Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2978 The curtain of the night of front! (2 updates)

"Junior Brother Ling."

At this time, Liu Xu came over. She glanced at Ling Feng and asked with some confusion: "Just now, the method you used to force the Demonic Heavenly Evil Ancestor out of the void seems..."

Although Ling Feng had concealed it, what kind of person Liu Xu was, a ten-blade level master, and how vicious his eyesight was.

She clearly sensed a hint of demonic aura!

If the fallen gods are the public enemies of the entire alliance of gods, the demons are indeed the public enemies of all living creatures in the entire Xuanling Continent.

It also includes humans, monsters, gods, and even these fallen gods.

If Ling Feng was a demon, his threat would be greater than that of the Divine Water Yin Ji.

"Haha, Senior Sister Liu Xu, are you trying to say that the method I used to summon the void life just now is somewhat similar to the ability of the demons?"

Ling Feng smiled lightly and pointed it out directly without any concealment.

Liuxu gritted her silver teeth and finally nodded, "Yes, I hope junior brother can give a reasonable explanation."

After hearing the conversation between Liu Xu and Ling Feng, Zong Yan also realized for a moment that Ling Feng's ability to summon void tentacles just now was indeed a bit strange.

"Does Senior Sister think I am a demon?" Ling Feng smiled and asked.

"How could Brother Ling be a demon?"

Mu Qianxue blurted out, her eyes looked at Ling Feng, and she gritted her teeth and said: "The physique of the demons rejects the blood of our gods, and I once poured the divine blood into Brother Ling, so he cannot be a demon. ”


Liu Xu glanced at Mu Qianxue and then at Ling Feng, obviously not expecting that Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue still had such "past events".

The original divine blood of the gods was so precious that Mu Qianxue was willing to inject her own divine blood into Ling Feng's body.

Their relationship is indeed extraordinary!

"Senior Sister Liuxu."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and said lightly: "I am not a demon, but I did learn some of the demon's methods by accident. One of my teachers once told me that everything in this world Power has no distinction between good and evil. It only depends on the person who uses it. If it is used correctly, it will be good, and if it is used wrongly, it will be evil."

"I see."

Liu Xu nodded, bowed to Ling Feng, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, junior brother, I'm just paranoid."

"After all, the demons once caused devastating disasters to the Xuanling Continent. It's no wonder that senior sister is so serious."

Ling Feng waved his hand and said calmly: "Okay, this is not a place to stay for a long time after all, we'd better leave quickly."


Zong Yan nodded repeatedly, "Brother Ling, are we going back to the camp now?"


Ling Feng shook his head and said: "You two, haven't you noticed that we seem to be very close to the spiritual object due to accidental collision?"


Zong Yan and Liu Xu looked at each other, and sure enough, according to the previous instructions of the Ten Blades Power, the sacrificial objects used to seal the Shenshui Palace in the Sao Feng Camp were indeed not far from here.

In other words, the Demonic Heavenly Evil Ancestor actually brought them to the vicinity of the spiritual sacrifice.

"It seems that we have no choice but to bring back the spiritual objects with great difficulty! Haha"

Zong Yan burst out laughing, this is probably called finding nowhere after wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get there.


On the devastated land, a burly man with an iron tower gasped for air. This man was none other than the Crazy Sky Evil Lord of the fallen God Clan.

Beside Mad Sky Evil Lord, one on the left and one on the right, one is exuding a terrifying cold air, and the other is a wrinkled, skinny old man. They are respectively the second and third among the Thirteen Evil Ancestors. The strongest ones: Hanyou Evil Ancestor and Wanshou Evil Ancestor!

These three powerful men worked together to deal with Ye Weiyang, but they didn't have the slightest advantage!

No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't even hurt Ye Weiyang.

As for Ye Weiyang, he was calm and calm from beginning to end. It seemed that even under the joint siege of these three people, they could not force out all his strength.

"Yakami is indeed a night god, he is really strong!"

"The power of the night god is not something ordinary people like us can understand."

All the disciples of the Sao Feng Camp were full of pride. In their eyes, Ye Shen Weiyang, the leader of the Ten Blades, was almost synonymous with invincibility.

"Every time I see this kid take action, his strength has completely changed compared to before!"

Pang Shiliang also took a deep breath and murmured to himself: "In less than a hundred years, I'm afraid his strength will surpass Mr. General Secretary."

Of course, Ye Weiyang is powerful, but the opponent is not an easy character to deal with.

Although his Blade of the God of Night has considerable restraint against Hanyou Evil Ancestor and Wanshou Evil Ancestor, the two evil ancestors did not give Ye Weiyang a chance to directly attack them, but mainly used Kuang Tian Evil Lord to attack them. In order to attack from the front, they used many evil spells to provide assistance.

Therefore, Mad Sky Evil Lord was almost exhausted to death, but the consumption of these two evil ancestors was actually not that big.

Being ranked among the top three of the Thirteen Evil Ancestors, they are fundamentally different from the Black Smoke Evil Ancestor and the Demonic Sky Evil Ancestor.

That is to say, Ye Weiyang is here, otherwise, if it were other ten-blade warriors, they would have been defeated long ago.

However, only Ye Weiyang could make the other party take it so seriously and send such a battle.

Ye Weiyang's face was as cold as a god's, and there was infinite mystery and truth in his eyes.

His realm has surpassed the shackles and bottlenecks of his own cultivation. This is the terrifying thing about integrating the power of seven generations.

"We don't have much time, it's time to make a quick decision."

Ye Weiyang took a deep breath. During the battle just now, he had gradually become familiar with the opponent's many methods and fighting style.

Then, it’s time to harvest heads.

"Boy, you are too arrogant!"

Han Youxie Ancestor stared at Ye Weiyang with angry eyes.

"Oh, Evil Ancestor?"

Ye Weiyang smiled disdainfully, "Five thousand years ago, you were the evil ancestors, but now, you are just some undead souls."

"court death!"

The eyes of Hanyou Evil Ancestor and Wanshou Evil Ancestor erupted with furious fire at the same time. Ye Weiyang's contemptuous attitude undoubtedly angered these two powerful men who dominated the world thousands of years ago.

Ye Weiyang's face remained unchanged, the clouds were light and the wind was gentle. The Night God's Blade in his hand was like a dark night light, with a little star-studded light, and he made a gentle stroke without any fancy.



In an instant, two heads soared into the sky. The Hanyou Evil Ancestor and the Wanshou Evil Ancestor both had their heads separated, and billowing evil energy spurted out from their necks.


Ye Weiyang pointed her finger and issued an order. Then, the bodies and heads of Hanyou Evil Ancestor and Wanshou Evil Ancestor were penetrated by billions of starlights and twisted into tiny particles that could not be seen clearly by the naked eye.

The two evil ancestors were killed in an instant by Ye Weiyang's thought.

And all of this, every step, is within Ye Weiyang's calculations.

During the battle just now, the space around him had already been covered with a night curtain.

Under the night, he is the master!

"you you……"

The only remaining Kuangtian Evil Lord began to panic. Is this the so-called Night God?

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