ghost faces.

At this time, the warriors from the medical battalion, the first team of the third battalion, and the second team also noticed the situation here, and they all became vigilant.

"Return to the camp and don't act rashly!"

Liu Xu turned around and glanced at everyone. They were the ones to handle the battle here.

After everyone heard this, they all retreated a hundred meters behind Zong Yan and the others.

There are ten-blade strong men here, so there is really no need for them to get involved.

At this moment, a "bang" was heard.

The coffin lid opened, and a twisted black figure jumped out.


Zong Yan shouted violently, and the ground beneath his feet cracked, and giant rock pillars protruded, forming a stone wall, blocking the front of the black coffin.

"Suppress and kill from all directions!"

The next moment, Zong Yan raised his right fist high and clenched it tightly, and the huge rock pillars closed towards the black coffin, as if he wanted to turn the black coffin into powder.

Boom boom boom!

However, a series of explosions were heard, and Zongyan's rock wall shattered in an instant. From the black coffin, a monster with an extremely twisted face and an extremely disgusting look emerged from the black coffin.

"It's still a bit tricky!"

Zong Yan frowned, unexpectedly he failed to kill the evil spirit in the black coffin with one blow.

The next moment, Zong Yan grabbed it with his big hand and directly used his "Hammer of Cangshan", which was Zong Yan's blade.

His ranking is seventh among the Ten Blades. Although he is on the lower reaches among the Ten Blades, in terms of absolute power, he can be regarded as the best among the Ten Blades.


A hammer blasted out, whipping up a terrifying gust of wind. The black coffin evil spirit's pair of ghost claws instantly became more than ten meters long, and then twisted, layer by layer, entangled on Zong Yan's Cangshan Hammer, making it Zong Yan had the feeling that he had all his brute strength, but couldn't use it.

"What a stupid guy!"

Liu Xu cursed lowly, pulled out a soft sword from her waist, and flew up to fight with Zong Yan against the black coffin evil spirit.

With its own strength, this evil spirit was able to withstand the attacks of two strong men with ten blades at the same time without falling behind.

And his identity is probably already revealed!

Evil Ancestor!

This black coffin evil spirit is probably one of the Thirteen Evil Ancestors!

But Hua Xiaoshuang yelled, "Zong Yan, Liu Xu, your opponent is probably the Black Smoke Evil Ancestor among the Thirteen Evil Ancestors!"

Black Smoke Evil Ancestor was a powerful general under the command of Shenshui Yinji during his lifetime. Countless powerful men from the God Clan died in his hands.

After his death, after thousands of years, although his strength has weakened a lot, but with the body of the evil spirit, he is almost immortal, but it has become much more difficult.

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