Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2977 Void whipping! (1 update)

"This... so many..."

Zong Yan's eyes widened. His earth-based rules could not be used in this hopeless black prison, and his strength was undoubtedly greatly reduced.

Liu Xu also took a deep breath, his face extremely solemn.

The aura of these evil spirits was no weaker than the previous black smoke evil ancestor.

And just one black smoke evil ancestor had already made them use almost all their skills.

Not to mention, the environment of the hopeless black prison was very unfavorable to them.

With one side gaining and the other losing, they could hardly see any chance of winning.

"Damn it!"

Zong Yan was so depressed that he vomited blood. He didn't expect that he, a powerful Ten Blades, would eventually die in the hands of these evil spirits who didn't even have a name?


Outside the battle circle, the Demon Heavenly Evil Ancestor laughed grimly, "Enjoy the taste of being possessed by evil spirits and having your soul and soul swallowed up bit by bit!"


Ling Feng took a deep breath and looked at Mu Qianxue. The two glanced at each other and nodded as if they had a telepathic connection.

The next moment, the two of them stretched out one palm each and pressed it together, and a stream of heat was transmitted between their palms.

Then, the Jiuli Divine Fire in their bodies became agitated at the same time. As their palms gradually separated, a high-speed rotating fireball appeared in their palms.

And this time, the power they mobilized was several times higher than when they broke through the evil magic of the Demon Heavenly Evil Ancestor before.


A wave of heat swept out with Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue as the center.

Then, a high-pitched and sharp roar exploded from the void, like a dragon roaring in the sky, and a huge fire dragon circled around the two of them.

On the dragon's body, blazing flames were wrapped around it. The flames swept through, and all evil spirits were turned into ashes wherever they passed!

The fusion fire that Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue jointly exerted was the nemesis of all evil spirits.

In just a blink of an eye, amid the screams of those evil spirits, the scorching heat flow had already burned the surrounding space of hundreds of feet.

Those terrible evil spirits were all turned into ashes under the fusion fire.

"This... this..."

Zong Yan and Liu Xu were stunned, especially Zong Yan, who was stunned and his eyes were about to pop out of his eye sockets.

Even if they were slow, they still reacted that there seemed to be some special connection between Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue.

Their power was fused together, and they could burst out an unprecedented terrible power.

Therefore, it was not just Mu Qianxue's power that killed the Black Smoke Evil Ancestor before.

It was the fusion power that was fused together by Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue.

The Demon Heaven Evil Ancestor was also completely dumbfounded.

In his eyes, whether it was Ling Feng or Mu Qianxue, they were just some youngsters who were still wet behind the ears.

Mu Qianxue's cultivation was only at the early stage of the ancestral realm, and Ling Feng had not even reached the ancestral realm.

But why can they control such a powerful and terrifying flame?

"Too... too strong!"

Hundreds of evil spirits were swept away by Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue in an instant. Zong Yan swallowed hard and had a strange idea in his mind.

If the Jiuli Saint and Ling Feng joined forces, could they compete with Ye Shen?

After thinking about it, Zong Yan couldn't help shaking his head. The flame just now was indeed very strong, but the most important reason was that the Jiuli Divine Fire had a natural restraint on evil spirits.

And this restraint did not exist for Ye Weiyang.

Therefore, the power of the two of them combined was still not enough in front of Ye Weiyang.


After a brief shock, Zong Yan also reacted and laughed: "Old monster, I see what tricks you have, use them all!"

The Demon Heavenly Evil Ancestor, with a ferocious face, stared at Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue, gritting his teeth with hatred.

If I had known this, I would never let these two people get together!

Unfortunately, it is too late to regret now.

Recalling the horror of the flame just now, Demon Sky Evil Ancestor actually had the idea of ​​retreating.

If he continued to entangle, he would probably follow the footsteps of Black Smoke Evil Ancestor.

With this in mind, Demon Sky Evil Ancestor did not care about anything else. Shenshui Yin Ji was about to be reborn. As long as Shenshui Yin Ji was resurrected, what could these two juniors do?


Demon Sky Evil Ancestor's figure flashed, and he was about to escape into the void.

"Don't even think about it!"

Ling Feng was well prepared. At the moment when Demon Sky Evil Ancestor tore open the void, his eyes flashed with purple light, and the Eye of the Void summoned several thick purple tentacles.

"Void Whip!"


Those void tentacles slapped Demon Sky Evil Ancestor head-on. With a whip, Demon Sky Evil Ancestor trembled all over and was paralyzed.

Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue seized the opportunity and used the Fusion Fire again.

In an instant, the fusion flames ignited the Demonic Heavenly Evil Ancestor. After a while, the Demonic Heavenly Evil Ancestor also turned into sparks and finally exploded with a "pop".


Then, a bell-shaped treasure fell to the ground. This was the Demonic Heavenly Evil Ancestor's natal evil weapon.

It seems that the reason why the thirteen evil ancestors can be reborn as evil spirits is because they have retained their natal evil weapons.

This rebirth after five thousand years is probably premeditated.

"After I destroy this thing, let's see how it can be resurrected!"

Zong Yan roared, as long as the original evil spirit still exists, the Demonic Heavenly Evil Ancestor can absorb the energy of evil spirits again, wait for the opportunity, and be resurrected.

Therefore, the only way is to completely destroy their original evil weapons.

"It would be a shame to destroy it."

Ling Feng stopped Zong Yan this time. Forgetting the claw blade of Black Smoke Evil Ancestor before, he couldn't expose too many of his trump cards in front of so many people.

Ling Feng stretched out his hand to take a shot, put away the Demonic Heaven Evil Ancestor's original evil weapon, and said lightly: "Although this evil weapon contains the ultimate evil energy, it is a rare treasure in itself, and the materials used to create it are also valuable. It’s not cheap, it would be a pity to just scrap it.”

"Brother Ling, this thing is really evil."

Zong Yan couldn't help but glance at Ling Feng and reminded him.

"Don't worry. I am a disciple of the Feng Mo clan. My Hunyuan power is more than enough to restrain these evil spirits."

Ling Feng laughed and described his power to restrain evil spirits as the power of Hunyuan.

Of course, to a certain extent, the power of Hunyuan and Ling Feng's power of chaos are slightly similar.

Zong Yan did not doubt that he was there, he just nodded and said calmly: "You and Saintess Jiuli defeated the Demonic Heavenly Evil Ancestor. You just have to deal with this thing."

"Don't worry, I know it well." Ling Feng nodded slightly at Zong Yan, and then threw the evil weapon into the Naling Ring.

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