Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2976 The Black Prison of Despair! (3 updates)


Mu Qianxue nodded, "That's not my power, but that kind of power gives me a very familiar feeling."

She looked at Ling Feng and was not surprised that Ling Feng could master Jiuli Divine Fire.

Back in the Eastern Spiritual Realm, Mu Qianxue injected her own divine blood into Ling Feng's body in order to cure Ling Feng.

With Ling Feng's talent, it is quite normal to be able to control Jiuli Divine Fire.

However, she couldn't understand why Ling Feng could promote Jiuli Divine Fire to such an extent just by relying on some of his own divine blood.

Although in terms of power, it may not be as good as the top experts of the Jiuli God Clan, in terms of quality, it is not far behind even compared to myself, the Jiuli Saint.

Ling Feng shrugged and said calmly: "By chance, I got some luck, and my Jiuli Divine Fire also experienced some changes."

Mu Qianxue nodded, this was probably the only joint explanation.

"I think that since the fusion flame we just used can instantly defeat the Black Smoke Evil Ancestor, it may also have a restraining effect on the evil spell that traps us."

Ling Feng looked at Mu Qianxue and said in a deep voice, "Let's try again."

Mu Qianxue bit her silver teeth and without any hesitation, slowly activated the Jiuli Divine Fire in her body.

Ling Feng also sacrificed his original flame.

When the two flames met, they quickly merged into one, just like a fish in water.

The flames in Ling Feng's palm and the flame in Mu Qianxue's palm seemed to have an invisible suction force. By some strange coincidence, Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue raised their palms at the same time.

The next moment, Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue's palms touched each other, and the flames in their bodies blended with each other little by little using their palms as a medium.

Immediately afterwards, the palms of the two people separated. At the moment when the palms of the two people separated, a red fireball spun between the palms of the two people at high speed, spinning faster and faster, becoming bigger and bigger.

In the blink of an eye, the fireball was already the size of a human head. As if they had a telepathic connection, the two controlled the fireball and smashed it into the surrounding void.


In an instant, the whole world shattered like a mirror.


Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue felt their bodies sink. When they came to their senses, they had already landed on their feet and were back on the ground again.

boom! boom!

Behind him, two figures fell from mid-air and fell heavily to the ground.

"Damn, what the hell is this place!"

The cursing voice sounded, and it was Zong Yan's voice.

Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue looked at each other. The method just now worked as expected. Their flames merged and exploded with power, breaking the evil spell of the Demonic Heaven and Evil Ancestor.

Ling Feng pulled Mu Qianxue to the front of Zong Yan and Liu Xu, stretched out his hand to pull Zong Yan up, and said calmly: "Brother Zong Yan, are you okay?"

Zong Yan patted the dust on his butt, looked around, and said angrily: "What a ghost, I was sucked here out of nowhere, but..."

The next moment, his eyes saw the palms of Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue.

Until now, the two people's hands are still tightly held together.


Zong Yan coughed a few times and stared at the two people's tightly held palms. He couldn't help but think of a green cap in his mind.

Ye Shen, are you going to be a cuckold?

He quickly shook his head. This news was a bit too exciting.

Liu Xu was also shocked, ten times more shocked than when she met the powerful Evil Ancestor.

Oh dear, what kind of drama is this?

It seems that Ye Shen personally sent his fiancée to Ling Feng.

What kind of fun is this?

Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue realized this problem and quickly withdrew their palms. Ling Feng took a deep breath and quickly explained: "The situation was urgent just now, I just..."

"Okay, okay, I'm not a night god, why are you trying to explain it to me?"

Zong Yan grinned, "Ye Shen can rest assured that Saint Jiuli will be by your side. What can I say?"

As a woman, Liuxu could naturally see some clues in Mu Qianxue's eyes.

When Mu Qianxue looked at Ling Feng, there was a light in her eyes that looked at the person she loved, but for Ye Weiyang, she only had pure awe, nothing more.

She could tell that Mu Qianxue liked Ling Feng, but it was a pity that Holy Girl Jiuli and Holy Son Haotian were getting married.

Mu Qianxue's marriage is ultimately not hers to make the decision on.

"Let's find out where this place is first."

Liu Xu changed the topic and covered up the embarrassment.

As a woman, she is naturally more willing to help Mu Qianxue, and as a child of a divine family, she also understands that many times, they do not have much freedom to choose their beloved, even if they are a saint.

"Jie, Jie, Jie, you actually broke through my great evil spell. I really underestimate you!"

The void tore open, and in front of everyone's eyes appeared a man who looked fierce, with black spells all over his body, a ferocious face, and a mouth full of fangs.

This person is the Demonic Heavenly Evil Ancestor who has turned into an evil spirit!

There were still some scorch marks on the robes of Demonic Heaven and Evil Ancestor. Obviously, Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue's joint attack just now still posed a considerable threat to him.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have terminated the great evil spell that covers the sky, and would have to release Ling Feng and the others.

"Another ugly guy with a hideous face!"

Liuxu cursed lowly and snorted coldly: "Ugly monsters, you have been dead for so many years, and you still insist on running out to be a monster. Hum, the consequences of running out to be a monster will be the same as that of the Black Smoke Evil Ancestor. Annihilated by ashes, never to be restored again!"

"A stinky woman with sharp teeth and a sharp mouth!"

Demonic Heaven Evil Ancestor's eyes were filled with fierce light, but he was afraid of Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue's flames and did not dare to act rashly.

"I did not hesitate to expend a lot of evil power to bring you here. Do you think this is just a redundant move?"

The Demonic Heavenly Evil Ancestor laughed ferociously, "Hmph, you probably don't know what kind of place this is, right? This is the former dark prison of despair in my Shenshui Palace, and it is also where the evil spirit is strongest. After thousands of years of experience, Years later, under this dark prison of despair, terrifying evil spirits comparable to those of the Thirteen Evil Ancestors have already been born! You guys, just wait to die!"

After Demonic Heaven Evil Ancestor's words fell, as if to confirm his statement, there were terrifying roars all around, making people's scalp numb.

Then, translucent shadows penetrated from the surrounding walls. They were so densely packed that there were hundreds of them!

Moreover, the aura of these evil spirits is no less than that of the Black Smoke Evil Ancestor before!

A sneer flashed in the eyes of Demonic Evil Ancestor, "It turns out that I only wanted to get rid of the Jiuli Saint, but now it seems that I can also get rid of three more Ten Blades. Jiejiejie, a great achievement! A great achievement. One piece!”

The next moment, the Demonic Heavenly Evil Ancestor waved his big hand, and hundreds of evil spirits all rushed towards Ling Feng and the four of them as if they were going crazy.

For a moment, a billowing evil aura rushed towards them, and the entire space was filled with an almost viscous evil aura. Under the suppression of the evil aura, they even felt that the attribute power and attribute rules in their bodies were suppressed.

One is ebbing and the other is ebbing, this battle may be difficult...

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